The International Handbook of Political Ecology


The International Handbook of Political Ecology

9781786438430 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Raymond L. Bryant, King’s College London, UK
Publication Date:2017 ISBN:978 1 78643 843 0 Extent:720 pp
The International Handbook features chapters by leading scholars from around the world in a unique collection exploring the multi-disciplinary field of political ecology. This landmark volume canvasses key developments, topics, issues, debates and concepts showcasing how political ecologists today address pressing social and environmental concerns.

Introductory chapters provide an overview of political ecology and the Handbook. Remaining chapters examine five broad themes: issues and approaches; governance and power; knowledge and discourse; method and scale; connections and transformations. Across diverse topics and perspectives, these chapters amount to a wide-ranging survey of current research, making the International Handbook an indispensable reference for scholars and students in political ecology.

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Critical Acclaim
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The International Handbook of Political Ecology features chapters by leading scholars from around the world in a unique collection exploring the multi-disciplinary field of political ecology. This landmark volume canvasses key developments, topics, issues, debates and concepts showcasing how political ecologists today address pressing social and environmental concerns.

Introductory chapters provide an overview of political ecology and the Handbook. Remaining chapters examine five broad themes: issues and approaches; governance and power; knowledge and discourse; method and scale; and connections and transformations. The authors focus on an intrinsically international endeavour, considering both the topic and source of research, and integrate the approaches, debates, concepts and methods that define the field internationally. A combination of general reflection and case study research demonstrates both political ecology’s place in wider social science debates and trends, as well as how its concerns relate to diverse empirical problems and settings.

Across diverse topics and perspectives, these chapters amount to a wide-ranging survey of current research, making the International Handbook an indispensable reference for scholars and students in political ecology.
Critical Acclaim
‘This outstanding collection achieves, like no other book I know in any social science field, the elusive goal of crafting a vision that is genuinely transnational, inter-epistemic, and multidisciplinary. It is a powerful demonstration of why political ecology is such a vibrant, and likely the most relevant, field to enlighten us on how to transform the destructive pattern of a globalized civilization based on flawed models of economic growth and ecological modernization. With this Handbook, Raymond Bryant has accomplished a feat reserved to senior scholars with an untarnished reputation for work that is cutting edge and profoundly honest and ethical at the same time. Few scholars could have gathered such a diverse and impressive ensemble of prominent voices in the field. A great service to an academy that takes seriously the notion that knowledge should be placed at the service of life.’
– Arturo Escobar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, US

‘A capacious, wide-ranging and state-of-the-art compendium, The International Handbook of Political Ecology offers a magnificent tour d'horizon of the field of political ecology drawing upon an impressive and thoroughly internationalised group of its most able practitioners. Any scholar interested in the origins of the field, its conceptual, methodological and theoretical toolkits, and future avenues of research will find the Handbook to be an indispensable text.’
——迈克尔•瓦大学的California, Berkeley, US

'The International Handbook of Political Ecology is an impressive and scholarly collection. Its list of authors reads like a who's who of political ecology, and its theoretical and geographical scope (in both empirical focus and the origin of authors) provides a powerful synthesis of where political ecology has come from, what it offers to scholars, policy makers and activists, and why it is important.'
– Bill Adams, University of Cambridge, UK

‘Taking on recent criticisms of political ecology – and other related disciplines – of being too anglocentric, this book showcases the vibrancy of political ecology today, while also providing crucial updates on innovations on new topics, methods and theories being investigated by political ecologists. . . To conclude, as Raymond Bryant remarks in his ‘reflections on political ecology’, the International Handbook of Political Ecology is an important milestone marking how far the discipline has come since its origins over four decades ago, but also challenges future scholars to take up some of the discipline’s current shortcomings in their research and scholarly practices.’
– Entitle Blog
贡献者:a . Acharya b•阿加瓦尔h . AlimondaA. Asiyanbi, L. Baker, S. Barca, S. Batterbury, P. Blaikie, E. Bravo, R.L. Bryant, B. Büscher, G. Cederlöf, D. Chartier, C.A. Claus, L. Cortesi, A. Doolittle, M.R. Dove, W. Dressler, R. Fletcher, T. Forsyth, T.Á.M. Freitas, D. Gautier, B. Hautdidier, A. Hayes-Conroy, J. Hayes-Conroy, H. Healy, C. Hebdon, L. Jarosz, S. Joshi, G. Kallis, A.H. Kimura, T. Kizos, C.A. Kull, P. Le Billon, S. Lee, E. Leff, A. Loftus, J. Martinez-Alier, B.R. Middleton, M. Moreano, J. Muldavin, S. Nair, H. Neo, R.P. Neumann, C. Noe, G.G. Núñez, Á. Paniagua, N.L. Peluso, C.P. Pow, M. Ramutsindela, H. Rangan, D. Rocheleau, E. Rodary, A. Salleh, A.C. Salomão Mozine, F. Sultana, E. Swyngedouw, M.D. Turner, P. Vandergeest, T.-J. Wang, L. Xie, E.T. Yeh, A. Zhang, A. Zhouri, A. Zimmer


1. Political Ecology: Handbook Topics and Themes
Raymond L. Bryant

2. Reflecting on Political Ecology
Raymond L. Bryant

3. Doing Political Ecology Inside and Outside the Academy
Simon Batterbury

4. Encountering Political Ecology: Epistemology and Emancipation
Enrique Leff

5. Connecting Political Ecology and French Geography: On Tropicality and Radical Thought
Denis Gautier and Baptiste Hautdidier

6. Roots, Rhizomes, Networks and Territories: Reimagining Pattern and Power in Political Ecologies
Dianne Rocheleau

7. A Time for Gramsci
Alex Loftus

8. Integrating Science and Politics in Political Ecology
Tim Forsyth

9. Postcoloniality and the North-South Binary Revisited: The Case of India’s Climate Politics
Shangrila Joshi

10. Depoliticized Environments and the Promises of the Anthropocene
Erik Swyngedouw

11. Mining in Latin America: Coloniality and Degradation
Héctor Alimonda

12. Political Forests
Peter Vandergeest and Nancy Lee Peluso

13. Resources, Wars and Violence
Philippe Le Billon

14. Benefit Sharing in Environmental Governance: Beyond Hydropower in the Mekong River Basin
Seungho Lee

15. Gender, Group Behaviour and Community Forestry in South Asia
Bina Agarwal

16. Political Ecologies of Religious Pilgrimage
Shanti Nair

17. Governing People in De-Populated Areas
Raymond L. Bryant, Ángel Paniagua and Thanasis Kizos

18. Political Participation and Environmental Movements in China
Lei Xie

19. Understanding Fukushima: Nuclear Impacts, Risk Perceptions and Organic Farming in Feminist Political Ecology Perspective
Aya H. Kimura

20. Mind the Gap: Global Truths, Local Complexities in Emergent Green Initiatives
Adeniyi Asiyanbi

21. Disaster, Degradation, Dystopia
C. Anne Claus, Sarah Osterhoudt, Lauren Baker, Luisa Cortesi, Chris Hebdon, Amy Zhang and Michael R. Dove

22. Contesting Hunger Discourses
Lucy Jarosz

23. Green Governmentality
Ting-Jieh Wang

24. Whose Good Living? Post Neo-Liberalism, The Green State and Subverted Alternatives to Development in Ecuador
Elizabeth Bravo and Melissa Moreano

25. Assessing South Korea’s Green Growth Strategy
Sanghun Lee

26. Naturetm Inc.: Nature as Neoliberal Capitalist Imaginary
Robert Fletcher, Wolfram Dressler and Bram Büscher

27. The Cultural Politics of Waterscapes
Amitangshu Acharya

28. Greening The Job: Trade Unions, Climate Change and the Political Ecology of Labour
Stefania Barca

29. Eco-Cities and the Promise of Socio-Environmental Justice
Harvey Neo and C.P. Pow

30. Useful Outsiders: Building Environmental Policy Reform Dossiers
Piers Blaikie and Joshua Muldavin

31. Neoliberalism, Scientism and Earth Systems Governance
Ariel Salleh

32. From 'Participation' to 'Negotiation': Suppressing Dissent in Environmental Conflict Resolution in Brazil
Andréa Zhouri

33. The Political Ecology of Colonias on the US-Mexico Border: Ethnography for Hidden and Hard-to-reach Communities
Guillermina Gina Núñez

34. Political Ecology of Scale
Roderick P. Neumann

35. The Political Ecology of Weeds: A Scalar Approach to Landscape Transformations
Christian A. Kull and Haripriya Rangan

36. Bordering and Scalar Thickening in Nature Conservation
Maano Ramutsindela and Christine Noe

37. The Best of Many Worlds: Methodological Pluralism in Political Ecology
Amity Doolittle

38. Integrating Politics and Ecology through Mixed Methods
Matthew D. Turner

39. Globalising French Écologie Politique: A Political Necessity
Denis Chartier and Estienne Rodary

40. Jahát Jatítotòdom: Toward an Indigenous Political Ecology
Beth Rose Middleton

41. From Ecological Modernization to Socially Sustainable Economic Degrowth: Lessons from Ecological Economics
Hali Healy, Joan Martinez-Alier and Giorgos Kallis

42. Urban Political Ecology ‘Beyond the West’: Engaging with South Asian Urban Studies
Anna Zimmer

43. Towards a Lusophone Political Ecology: Assessing ‘Para Inglês Ver’ Environments
Tiago Ávila Martins Freitas and Augusto Cesar Salomão Mozine

44. Political Ecology in and of China
Emily T. Yeh

45. Emotional Political Ecology
Farhana Sultana

46. Thermodynamics Revisited: The Political Ecology of Energy Systems in Historical Perspective
Gustav Cederlöf

47. Political Ecology of the Body: A Visceral Approach
Allison and Jessica Hayes-Conroy

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