Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation and Acceleration
A Global Perspective
9781788974776 Edward Elgar Publishing
这个开创性的工作理论和探索practice of business and technology incubation over the past six decades as an approach to new venture creation and development. With a global scope, the Handbook examines key concepts, models, and mechanisms, providing a research-based analytical foundation from which to understand the emerging role of modern incubation tools in building entrepreneurship ecosystems for promoting targeted economic development.
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Critical Acclaim
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This Handbook will help to equip policy makers, facility and program managers, investors, and entrepreneurs with the knowledge to handle support for future business and technology ventures more confidently and effectively. It also provides a deeper understanding of the incubation approach for researchers and scholars of entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development.
This Handbook will help to equip policy makers, facility and program managers, investors, and entrepreneurs with the knowledge to handle support for future business and technology ventures more confidently and effectively. It also provides a deeper understanding of the incubation approach for researchers and scholars of entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development.
Critical Acclaim
‘The Handbook provides a good and accessible overview on how to deliver better incubation and acceleration services, whilst debunking some myths along the way.’
- Monika Radclyffe,企业家中心
- John Burroughs,中西部地区审查
‘A comprehensive, comparative and illuminating Handbook of incubation and related entrepreneurial enhancement support structures edited and written by the leading international authorities on innovation.’
– Henry Etzkowitz, International Triple Helix Institute, US
‘This is a timely and important Handbook of the best research on property-based institutions engaged in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. The editors, who have written seminal papers on these issues, have produced a lucid and insightful book. A “must-read” for academics and policymakers who study and manage these institutions.’
– Donald Siegel, Arizona State University, US
- Monika Radclyffe,企业家中心
- John Burroughs,中西部地区审查
‘A comprehensive, comparative and illuminating Handbook of incubation and related entrepreneurial enhancement support structures edited and written by the leading international authorities on innovation.’
– Henry Etzkowitz, International Triple Helix Institute, US
‘This is a timely and important Handbook of the best research on property-based institutions engaged in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. The editors, who have written seminal papers on these issues, have produced a lucid and insightful book. A “must-read” for academics and policymakers who study and manage these institutions.’
– Donald Siegel, Arizona State University, US
贡献者:L.Aaboen,T. Aadland,A.J.Ahmad,A. Albahari,N. Ali,W.J.Aloulou,D.B。Audretsch,C.Bakkali,J.Berbegal-Mirabent,D.Bienkowska,M.Bliemel,J. Braet,B. Clarysse,S. D'Alessandro,S.H.De Cleyn, M. D’Eredita, S. de Klerk, K. Djupdal, C. Eldering, H. Etzkowitz, K. Fichter, A. Figlioli, R. Flores, N. Fukugawa, M. Guerrero, D.H. Haneberg, G. Harrison, S.Z. Hassan, J.P. Hausberg, D. Hochman, W. Hulsink, K. Hurrelmann, M. Klofsten, M. Knockaert, S. Korreck, W. Lamine, M. Lavigne, L. Lecluyse, H. Löfsten, K. Messeghem, J. Meysman, S.A. Mian, M.P. Miles, F. Miralles, M. Mitsopoulos, E. Noyes, C. Pavani, J.M. Pique, S.O. Pires, G.A. Plonski, S. Qureshi, T. Ratinho, M.P. Rice, S. Sammut, S. Sharma, V. Slagsvold Øien, D. Soetanto, R. Sørheim, A. Swalhi, J. Thiel, J. Van hove, N. Vohra, C. Wang, L. Xiao, Z. Xu
List of contributors ix
由David B. Audretsch XVI前言
Introduction to the Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation
and Acceleration 1
Sarfraz A. Mian, Magnus Klofsten and Wadid Lamine
Sarfraz A. Mian
2 Business incubators and accelerators: a co-citation analysis-based,
systematic literature review 39
J. Piet Hausberg和Sabrina Korreck
university: past, present and future 64
Henry Etzkowitz
4 Fiddling around with the startup engine: exploring acceleration patterns in
ventures 79
Jonas Van hove, Jana Thiel and Bart Clarysse
5 The logic behind science and technology parks 97
Alberto Albahari
6 Incubators as catalysts in entrepreneurship ecosystems 111
Mark P. Rice和Erik Noyes
7 Business incubators within entrepreneurial ecosystems: sustainability
aspects of new venture support and development 124
Magnus Klofsten and Dzamila Bienkowska
innovation ecosystems 140
Josep Miquel Pique, Aline Figlioli, Francesc Miralles and
Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent
9 Incubation with space – space for incubation: the European Space Agency’s
network of business incubation centers 160
Cornelis Eldering and Willem Hulsink
10 Incubating high-growth technology firms through venture development
Marnie Lavigne.
11 Incubators as centers of collaboration and alignment in resource
constrained regions 198
Nasir Ali and Michael D’Eredita
12 Science parks in Europe: a comparison of science park characteristics
and activities in Belgium, Spain and Denmark 212
Laura Lecluyse and Mirjam Knockaert
intermediaries: the case of business incubators in Japan 230
Nobuya Fukugawa
14 The role of technology business incubation in supporting innovative
Li Xiao , Cunjun Wang and Zhi Xu
Supriya Sharma and Neharika Vohra
16 Business incubation and acceleration in Pakistan: an entrepreneurship
ecosystem development approach 280
Shahid Qureshi,Syed Zahoor Hassan和Sarfraz A. Mian
17 New forms of entrepreneurship support in a growing entrepreneurial
ecosystem: the case of business incubation in Greece 299
Tiago Ratinho and Michael Mitsopoulos
Guilherme Ary Plonski, Claudia Pavani and Sheila Oliveira Pires
19 The role of incubators and accelerators in the Latin American
entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems 335
Maribel Guerrero
20 Mapping incubation mechanisms in Saudi Arabia: the state of the
art and challenges for the future 351
Wassim J. Aloulou.
21 Do government incubation efforts pay off ? The development of a
quantitative efficiency assessment model 367
Jasmine Meysman, Sven H. De Cleyn and Johan Braet
emerging models, and future directions 386
23 Tenant recruitment at university incubators: a selection conundrum 402
Ali J. Ahmad
Chaffik Bakkali, Karim Messeghem, Sylvie Sammut and Abdelaziz Swalhi
on firms’ performance 426
Danny Soetanto和Magnus Klofsten
26 The importance of time in a university student venture incubator 446
Lise Aaboen,Kari Djupdal,DagHåkonHaneberg,VetleSlagsvoldøien,
Torgeir Aadland和RogerSørheim
27 The value of mentors in incubation and acceleration: a managerial
perspective 464
Martin Bliemel,Steven d'Alessandro,Saskia de Klerk,Ricardo Flores,
Geoff Harrison and Morgan P. Miles
28 Sustainability-oriented business incubation: framing and supporting
sustainable entrepreneurship 478
Klaus Fichter and Karsten Hurrelmann
between incubatees and non-incubator firms in Sweden 496
Hans Löfsten
Index 513
List of contributors ix
由David B. Audretsch XVI前言
Introduction to the Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation
and Acceleration 1
Sarfraz A. Mian, Magnus Klofsten and Wadid Lamine
Sarfraz A. Mian
2 Business incubators and accelerators: a co-citation analysis-based,
systematic literature review 39
J. Piet Hausberg和Sabrina Korreck
university: past, present and future 64
Henry Etzkowitz
4 Fiddling around with the startup engine: exploring acceleration patterns in
ventures 79
Jonas Van hove, Jana Thiel and Bart Clarysse
5 The logic behind science and technology parks 97
Alberto Albahari
6 Incubators as catalysts in entrepreneurship ecosystems 111
Mark P. Rice和Erik Noyes
7 Business incubators within entrepreneurial ecosystems: sustainability
aspects of new venture support and development 124
Magnus Klofsten and Dzamila Bienkowska
innovation ecosystems 140
Josep Miquel Pique, Aline Figlioli, Francesc Miralles and
Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent
9 Incubation with space – space for incubation: the European Space Agency’s
network of business incubation centers 160
Cornelis Eldering and Willem Hulsink
10 Incubating high-growth technology firms through venture development
Marnie Lavigne.
11 Incubators as centers of collaboration and alignment in resource
constrained regions 198
Nasir Ali and Michael D’Eredita
12 Science parks in Europe: a comparison of science park characteristics
and activities in Belgium, Spain and Denmark 212
Laura Lecluyse and Mirjam Knockaert
intermediaries: the case of business incubators in Japan 230
Nobuya Fukugawa
14 The role of technology business incubation in supporting innovative
Li Xiao , Cunjun Wang and Zhi Xu
Supriya Sharma and Neharika Vohra
16 Business incubation and acceleration in Pakistan: an entrepreneurship
ecosystem development approach 280
Shahid Qureshi,Syed Zahoor Hassan和Sarfraz A. Mian
17 New forms of entrepreneurship support in a growing entrepreneurial
ecosystem: the case of business incubation in Greece 299
Tiago Ratinho and Michael Mitsopoulos
Guilherme Ary Plonski, Claudia Pavani and Sheila Oliveira Pires
19 The role of incubators and accelerators in the Latin American
entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems 335
Maribel Guerrero
20 Mapping incubation mechanisms in Saudi Arabia: the state of the
art and challenges for the future 351
Wassim J. Aloulou.
21 Do government incubation efforts pay off ? The development of a
quantitative efficiency assessment model 367
Jasmine Meysman, Sven H. De Cleyn and Johan Braet
emerging models, and future directions 386
23 Tenant recruitment at university incubators: a selection conundrum 402
Ali J. Ahmad
Chaffik Bakkali, Karim Messeghem, Sylvie Sammut and Abdelaziz Swalhi
on firms’ performance 426
Danny Soetanto和Magnus Klofsten
26 The importance of time in a university student venture incubator 446
Lise Aaboen,Kari Djupdal,DagHåkonHaneberg,VetleSlagsvoldøien,
Torgeir Aadland和RogerSørheim
27 The value of mentors in incubation and acceleration: a managerial
perspective 464
Martin Bliemel,Steven d'Alessandro,Saskia de Klerk,Ricardo Flores,
Geoff Harrison and Morgan P. Miles
28 Sustainability-oriented business incubation: framing and supporting
sustainable entrepreneurship 478
Klaus Fichter and Karsten Hurrelmann
between incubatees and non-incubator firms in Sweden 496
Hans Löfsten
Index 513