Handbook of Gendered Careers in Management


Handbook of Gendered Careers in Management

Getting In, Getting On, Getting Out

9781782547686 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Adelina M. Broadbridge, Stirling Management School, University of Stirling and Sandra L. Fielden, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Organisational Psychology, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Publication Date:2015 ISBN:978 1 78254 768 6 Extent:544页
手册的性别职业生涯管理提供s an international overview of current practice and theory surrounding gendered employment in management, illustrating the impact of gender on key stages of career development.

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This Handbook presents the current research, practice and future directions in the field of gendered careers in management. Expert contributors discuss pertinent issues impacting three key areas of career development:

•管理职业性别(Ge的开始tting In) such as education and recruitment;
• The progress of gendered managerial careers (Getting On) such as career phases and succession planning;
• What comes after gendered managerial careers (Getting Out) such as recalibration of career patterns and retirement.

The theoretical and practical insights presented are transferable across all management career sectors and offer an original perspective into gendered employment within business and management.

Students, researchers and policy makers alike will find this Handbook to be a fundamental reference point for gaining insight into current practice and theory encompassing gendered employment in management.
Contributors: S.M. Adams, M.D. Agars, D.A. Anderson, R.A. August, M. Barrett, Y. Baruch, J.C. Beier, R. Bendl, Y.D. Billing, S. Braun, A.M. Broadbridge, P. Bryans, L.L. Carli, S. De Simone, D.L. Decker, H. Eberherr, S.L. Fielden, J.L. Fowler, V. Gupta , E. Hanappi-Egger, S. Hass, M.E. Heilman, C. Holgersson, V. Holton, K. Huppatz, U. Hytti, J.L. Kottke, S. Kumra, L.A. Levin, P. Lewis, L. Lord, F. Manzi, M. Mattis, S. Mavin, S. Maxfield, A. Moulettes, W.M. Murphy, L.D. Paris, N. Patterson, V. (Cinzia) Priola, J. Redshaw, C. Reis, A. Ross-Smith, A. Schmidt, M. Shapiro, A. Sheridan, R. Simpson, P. Smith, E. Swan, J. Tienari, A. Tsentides, S. Vinnicombe CBE, E.H. Volpe, J. Williams, H.M. Woolnough


Adelina M. Broadbridge and Sandra L. Fielden

1. Education and Career Counselling
Lori D. Paris and Diane L. Decker

2. The Internship Class: Internship Subjectivity and Inequality: Gender, Race and Class
Elaine Swan

3. Understanding and Researching ‘Choice’ in Women’s Career Trajectories
Patricia Lewis and Ruth Simpson

4. Gender Scripts as Access Codes to Management Positions
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger

5. Gendered Understanding of Recruitment Processes: Applications and Résumés
Ulla Hytti

6. Presumed Incompetent: Perceived Lack of Fit and Gender Bias in Recruitment and Selection
Madeline E. Heilman, Francesca Manzi and Susanne Braun

7. Talking Yourself into Work: Insights from Sociolinguistics About Gender and the Employment Interview

8. “This is Just the Way it is”: Executive Search and Gendered Careers
Charlotte Holgersson and Janne Tienari

9. Inclusion and Exclusion Processes in the Executive Search Business: An Intersectional Approach
Regine Bendl, Helga Eberherr and Angelika Schmidt

10. Breaking Down Barriers
Susan M. Adams

11. Theories of Vertical Segregation in Feminised Occupations: Rethinking Dominant Perspectives and Making Use of Bourdieu
Kate Huppatz

12. Women's Beliefs about Breaking Glass Ceilings
Paul Smith

13. Risk Aversion among Women: Reality or Simply 'Doing Gender'?
Mary Shapiro, Susan Hass, Sylvia Maxfield and Vipin Gupta

14. Pursuing, Doing and Reviewing Mentoring Relationships
Jane L. Fowler

15. Women Managers, Careers and Organisations
Viki Holton

16. How Some Women Achieve Success
Adelina M. Broadbridge

17. Creating and Sustaining Positive Careers for Women: A Closer Look at Organizational Context
Janet L. Kottke and Mark D. Agars

18. Women and Leadership
Linda L. Carli

19. ‘Woman as a Project’: Key Issues for Women Who Want to Get On
Sharon Mavin, Jannine Williams, Patricia Bryans and Nicola Patterson

20. Women on Boards in Australia: Achieving Real Change or More of the Same?
Alison Sheridan, Anne Ross-Smith and Linley Lord

21. Global Career Challenges for Women Crossing International Borders
Yehuda Baruch and Cristina Reis

22. Pursuing Partnership: Flexible Work Arrangements in U.S. Accounting and Law Firms
Leslie A. Levin, Mary Mattis, Andrea Tsentides and Jill Choate Beier

23. Back to the Future: A Gendered analysis of ‘Getting on’ in the Professional Services Firm
Savita Kumra

24. ‘What’s Woman’s Work?’ Work–Family Interface among Women Entrepreneurs in Italy
Silvia De Simone and Vincenza Priola

25. Playing, Quitting or Changing the Game? A Discussion of Women Managers’ Responses to Organizational Conditions
Yvonne Due Billing

26. Encore Careers: Motivating Factors for Career Exit and Rebirth
Wendy Marcinkus Murphy and Elizabeth Hamilton Volpe

27. Senior Women, Work Life Balance and the Decision to Quit: A Generational Perspective
Deirdre A. Anderson and Susan Vinnicombe

28. Exploring the Career Choices of Professional Women with Dependent Children
Helen M. Woolnough and Jane Redshaw

29. Retirement – A New Beginning or the Beginning of the End?
Adelina M. Broadbridge and Agneta Moulettes

30. Transitioning with Grace: Women’s Post-Retirement Needs and Adjustment
Rachel A. August

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