The Social Challenge of Job Creation


The Social Challenge of Job Creation

Combating Unemployment in Europe

9781858984599 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Jordi Gual, Deputy Director General, Head of Research, Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona - ‘la Caixa’, Spain
Publication Date:1996 ISBN:978 1 85898 459 9 Extent:240 pp
The Social Challenge of Job Creation brings together a distinguished group of economists and sociologists to provide a broad, accessible and multidisciplinary assessment of job creation in Europe.

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The Social Challenge of Job Creation brings together a distinguished group of economists and sociologists to provide a broad, accessible and multidisciplinary assessment of job creation in Europe.

This major volume discusses the role of labour market institutions and the nature of their interaction with other economic and social regulations. The European case is discussed in depth with a focus on issues such as the extent to which US labour market institutions can be adapted to European societies, and the problem of the long-term unemployed. Two chapters are explicitly devoted to Spain which constitutes a paramount example of the job creation failure in Europe. An introductory chapter summarizes the main conclusions of the book. Among other results, the authors highlight the importance of systemic and carefully balanced labour market reforms.

The Social Challenge of Job Creation provides a rigorous yet accessible broad assessment of the policy alternatives which could lead to increased job creation in the European economy.
Contributors: J.L. Alvarez, C. Cavallé, J.H. Drèze, R.B. Freeman, J. Gual, R. Layard, C. Sebastián, J. Viñals, R. Whitley
Contents: Prologue (C. Cavallé) 1. Introduction: Four myths about employment (J. Gual) Part I: Policies and Institutions for Job Creation 2. Employment in Europe (J.H. Drèze) 3. Preventing Long-Term Unemployment: An Economic Analysis (R. Layard) 4. Does it Fit? Drawing Lessons From Differing Labour Practices (R.B. Freeman) Part II: Spain: Lessons from a Failure in Job Creation 5. Job Creation in Spain: A Macroeconomic View (J. Viñals) 6. Creating Employment in Spain: Labour Market Imperfections (C. Sebastián) Part III: Cultural Values and Labour Market Institutions 7. The Institutional Structuring of Firms’ Strategies and Employment Practices in Market Economies (R. Whitley) 8. Knowledge and Ideas for Job Creation: the case of Entrepreneurship in the 1980s (J.L. Alvarez) Index
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