A Multidisciplinary Approach
9781800376021 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
在学者,政策制定者和公众中,人们对公民基本收入的可取性,可行性和实施的辩论 - 无条件,不可借记和常规收入 - 越来越普遍。现在有许多有关该主题的介绍性书,而其他书籍则在其特定方面。这本书提供了新的东西:它从各种不同的纪律观点中研究了公民的基本收入建议:公民基本收入的经济学,公民基本收入的社会学,公民基本收入的政治等等。每章都讨论了辩论的学术学科和相关方面,并询问该学科如何增强我们的理解,以及公民的基本收入辩论如何有助于学术学科。
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Malcolm Torry explores Citizen’s Basic Income – an unconditional income for every individual – moving the reader from a basic understanding of the concept to an in-depth recognition of its wide-ranging implications. Torry examines debates around the desirability, feasibility and implementation of a Citizen’s Basic Income, and how this idea is becoming increasingly widespread.
Containing detailed case studies in each chapter, this book will be helpful to a wide variety of scholars and students wanting a broader knowledge of Citizen’s Basic Income. It will also be useful to policymakers who wish to engage in the debate on the potential benefits and drawbacks of a Citizen’s Basic Income.
Containing detailed case studies in each chapter, this book will be helpful to a wide variety of scholars and students wanting a broader knowledge of Citizen’s Basic Income. It will also be useful to policymakers who wish to engage in the debate on the potential benefits and drawbacks of a Citizen’s Basic Income.
‘马尔科姆·托里(Malcolm Torry)的《公民基本收入》的现代指南对于任何这个概念的学生来说都是一个受欢迎的补充。Torry在分析该概念的优点时保持了客观的平衡,他解决了整本书中针对它的许多批评。本书的真正令人耳目一新的方面之一是在试图理解和批评CBI的想法方面采用的异端治疗方法。
- Arya Pillai,国际公共政策评论
‘马尔科姆·托里(Malcolm Torry)是基本收入领域中最多产,全面,知识渊博的研究人员之一。没有人可以更好地为主题编写多学科指南。’
- 卡塔尔乔治敦大学的卡尔·威德奎斯特
“在最近对基本收入的奖学金爆炸中,马尔科姆·托里(Malcolm Torry)找到了一种新颖的方法来探索其理论和实践:通过不同的纪律观点探索基本收入。”
- 中国纽约大学阿尔玛兹·泽勒克(Almaz Zelleke)
‘As the idea of a Citizen's Basic Income continues to gain in prominence, Malcolm Torry's latest book brings a variety of lenses to bear upon the surrounding debate. He provides a valuable multi-disciplinary resource that will be of interest to a wide range of observers and commentators within that debate.’
- 英国伦敦经济学院哈特利院长
‘马尔科姆·托里(Malcolm Torry)在英国争取普遍基本收入的最前沿已有30多年的历史了。这本新书探讨了十二个学科 - 从伦理和心理学到历史和法律 - 如何阐明这一想法。对于希望参与不断增长的UBI辩论的学生和研究人员,Torry的书提供了一个很好的起点。’
– Peter Sloman, University of Cambridge, UK
- Arya Pillai,国际公共政策评论
‘马尔科姆·托里(Malcolm Torry)是基本收入领域中最多产,全面,知识渊博的研究人员之一。没有人可以更好地为主题编写多学科指南。’
- 卡塔尔乔治敦大学的卡尔·威德奎斯特
“在最近对基本收入的奖学金爆炸中,马尔科姆·托里(Malcolm Torry)找到了一种新颖的方法来探索其理论和实践:通过不同的纪律观点探索基本收入。”
- 中国纽约大学阿尔玛兹·泽勒克(Almaz Zelleke)
‘As the idea of a Citizen's Basic Income continues to gain in prominence, Malcolm Torry's latest book brings a variety of lenses to bear upon the surrounding debate. He provides a valuable multi-disciplinary resource that will be of interest to a wide range of observers and commentators within that debate.’
- 英国伦敦经济学院哈特利院长
‘马尔科姆·托里(Malcolm Torry)在英国争取普遍基本收入的最前沿已有30多年的历史了。这本新书探讨了十二个学科 - 从伦理和心理学到历史和法律 - 如何阐明这一想法。对于希望参与不断增长的UBI辩论的学生和研究人员,Torry的书提供了一个很好的起点。’
– Peter Sloman, University of Cambridge, UK
Contents: Preface 1. Introduction to a multidisciplinary study of Citizen’s Basic Income 2. The language of Citizen’s Basic Income 3. Histories of Citizen’s Basic Income 4. The ethics of Citizen’s Basic Income 5. The economics of Citizen’s Basic Income 6. The psychology of Citizen’s Basic Income 7. The social psychology of Citizen’s Basic Income 8. The sociology of Citizen’s Basic Income 9. Citizen’s Basic Income as social policy 10. The social administration of Citizen’s Basic Income 11. The politics of Citizen’s Basic Income 12. The political economy of Citizen’s Basic Income 13. The law of Citizen’s Basic Income 14. Conclusion Bibliography Index