Critical Acclaim
Introductory chapters present the background of theory in PSM, providing a mapping of major types of theory to deliver guidance on appropriate theory application and when a new theory or mid-range theory development is required. Featuring more than 25 theories with relevance across management research, each chapter presents an excellent overview for beginning the exploration of a certain theory. The authors discuss assumptions about different theories such as agency theory, transaction cost, and game theory, and explore levels of analysis, unit of analysis, variables and relationships, as well as key research findings. In addition, chapters include lists of selected seminal literature for further reading.
Introductory chapters present the background of theory in PSM, providing a mapping of major types of theory to deliver guidance on appropriate theory application and when a new theory or mid-range theory development is required. Featuring more than 25 theories with relevance across management research, each chapter presents an excellent overview for beginning the exploration of a certain theory. The authors discuss assumptions about different theories such as agency theory, transaction cost, and game theory, and explore levels of analysis, unit of analysis, variables and relationships, as well as key research findings. In addition, chapters include lists of selected seminal literature for further reading.
Critical Acclaim
– Christopher W. Craighead, University of Tennessee, US
– Christopher W. Craighead, University of Tennessee, US
Contributors include: Lojain Alkhuzaim, Björn Axelsson , Arash Azadegan, Jenny Bäckstrand, Lydia Bals, John E. Bell, Philip Beske-Janssen, Amanda Bille, Sebastian Brockhaus, Federico Caniato, David E. Cantor, Steven Carnovale, Thomas Y. Choi,唐娜·戴维斯(Donna F.-Erik Gadde, Myles D. Garvey, John Gattorna, Cees J. Gelderman, Andreas H. Glas, Tim Gruchmann, Larry Giunipero, Árni Halldórsson, Robert Handfield, Christine Harland, Feigao (Kelly) Huang, Yao ‘Henry’ Jin, Thomas E. Johnsen, Katri Kauppi, Mahtab Kouhizadeh, Gyöngyi Kovács, Anna Land, Teresa M. McCarthy-Byrne, Mark Pagell, William Pasmore, Peter M. Ralston, Jens K. Roehrich, Eugena Rosca, Joseph Sarkis, habil. Holger Schiele, Tobias Schoenherr, Matthew A. Schwieterman, Erik Siems, Wendy L. Tate, Anurag Tewari, Virpi Turkulainen, Diego Vega, Carl Marcus Wallenburg, Andreas Wieland, Richard Wilding, Zhaohui Wu, Finn Wynstra, George A. Zsidisin