Qualitative Research Methods

  1. Add to Wish List Handbook of Meta-Research

    Handbook of Meta-Research

    Edited by Alis Oancea, Gemma Derrick, Nuzha Nuseibeh, Xin Xu
    A collective project arising from a dynamic configuration of research concerned with systematic, critical and reflexive inquiry into the normative frames, institutional workings, and lived realities of research, this dexterously-crafted ...
    Hardback (February 2024)

    List price£190.00

    Member price£171.00

    Not yet published
  2. Add to Wish List Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organization Studies

    Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organization Studies

    Edited by Saija Katila, Susan Meriläinen, Emma Bell
    The Handbook of Feminist Research Methodologies in Management and Organization Studies focuses on the interlinkages between feminist theories, methodologies and research methods, and their practical implementation in business and managem...
    Hardback (November 2023)

    List price£210.00

    Member price£189.00

    Not yet published
  3. Add to Wish List 手册的教学和学习社会研究Methods


    Edited by Melanie Nind
    This comprehensive Handbook illustrates the wide range of approaches to teaching and learning social research methods in the classroom, online, in the field and in informal contexts. Bringing together contributors from varied disciplines...
    Hardback (September 2023)

    List price£210.00

    Member price£189.00

    Not yet published
  4. Add to Wish List How to Design and Develop a Business Research Project

    How to Design and Develop a Business Research Project

    Bart Cambré, Karen Elliott, Janick Fierens
    Through a fascinating exploration of the advantages and pitfalls of business research methods, this essential book encourages the reader to make well-informed decisions in an often fast-paced environment. It sets out key rules and proced...
    Hardback (September 2023)

    List price£95.00

    Member price£85.50

  5. Add to Wish List Handbook of Research Methods in Organizational Change

    Handbook of Research Methods in Organizational Change

    Edited by David B. Szabla, David Coghlan, William Pasmore, Jennifer Kim
    The Handbook of Research Methods in Organizational Change offers innovative and practical information to aid in the successful implementation of research methodologies. Written by a collective of experienced scholars, it provides inspira...
    Hardback (August 2023)

    List price£225.00

    Member price£202.50

  6. Add to Wish List Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems

    Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Information Systems

    Edited by Robert M. Davison
    这个至关重要的新手册阐明了如何定性research can be undertaken in the discipline of Information Systems (IS), observing how IS can be taught and its recent developments. Through succinctly bringing together influential rese...
    Hardback (July 2023)

    List price£195.00

    Member price£175.50

  7. Add to Wish List How to Write Great Business Cases

    How to Write Great Business Cases

    Karin Schnarr, Meredith J. Woodwark
    Offering a step-by-step guide on how to write an impactful decision-based teaching case for business education, this book aids in the creation of resources that will be essential for an academic curriculum. It demonstrates how the case a...
    Hardback (July 2023)

    List price£80.00

    Member price£72.00

  8. Add to Wish List Field Guide to Family Business Research

    Field Guide to Family Business Research

    Edited by Keith H. Brigham, G. T. Payne
    The Field Guide to Family Business Research is a concise and accessible guidebook that addresses the unique challenges associated with conducting high-quality family business research. Intended for both new and more experienced scholars,...
    Hardback (July 2023)

    List price£100.00

    Member price£90.00

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