Critical Acclaim
The OECD includes the richest nations in the world. It issues recommendations on economic and social policies. Is its counsel on welfare state policies coherent? And is it followed by member states in Western Europe? These are the guiding questions of this book, which is a first to deal with such issues.
Critical Acclaim
'。。。感谢Klaus Armingeon和Michelle Beyeler,对OECD在福利政策中的作用的讨论终于发现了一个声音的经验基础。这对辩论的贡献非常欢迎,这通常经常具有大索赔和少数证据。。。所有有兴趣了解福利国家的发展和改革的人都强烈建议这个卷。“
- Fabrizio Gilardi,瑞士政治科学审查
- Fabrizio Gilardi,瑞士政治科学审查
贡献者:S.Álvarez,B.Ananiadis,K.Acaniadon,F.Bertozzi,M. Beyeler,H.Binnema,E.Carroll,P.Graziano,A.M。Guillén,L.B.Kaspersen, N. Kildal, P. Kosonen, S. Kuhnle, N. Manning, M. Marcussen, S. Ó’Cinnéide, B. Palier, P. Pochet, P. Ryan, M. Serré, M. Svaneborg, R. Zohlnhöfer, J. Zutavern
内容:1。简介:一个比较的研究the OECD and European Welfare States 2. Multilateral Surveillance and the OECD: Playing the Idea Game 3. The OECD as a Scientific Authority? The OECD’s Influence on Danish Welfare Policies 4. Finland: Considering OECD Guidelines but Within National Institutional Settings 5. Norway: An Amenable Member of the OECD 6. International Organisations and Welfare States at Odds? The Case of Sweden 7. Belgium: Increasing Critique by the OECD 8. France: Moving Reluctantly in the OECD’s Direction 9. The Netherlands: How OECD Ideas are Slowly Creeping In 10. Too Many Rivals? The OECD’s Influence on German Welfare Policies 11. Little Contention: Switzerland and the OECD 12. OECD Views on Greek Welfare: Not European Enough 13. Italy’s Adaptation Under External Pressures: Whose Influence? 14. The OECD and the Reformulation of Spanish Social Policy: A Combined Search for Expansion and Rationalisation 15. Mutual Admiration? OECD Advice to the UK 16. Ireland: Disinterested Commentary, But How Effective? 17. OECD and National Welfare State Development Index