


Exploring Growth and Performance in Family Firms Across Generations

9781847207975 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Mattias Nordqvist, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden and Thomas Zellweger, Professor of Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Publication Date:2010 ISBN:978 1 84720 797 5 Extent:240 pp
Introducing a new concept in family businesses Transgenerational Entrepreneurship addresses how these businesses achieve growth and longevity through entrepreneurial activities. It focuses on the resources, capabilities and mindsets that families develop and draw upon in order to be entrepreneurial across generations, and presents findings from an international research collaboration between family business researchers and practitioners.

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Introducing a new concept in family businesses Transgenerational Entrepreneurship addresses how these businesses achieve growth and longevity through entrepreneurial activities. It focuses on the resources, capabilities and mindsets that families develop and draw upon in order to be entrepreneurial across generations, and presents findings from an international research collaboration between family business researchers and practitioners.

In addition to a comprehensive conceptual chapter, the editors include a unique set of empirical case-based research papers that investigates transgenerational entrepreneurship in different European contexts. They bring together and integrate frontier research on entrepreneurship and family business, as well as provide a basis for future research.

Academics, teachers and students in business and management, entrepreneurship and family business will find this path-breaking book of value, as will libraries, policy makers and consultants.
Contributors: E. Bieto, A. Bloch, E. Brundin, A. Gimeno, T.G. Habbershon, A. Joseph, U. Lassini, L. Melin, C. Muehlebach, M. Nordqvist, M.J. Parada, M. Plate, C. Salvato, M. Santi, C. Schiede, P. Sieger, F. Vallaud, A. von Schlippe, T. Zellweger


1. Transgenerational Entrepreneurship
Timothy G. Habbershon, Mattias Nordqvist and Thomas M. Zellweger

2. A Qualitative Research Approach to the Study of Transgenerational Entrepreneurship
Mattias Nordqvist and Thomas M. Zellweger

3. Balancing Familiness Resource Pools for Entrepreneurial Performance
Ugo Lassini and Carlo Salvato

4. Portfolio Entrepreneurship in the Context of Family Owned Businesses
Markus Plate, Christian Schiede and Arist von Schlippe

5. Entrepreneurial Orientation Across Generations in Family Firms: The Role of Owner-centric Culture for Proactiveness and Autonomy
Ethel Brundin, Mattias Nordqvist and Leif Melin

6. Propelled into the Future: Managing Family Firm Entrepreneurial Growth Despite Generational Breakthroughs within Family Life Stage
Alain Bloch, Alexandra Joseph and Michel Santi

7. Dealing with Increasing Family Complexity to Achieve Transgenerational Potential in Family Firms
Eugenia Bieto, Alberto Gimeno and María José Parada

8. How Much and What Kind of Entrepreneurial Orientation is Needed for Family Business Continuity?
Thomas M. Zellweger, Philipp Sieger and Corinne Muehlebach

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