Handbook on the Politics of Higher Education


Handbook on the Politics of Higher Education

9781786435019 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Brendan Cantwell, Associate Professor of Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education, Department of Educational Administration, Michigan State University, US, Hamish Coates, Tenured Professor, Tsinghua University's Institute of Education, and Deputy Director, Tsinghua University Global Research Centre for the Assessment of College and Student Development, China and Roger King, Visiting Professor, School of Management, University of Bath, UK
Publication Date:2018 ISBN:978 1 78643 501 9 Extent:560 pp
Understanding the politics of Higher Education is becoming more important as the sector is increasingly recognised as a vital source of innovation, skills, economic prosperity, and personal wellbeing. Yet key political differences remain over such issues as who should pay for higher education, how should it be accountable, and how we measure its quality and productivity. Particularly, are states or markets the key in helping to address such matters. The Handbook provides framing perspectives and perspectives, chapters on funding, governance and regulation, and pieces on the political economy of higher education and on the increased role of external stakeholders and indicators.

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The Handbook on the Politics of Higher Education reveals valuable new perspectives for understanding higher education. Higher education plays an ever-greater role in contemporary life, creating innovation, skills, prosperity, and wellbeing, and is therefore of increasing importance to understand.

设计作为一个复杂的入口点,这Handbook takes a wide look at the topic, the state of contemporary research, and future directions. An array of expert international contributors examine important and contentious issues such as who should pay, how to keep higher education accountable, the assurance of quality, boosting productivity and affordability, and the role of states and markets. Experts explain how universities relate to states and societies, the political economy of higher education, planning and resource allocation, regulation and quality, and the politics of stakeholder interests.

Unpacking key issues for both researchers new to the sector and experts alike, this topical Handbook will prove essential and thought-provoking reading for government policymakers, social science researchers, higher education executives, as well as instructors of graduate courses.
Critical Acclaim
高等教育的政治上的手册contains informative studies introducing the political system of higher education in the context of globalization and internationalization.Overall, the book is systematic and comprehensive, and contributes to understanding various political and economic relations in higher education. It also adds to stakeholders’ understanding of the changing trends in higher education. In short, the advantages of this book are clear: it has comprehensive content and multidimensional
– Li Fengliang, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management

‘An impressive feature of the Handbook on the Politics of Higher Education is the elegant economy with which it incorporates multiplicity, ambiguity and contestation into clear conceptual and organisational frameworks, beginning with a simple two-way matrix comprising social analysis, social action; rational choice, power and conflict. The array of international contributors includes, amongst others, political theorists and political scientists, economists and sociologists, administrators, managers, institutional leaders, finance specialists and policy advisers. They draw on their higher education research, scholarship, consultancy, practice and policy development in Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, and Africa, as well as Latin America and the Middle East.’
– Mary Henkel, retired from Brunel University London, UK

高等教育的政治上的手册is much the best available collection of its kind and the editors are to be congratulated. Topic coverage by the distinguished group of contributors is great, and starting with Brian Pusser’s brilliant opening chapter, that sweeps across the field, there’s a real excitement in much of the writing. This is sharp and authoritative analysis of the politics of higher education, like a coiled spring, for an increasingly political time—a time in which universities themselves are likely to become more political in future.’
– Simon Marginson, University College London, ESRC/HEFCE Centre for Global Higher Education and Editor-in-Chief, Higher Education

‘Politics surrounds academic life. The state, the organization, its actors, and the policies that get developed in tertiary education all function by way of political frameworks. What makes this Handbook useful is not only that it is comprehensive, but also that it crosses national boundaries and provides a geopolitical understanding to complex topics. The authors are experts in the field and the topic is of timely import. Thoughtful. Useful. Provocative.’
– William G. Tierney, University of Southern California, US
Contributors: A.M. Boggs, J. Brennan, A. Calderon, B. Cantwell, D.G. Carew, B. Chapman, H. Coates, G. Croucher, G. Davis, R. Deem, T. DePaola, D. Dohmen, R. Fearnside, C.A. Goldman, A. Grimm, E. Halford, T. Hicks, E. Jerez, B. Jongbloed, A. Kezar, R. King, M. Klemenčič, D. Kristoffersen, M. Krongkaew, S. Lee, B. Lepori, M. Lodge, R. Middlehurst, K. Moore, Å. Olsson, B.Y. Park, A. Pettigrew, S. Popenici, B. Pusser, S.L. Robertson, P. Rohan, C. Sá, E. Sabzalieva, D. Van Damme, M. Van Der Wende, M. Vukasovic, R. Wagenaar, S.U. Weerakkody, M. Wells, R. Yang, C. Ziguras

Introduction: The politics of higher education
Brendan Cantwell, Hamish Coates and Roger King

1. The State and the Civil Society in the Scholarship of Higher Education
Brian Pusser

2. Trust, universities and the state
Gwilym Croucher and Glyn Davis

3. The politics of university governance and United Kingdom devolution
Andrew M. Boggs and Robin Middlehurst

4. Transformations of higher education institutions in the Chinese tradition
Rui Yang

5. The Social Dimension of Higher Education: reproductive and transformative
John Brennan

6. Global higher education governance
Dirk Van Damme and Marijk Van der Wende

7. Global higher education and variegated regionalisms
Susan L. Robertson

8. The geopolitics of academic science
Brendan Cantwell and Adam Grimm

9. Scientific nationalism in a globalizing world
Creso Sá and Emma Sabzalieva

10. Soft power projection: The political return on investment in international higher education
Christopher Ziguras

11. The geopolitics of higher education: pursuing success in an uncertain global environment
Angel Calderon

12. National resource allocation decisions in higher education: Objectives and dilemmas
Benedetto Lepori and Ben Jongbloed

13. Higher education funding in the context of competing demands for government expenditure
Dieter Dohmen

14. The Political Economy of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme
Bruce Chapman and Timothy Hicks

15. The political economy of Thailand’s income contingent and allowance loan (TICAL) scheme: A personal account
Medhi Krongkaew

16. Using workforce data to plan higher education degree programs
Charles A. Goldman and Diana G. Carew

17. The politics of funding for research and development
Alan Pettigrew and Åsa Olsson

18. Risk-based regulation in higher education: Why, how, when, and what else?
Roger King

19. Regulating diversity: The challenges of regulation in pluralistic higher education systems, A UK Case Study
Elizabeth Halford

20. Tertiary regulation in Asia: Emerging models
Dorte Kristoffersen, Susanna Lee and Rob Fearnside

21. Regulating higher education: National audit explosions in international markets
Martin Lodge

22. Transparency is the lynchpin for higher education success
Hamish Coates, S. Umesha Weerakkody, Emeline Jerez, Michael Wells and Stefan Popenici

23. Stakeholder organizations and multi-level governance of higher education
Martina Vukasovic

24. The gender politics of higher education
Rosemary Deem

25. Neoliberalism and faculty roles: The politics of academic work
Adrianna Kezar and Tom DePaola

26. Student politics: Between representation and activism
Manja Klemenčič and Bo Yun Park

27. University-industry collaboration
Peter Rohan and Kenneth Moore

28. Skills and learning gain(s) in twenty-first-century higher education: Politics or policy?
Robert Wagenaar

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