The Successes and Failures of Whistleblower Laws


The Successes and Failures of Whistleblower Laws

9781849808378 Edward Elgar Publishing
罗伯特·沃恩(Robert G.
发布日期:2013 ISBN:978 1 84980 837 8 Extent:368 pp
Drawing on literature from several disciplines, this enlightening book examines the history of whistleblower laws throughout the world and provides an analytical structure for the most common debates about the nature of such laws and their potential successes and failures.

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Critical Acclaim
Drawing on literature from several disciplines, this enlightening book examines the history of whistleblower laws throughout the world and provides an analytical structure for the most common debates about the nature of such laws and their potential successes and failures.


Critical Acclaim
‘. . .Vaughn provides a first-rate account of decades of successes and failures. There is nothing else like it.’
- 詹姆斯·麦克里奇(James McRitchie),公司治理

- 布莱恩·马丁(Brian Martin),哨子

‘If you’re a lawyer, academic, student, or someone who is fascinated by this continuingly fascinating subject, you should enjoy this book. It covers all pertinent aspects of whistleblower laws from various perspectives, societal as well as legal and includes actual stories of whistleblowers. . . Exciting, topical, as well as precisely analytical, this book examines a vast range of incidents and issues related to whistleblowing. It will appeal not just to practitioners and other professionals, but to a wider public internationally. . . It may well be destined to become a classic.’
– Phillip Taylor MBE and Elizabeth Taylor, The Barrister Magazine

‘一个新的路线图,以理解参与任何法律制度的各种观点和不同法律机构,旨在鼓励组织中的人们大声疾呼不当行为,使他们有可能这样做,并在他们这样做时支持和保护他们。在美国和世界各地,不仅仅是举报法律的丰富且可读性的历史。Steeped in Robert Vaughn’s personal experience as a lawyer and researcher over a 40 year period, this book stands to help solve some of the greatest conundrums in this vital area of legal regulation – one of the most complex in modern society, but one of the most crucial to integrity, accountability and organisational justice in all institutions. Compulsory reading for all policymakers, regulators, corporate leaders, researchers and activists engaged in improvement and implementation of public interest whistleblowing laws.’
– A.J. Brown, Griffith University and Transparency International Australia

“与其他书爆料,简单describe and analyze whistleblowing laws, Robert Vaughn’s new book provides an in-depth and unique historical account of the roots of the whistleblowing movement in such disparate events as the Mai Lai massacre, the civil rights movement, and the experiments of Stanley Milgrim. As important, he then uses that history to illuminate the competing perspectives and pressures that influenced the passage and interpretation of modern whistleblower laws. Vaughn provides a first-rate account of the varied and complex reasons for the successes and failures of these laws during the last forty years.’
- 美国内布拉斯加州大学法学院理查德·莫伯利(Richard Moberly),美国
内容:序言1.成功和失败2.问题权威3.非暴力和公民抗命4.举报人的故事和新兴叙事5.水门和举报人保护6.《公务改革法案》和举报人保护和举报人保护7.回顾和预测8.激励8.激励8 9 9 9。
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