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Handbook of Sustainable Development Planning
由M. A. Quaddus,M.A.B。编辑西迪克
The thoroughly revised second edition of this authoritative Handbook, complete with new chapters, comprehensively examines the current status and future directions of model-based systems in decision support and their application to susta... -
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Managing the Middle-Income Transition
由Juhzon Zhuang,Paul Vandenberg和Yiping Huang编辑
The growth model of the People’s Republic of China has been based on high investments, exports, low-cost advantage, and government interventions. This model has successfully transformed the country from a low-income to an upper middle-in... -
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Edited by Laura Oso , Natalia Ribas-Mateos
国际关于性别,移民和跨国主义的手册代表了对全球化世界中性别与移民之间联系的关键重要性的最新综述。它利用原始的,很大程度上的野外BA ... -
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由Eduardo Albuquerque,Wilson Suzigan,Glenda Kruss和Keun Lee编辑
Interactions between firms and universities are key building blocks of innovation systems. This book focuses on those interactions in developing countries, presenting studies based on fresh empirical material prepared by research teams i... -
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Asia and Global Production Networks
由Benno Ferrarini编辑,David Hummels
这本及时的书籍部署了新的工具和措施,以了解全球生产网络如何改变全球经济相互依存的性质,以及这如何改变了我们对哪些政策在本方面适当的理解... -
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Pauline Dixon
这一引人入胜的批量挑战了人们普遍认为,国家应在发展中国家提供,资金和规范教育。Pauline Dixon博士以印度为例,研究了私人,营利性S ...的方式 -
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World Statistics on Mining and Utilities 2014
关于采矿和公用事业的世界统计数据提供了独特的双年展概述,概述了采矿和公用事业在世界经济中的作用。Unido的广泛资源提供了有关级别,结构...的详细时间序列数据。 -
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Economic Growth in an Open Developing Economy
A. P. Thirlwall