



9781785364778 Edward Elgar Publishing
Carolyn Deere Birkbeck,英国牛津大学全球经济治理计划
发布日期:2016 ISBN:978 1 78536 477 8 Extent:352 pp
由世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的领先评论员撰写:参考指南是第一本阐明WIPO治理的坚果和螺栓的全面参考书。This practical guide offers a unique insight into how WIPO is governed, described in clear, readily accessible terms for policymakers, scholars and stakeholders. The Guide reviews the origins of WIPO and sets out its current functions and activities, presenting a framework for analysing WIPO’s complex governance system. The text is accompanied by a number of valuable appendices, including key documents that have to date not been readily available to the public.

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Critical Acclaim
As a ‘Specialized Agency’ of the UN, the World Intellectual Property Organization aims to be the premier global forum for intellectual property services, policy, information and cooperation. Whilst many individuals, firms, institutions and governments know and use WIPO services, the ways in which it functions, how priorities are set and decisions made are less well-understood. Indeed, a diversity of WIPO’s stakeholders and member governments express frustration that WIPO’s governance is not only complex but at times opaque.

This practical guide offers a unique insight into how WIPO is governed, described in clear, readily accessible terms for policymakers, scholars and stakeholders. The guide reviews the origins of WIPO and sets out its current functions and activities, presenting a framework for analysing WIPO’s complex governance system. The core of the text will improve the reader’s understanding of WIPO in five thematic areas:

• Financial arrangements (such as income sources and the budget process)
• Mechanisms for accountability and control of the Secretariat (such as policies on oversight, audit and evaluation)
• Transparency and external relations.


Critical Acclaim
‘我可以自信地说,本参考指南是迄今为止迄今为止最全面的书,其非常复杂和独特的治理结构。这是一个重要,及时且急需的资源,它将很快成为该领域的经典。卡罗琳·迪尔·伯克贝克(Carolyn Deere Birkbeck)的书将对从业人员,包括WIPO员工,政府官员和Igo/NGO观察员以及WIPO事务以及国际组织的学术界和学生,将带来巨大的好处。”
- 爱德华·夸瓦瓦(Edward Kwakwa),WIPO法律顾问

‘对于对国际知识产权系统感兴趣的任何人,卡罗琳·迪尔·伯克贝克(Carolyn Deere Birkbeck)的参考指南是一项义务。这不仅是描述这个未来定义的联合国组织的有机和规范结构的指南,而且是其功能,文化和动态的实用指南。迪尔·伯克贝克(Deere Birkbeck)拥有惊人的细节和有见地的信息,为Wipo撰写了《终极指南》。它应该在日内瓦外交官和代表的书架中。’
- 智利智利国家工业学院Maximiliano Santa Cruz,智利

‘An invaluable resource for deciphering the WIPO institutional enigma. Must-have reading for the Geneva diplomatic corps and others that seek to influence international IP policy.’
- 美国佛罗里达州立大学法学院弗雷德里克·雅培(Frederick M. Abbott)
内容: 1. Introduction 2. What is WIPO and What Does its Secretariat do? 3. WIPO’s Governance System: An Analytical Framework 4. WIPO’s Legal Foundations, Mandate and Purpose 5. WIPO’s Decision-making Structure, Processes and Practices 6. WIPO’s Financial Arrangements and Budget Process 7. Mechanisms for Control, Oversight and Accountability of the WIPO Secretariat 8. External Relations and Transparency 9. Conclusion Index

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