A Research Agenda for the Entrepreneurial University
This far-reaching Research Agenda highlights the main features of entrepreneurial university research over the two decades since the concept was first introduced, and examines how technological, environmental and social changes will affect future research questions and themes. It revisits existing research that tends to adopt either an idealised or a sceptical view of the entrepreneurial university, arguing for further investigation and the development of bridges between these two strands.
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Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.
This far-reaching Research Agenda highlights the main features of entrepreneurial university research over the two decades since the concept was first introduced, and examines how technological, environmental and social changes will affect future research questions and themes. It revisits existing research that tends to adopt either an idealised or a sceptical view of the entrepreneurial university, arguing for further investigation and the development of bridges between these two strands.
Offering insights into both mainstream and critical approaches, top international scholars discuss a wide range of studies from various analytical and methodological perspectives. Contributions envision the future development of the ‘alternative entrepreneurial university’, creating space for more localised and contextualised institutions that can be both responsive to the needs of their societies and proactive in shaping them.
Academics and practitioners interested in the entrepreneurial university will find this forward-looking Research Agenda to be crucial reading. It will also be beneficial for PhD researchers in framing key directions and questions for future research.
This far-reaching Research Agenda highlights the main features of entrepreneurial university research over the two decades since the concept was first introduced, and examines how technological, environmental and social changes will affect future research questions and themes. It revisits existing research that tends to adopt either an idealised or a sceptical view of the entrepreneurial university, arguing for further investigation and the development of bridges between these two strands.
Offering insights into both mainstream and critical approaches, top international scholars discuss a wide range of studies from various analytical and methodological perspectives. Contributions envision the future development of the ‘alternative entrepreneurial university’, creating space for more localised and contextualised institutions that can be both responsive to the needs of their societies and proactive in shaping them.
Academics and practitioners interested in the entrepreneurial university will find this forward-looking Research Agenda to be crucial reading. It will also be beneficial for PhD researchers in framing key directions and questions for future research.
Critical Acclaim
‘From an academic point of view, entrepreneurial universities are still an emergent area in the field of entrepreneurship. This book, written by a group of scholars at the leading edge of this topic, is offering new and fresh research perspectives. I found interest in every piece of research; however, I would recommend paying greater attention to those chapters taking a critical stance toward the phenomenon and those discussing the challenges and opportunities entrepreneurial universities might meet in the digital era.’
– Alain Fayolle, University of Cagliari, Italy
‘This important new book not only makes crystal clear the key role played by an entrepreneurial university in driving economic performance, it also paves a pioneering path directing research and thought leadership on how best to create, develop and sustain an entrepreneurial university. The book transcends both disciplinary boundaries and conventional thinking in forging an important new research area.’
– David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, US
– Alain Fayolle, University of Cagliari, Italy
‘This important new book not only makes crystal clear the key role played by an entrepreneurial university in driving economic performance, it also paves a pioneering path directing research and thought leadership on how best to create, develop and sustain an entrepreneurial university. The book transcends both disciplinary boundaries and conventional thinking in forging an important new research area.’
– David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, US
Contributors: L. Aaboen, L. Aarikka-Stenroos, A. Alexandersson, K. Berglund, A. Creed, J.A. Cunningham, A. Dubois, M. Elken, M. Guerrero, J. Heinonen, L. Hietanen, U. Hytti, M. Jogmark, R. Kaša, S. Katila, A. Kuismin, K. Lahikainen, P.-M. Laine, V. Lazzarotti, R. Manzini, K. Miller, M. Niska, E. Oikkonen, A. Paalzow, K. Peltonen, G. Puliga, I. Sabelis, E. Salvador, M. Tillmar, D. Urbano, A. Urbinati, A. Valtonen, K. Verduijn, K.M. Vesala, J.B. Warshaw, A. Zutshi
1 Introduction: navigating the frontiers of
entrepreneurial university research 1
Ulla Hytti
2 An alternative entrepreneurial university? 7
Jogmark and Malin Tillmar
3 The societally entrepreneurial university 29
Karen Verduijn and Ida Sabelis
4企业大学ersities in post-Soviet countries 43
Rita Kaša, Mari Elken and Anders Paalzow
5 Orchestrating affect at the entrepreneurial university 67
Saija Katila, Ari Kuismin, Pikka-Maaria Laine and
Anu Valtonen
6 Agent or principal? A discursive and rhetorical
approach to changing stakeholder relations in the
entrepreneurial university 85
Miira Niska and Kari Mikko Vesala
7 Entrepreneurial university business models: core
drivers, challenges and consequences 103
James A. Cunningham and Kristel Miller
8 Calling for student engagement in an
entrepreneurial university 129
Katja Lahikainen, Kati Peltonen, Lenita Hietanen
and Elena Oikkonen
9 The entrepreneurial university in the digital era:
looking into teaching challenges and new higher
education trends 143
Maribel Guerrero and David Urbano
10 Sources of science and power: emerging
organizational forms and professions in the
entrepreneurial university 169
Jarrett B. Warshaw
11 Between academia and business: research agenda
for acapreneurship 189
Andrew Creed, Jarna Heinonen and Ambika Zutshi
12 Relationship development patterns of
university-based start-ups 207
Lise Aaboen, Anna Dubois and Leena Aarikka-Stenroos
13 Research spin-offs and their role within the
entrepreneurial university in the digital age:
a framework for future research from Italian case
studies 229
Elisa Salvador, Raffaella Manzini, Andrea
Urbinati, Gloria Puliga and Valentina Lazzarotti
Index 251
1 Introduction: navigating the frontiers of
entrepreneurial university research 1
Ulla Hytti
2 An alternative entrepreneurial university? 7
Jogmark and Malin Tillmar
3 The societally entrepreneurial university 29
Karen Verduijn and Ida Sabelis
4企业大学ersities in post-Soviet countries 43
Rita Kaša, Mari Elken and Anders Paalzow
5 Orchestrating affect at the entrepreneurial university 67
Saija Katila, Ari Kuismin, Pikka-Maaria Laine and
Anu Valtonen
6 Agent or principal? A discursive and rhetorical
approach to changing stakeholder relations in the
entrepreneurial university 85
Miira Niska and Kari Mikko Vesala
7 Entrepreneurial university business models: core
drivers, challenges and consequences 103
James A. Cunningham and Kristel Miller
8 Calling for student engagement in an
entrepreneurial university 129
Katja Lahikainen, Kati Peltonen, Lenita Hietanen
and Elena Oikkonen
9 The entrepreneurial university in the digital era:
looking into teaching challenges and new higher
education trends 143
Maribel Guerrero and David Urbano
10 Sources of science and power: emerging
organizational forms and professions in the
entrepreneurial university 169
Jarrett B. Warshaw
11 Between academia and business: research agenda
for acapreneurship 189
Andrew Creed, Jarna Heinonen and Ambika Zutshi
12 Relationship development patterns of
university-based start-ups 207
Lise Aaboen, Anna Dubois and Leena Aarikka-Stenroos
13 Research spin-offs and their role within the
entrepreneurial university in the digital age:
a framework for future research from Italian case
studies 229
Elisa Salvador, Raffaella Manzini, Andrea
Urbinati, Gloria Puliga and Valentina Lazzarotti
Index 251