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The Technology, Business, and Economics of Streaming Video
Eli Noam
Along with its interrelated companion volume, The Content, Impact, and Regulation of Streaming Video, this book covers the next generation of TV—streaming online video, with details about its present and a broad perspective on the future...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Advanced Introduction to the Politics of International Human Rights
David P. Forsythe
David P. Forsythe presents a compelling introduction to international human rights in a political context. He stresses the difficulties of interjecting human rights into foreign policy and international politics, while recognising the co...eBook:Find out more$22.36
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Advanced Introduction to Community-based Conservation
Fikret Berkes
Professor Fikret Berkes provides a unique introduction to the social and interdisciplinary dimensions of biodiversity conservation. Examining a range of approaches, new ideas, controversies and debates, he demonstrates that biodiversity ...eBook:Find out more$24.76
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David Fernández-Rojo
This insightful book analyzes the evolution of the operational tasks and cooperation of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Coo...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship
Edited by Léo-Paul Dana
This second edition of a classic reference work, written by some of the most eminent academics in the field, contains over 30 per cent more entries on entrepreneurship. Comprehensive in scope, it includes topics from business angels, to ...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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The Content, Impact, and Regulation of Streaming Video
Eli Noam
Along with its interrelated companion volume, The Technology, Business, and Economics of Streaming Video, this book examines the next generation of TV—online video. It reviews the elements that lead to online platforms and video clouds a...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Directors' Duties and Corporate Anti-Corruption Compliance
Patrick j . O我alley
这本书的检查良好治理开发lopments concerning anti-bribery efforts in the US and the UK, recognising that with each new major case of corporate malfeasance the parameters of directors’ duties change and expand. Ta...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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A Research Agenda for Sales
Edited by Fernando Jaramillo, Jay P. Mulki
A Research Agenda for Sales presents a roadmap of the future of sales. Eight recognized sales scholars discuss ideas that scholars are exploring and that firms can use for success in hypercompetitive markets with demanding customers. Fea...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Plato's Economics
David Reisman
Plato was the first of the great thinkers to integrate the economy into a wide-ranging synthesis of ethical absolutes and human interaction. In this original and stimulating book, David Reisman assesses his influential contribution to th...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Migrants’ Attitudes and the Welfare State
Karen N. Breidahl, Troels F. Hedegaard, Kristian Kongshøj, Christian A. Larsen
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. It is free to read, download and share on Analysing two major surveys of 14 different migrant groups connected to Danish register data... -
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Financial Education and Risk Literacy
Edited by Riccardo Viale, Umberto Filotto, Barbara Alemanni, Shabnam Mousavi
This innovative book explores how the design of financial education programmes could benefit from the findings of behavioural economics and finance and cognitive sciences. It covers the social, cultural and technological determinants of ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Sport Management
Edited by Vanessa Ratten
This timely book takes both a practical and academic perspective of innovation in sport management, exploring the role of entrepreneurship in sport. With its interdisciplinary approach, it provides a holistic overview of the ways in whic...eBook:Find out more$40.00