The Economics of Regional Policy


The Economics of Regional Policy

9781840640083 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
英国谢菲尔德大学经济地理学教授哈维·阿姆斯特朗(Harvey Armstrong)和英国兰开斯特大学经济学教授吉姆·泰勒(Jim Taylor)编辑
Publication Date:2000 ISBN:978 1 84064 008 3 程度:544 pp
The Economics of Regional Policy presents an extensive overview of this important area of economics. It reprints the most important work by leading scholars in the field.


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The Economics of Regional Policy presents an extensive overview of this important area of economics. It reprints the most important work by leading scholars in the field.


This book makes an important contribution to the literature on regional policy and will be a valuable resource to students, academics and policymakers.
25 articles, dating from 1964 to 1997
Contributors include: T. Bayoumi, A. Fatas, N. Kaldor, A.K. Rose, J. Taylor, J. Twomey, C. Wren

Part I: The Case for Regional Policy
1. D.E. Pitfield (1978), ‘The Quest for an Effective Regional Policy, 1934-37’
2. Colin Wren (1996), ‘Grant Equivalent Expenditure on Industrial Subsidies in the Post-War United Kingdom’
3. L. Needleman and B. Scott (1964), ‘Regional Problems and Location of Industry Policy in Britain’
4. Nicholas Kaldor (1970), ‘The Case for Regional Policies’
Part II: Regional Economic Disparitites
A Convergent or Divergent Growth?
5. Xavier X. Sala-i-Martin (1996), ‘The Classical Approach to Convergence Analysis’
6. Paul Cheshire and G. Carbonaro (1996), ‘Urban Economic Growth in Europe: Testing Theory and Policy Prescriptions’
7. Paul Krugman和Anthony J. Venables,(1995年),“全球化与国家不平等”
B Factor Migration and Regional Disparities
8. Ian Molho(1986),“移民理论:评论”
9. Christopher A. Pissarides and Ian McMaster (1990), ‘Regional Migration, Wages and Unemployment: Empirical Evidence and Implications for Policy’
10. Tamim A. Bayoumi and Andrew K. Rose (1993), ‘Domestic Savings and Intra-National Capital Flows’
11. Keith Head,John Ries和Deborah Swenson(1995),“聚集益处和位置选择:来自日本制造业投资的证据”
C The Persistence of Regional Disparities in Unemployment
12. Geraint Johnes and Thomas J. Hyclak (1995), ‘The Determinants of Real Wage Flexibility’
13. Jörg Decressin and Antonio Fatás (1995), ‘Regional Labor Market Dynamics in Europe’
Part III: Regional Policy Instruments
14. Tamim Bayoumi and Paul R. Masson (1995), ‘Fiscal Flows in the United States and Canada: Lessons for Monetary Union in Europe’
15. D.J. Storey and Steve Johnson (1987), ‘Regional Variations in Entrepreneurship in the U.K.’
16. Joseph Friedman,Daniel A. Gerlowski和Johnathan Silberman(1992),‘是什么吸引了外国跨国公司?来自美国分支工厂位置的证据
17. Michel Quévit (1992), ‘The Regional Impact of the Internal Market: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Industrial Regions and Lagging Regions’
18. Maurice F. Doyle (1989), ‘Regional Policy and European Economic Integration’
19.AntonioFatás(1997),“ EMU:国家或地区?EMS体验的教训
Part V: Evaluation of Regional Policy
20. Barry Moore and John Rhodes (1973), ‘Evaluating the Effects of British Regional Policy’
21. Jim Twomey and Jim Taylor (1985), ‘Regional Policy and the Interregional Movement of Manufacturing Industry in Great Britain’
22. Colin Wren和Michael Waterson(1991),“财政援助对行业的直接就业影响”
23. Frank Harrigan,Peter G. McGregor和J.K.Swales(1996),“全系统范围对区域劳动补贴的受体区域的影响”
24. Kim Swales (1997), ‘A Cost-Benefit Approach to the Evaluation of Regional Selective Assistance’
25. John A. Schofield(1976),“经济效率和区域政策”

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