The Economics of Regional Clusters


The Economics of Regional Clusters

Networks, Technology and Policy

9781847205155 Edward Elgar Publishing
由乌维Blien编辑,研究所就业复位arch and Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany and Gunther Maier, WU Wien, University of Economics and Business, Austria
Publication Date:2008 ISBN:978 1 84720 515 5 Extent:320 pp
This important book takes a critical view on regional industry clusters, in particular their identification and formation, and the policies which help create and support them.

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This important book takes a critical view on regional industry clusters, in particular their identification and formation, and the policies which help create and support them.

The distinguished international contributors comprehensively discuss the theoretical and empirical issues concerning clusters and cluster policy from a regional economic perspective. Based on a broad range of methods, the authors derive results about the existence and structure of regional industrial clusters and assess their contribution to the development of regions. As a whole, the book examines the hyperbole that often surrounds clusters by employing sound scientific evidence and rigorous analysis.

Academics and advanced students of regional science, regional economics and economic geography will find the academic discussion of spatial concentrations of economic activities to be of much interest. Policymakers will also appreciate the critical approach taken towards the currently fashionable cluster policy.
Critical Acclaim
‘. . . this book will be of greatest interest to empirical researchers who wish to stay up-to-date with the recent work from both sides of the Atlantic. The blend of methods, empirics, and policy will also be of value to researchers that are interested in understanding the policy context of their research.’
– Henry Renski, Review of Regional Studies
Contributors: B. Alecke, C. Alsleben, U. Blien, T. Brenner, M.J. Burger, J.C. Duque, E. Feser, P. Franz, G. Heimpold, S. Iammarino, M. Kiese, S. Köhler, N. Litzel, G. Maier, P. McCann, J. Möller, L. Monteiro Monasterio, A. Otto, O. Raspe, S.J. Rey, M.T.W. Rosenfeld, F. Scharr, A. Torre, G. Untiedt, F.G. van Oort, M. Wrobel

1. The Starting Point
Uwe Blien and Gunther Maier

2. Innovation Dynamics and the Structure and Evolution of Industrial Clusters
Simona Iammarino and Philip McCann

3. First Steps Towards a Critical Appraisal of Clusters
André Torre

4. A Network Based Approach Towards Industry Clustering
Juan C. Duque and Sergio J. Rey

5. Industry-specific Spatial Agglomerations in Germany
Thomas Brenner

6. Sectoral Concentration, Business Networks and Innovative Competences in East Germany – An Empirical Approach to Identify Economic Clusters
Martin T.W. Rosenfeld, Peter Franz and Gerhard Heimpold

7. Clusters and the Spatial Structure of Wages in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil): A Multilevel Approach
Leonardo Monteiro Monasterio

8. Measuring Specialisation and Concentration in Regional Clusters – An Empirical Analysis for Eastern Bavaria
Joachim Möller and Nicole Litzel

9. Inter-Firm Relations and Economic Clustering in the Dutch Randstad Region
Frank G. van Oort, Martijn J. Burger and Otto Raspe

10. The Contribution of New and Young Firms to the Economic Development of Clusters in Germany: Comparative Analysis of a Growing, a Mature and a Declining Cluster
Anne Otto and Stefan Köhler

11. On Building Clusters versus Leveraging Synergies in the Design of Innovation Policy for Developing Economies
Edward Feser

12. Geographic Concentration of Sectors in the German Economy: Some Unpleasant Macroeconomic Evidence for Regional Cluster Policy
Björn Alecke, Christoph Alsleben, Frank Scharr and Gerhard Untiedt

13. Clusters and Networks. . . Their Spell Has By No Means Been Broken!
Martin Wrobel

14. Cluster Approaches to Local Economic Development: Conceptual Remarks and Case Studies from Lower Saxony, Germany
Matthias Kiese

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