Recruitment, Retention and Retirement in Higher Education


Recruitment, Retention and Retirement in Higher Education


9781845421854 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Robert L. Clark, Professor of Economics and Professor of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, North Carolina State University, US and Jennifer Ma, formerly Senior Research Fellow, TIAA-CREF Institute, US
Publication Date:September 2005 ISBN:978 1 84542 185 4 Extent:320 pp
This volume examines some of the most pressing employment and compensation issues confronting academic administrators.

Contributors discuss topics such as: ageing of faculty, changing economic conditions and shifts in faculty employment patterns, rapid increases in health care costs and trends in retiree health insurance, and adoption of phased and early retirement programs.

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Attracting and retaining highly qualified faculty is essential to maintaining productivity at institutions of higher education. Colleges and universities are at a critical juncture in their history as they attempt to achieve their teaching and research goals. This volume examines some of the most pressing employment and compensation issues confronting academic administrators.

Contributors discuss topics such as: ageing of faculty, changing economic conditions and shifts in faculty employment patterns, rapid increases in health care costs and trends in retiree health insurance, and adoption of phased and early retirement programs. The volume also includes a series of case studies on how individual universities are confronting these challenges. Institutions in these case studies include: Syracuse University, the University of North Carolina, the University of California, institutions in the Association of New American Colleges, and other colleges and universities included in several surveys and research projects.

This timely volume will appeal to academic administrators at colleges and universities in the US and internationally as they face the common challenges of rising employment costs, faculty aging and global competition. Researchers interested in the future of higher education, economics, and the academic labor market in general will find this a valuable addition to their library.
Critical Acclaim
‘[This book] provides tools and insights for university and college administrators to use when evaluating changes in retirement policy, and it presents valuable information in the form of case studies concerning changes in retention policies and retirement policies.’
– Lisa M. Dickson, Industrial and Labor Relations Review

‘This volume, a collection of papers presented at the 2004 TIAA-CREF Institute conference on higher education, contains many excellent chapters.’
– John Heuer, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance

‘This book enlightens the reader about two important policy issues, health care provision and retirement plans, by addressing both broad macro issues and specific concerns of higher education administrators. Such content is both valuable and practical for the concerned higher education researcher and administrator.’
– Marc Kaulisch, The Review of Higher Education
Contributors: S.G. Allen, H.M. Allison, Jr., M.A. Baer, J. Berberet, C.J. Bland, M.C. Broad, B.E. Brown, R.L. Clark, M.B. d’Ambrosio, R.G. Ehrenberg, M.A. Flusche, D.A. Freund, N. Janson, M.Z. Johnson, C.V. Kuh, D.W. Leslie, J. Ma, J.L. Palmer, J. Pencavel, K.R. Risbey, J. Rust, S.J. Schieber, J.B. Shoven, D.E. Schulenburger, R.R. Spies, P.E. Stephan, E. Switkes, C.-A. Trotman, L. Zhang
Contents: Foreword by Herbert M. Allison, Jr 1. Changing Faculty Demographics and the Need for New Policies 2. Filling the Gap: Finding and Keeping Faculty for the University of the Future 3. The Changing Nature of Faculty Employment 4. The Growing Postdoctorate Population at US Research Universities 5. Planning for the Generational Turnover of the Faculty: Faculty Perceptions and Institutional Practices 6. The Future of Retiree Health Benefits in Higher Education in the United States 7. Impact of Retiree Health Plans on Faculty Retirement Decisions 8. Faculty Recruitment, Retention and Retirement: A Case Study of Human Resources Policymaking at Syracuse University 9. The Value of Phased Retirement 10. Faculty Retirement Inventives by Colleges and Universities 11. To Phase or Not to Phase: The Dynamics of Choosing Phased Retirement in Academe 12. Phasing Out of Full-time Work at the University of California 13. The Costs and Benefits of Early Retirement Plans 14. Recruitment, Retention and Retirement: Institutional Research and the Need for Data 15. Developing New Employment and Compensation Policies in Higher Education Index
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