
Game Theory

  1. Add to Wish List Evolutionary Theory and Legal Philosophy

    Evolutionary Theory and Legal Philosophy

    Wojciech Zaluski
    This unique book presents various ways in which evolutionary theory can contribute to the analysis of key legal-philosophical problems. Wojciech Zaluski explores three central questions; the ontological question – what is the nature of ...
    Hardback (2009)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  2. Add to Wish List Strategic Behaviour in Network Industries

    Strategic Behaviour in Network Industries

    Ernst ten Heuvelhof, Martin de Jong, Mirjam Kars, Helen Stout
    This in-depth book explains how institutional changes such as the privatization and liberalization of network industries, for example transport, energy or telecommunications, can frequently be disappointing. The expected benefits such as...
    Hardback (2009)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

  3. Add to Wish List Game Practice and the Environment

    Game Practice and the Environment

    Edited by Carlo Carraro, Vito Fragnelli
    This book summarises the latest achievements of researchers involved in the application of game theory to the analysis of environmental matters. It provides an overview of different methods and applications, and gives the reader new insi...
    Hardback (2004)

    List price$146.00

    Member price$131.40

  4. Add to Wish List Games and Public Administration

    Games and Public Administration

    Georg von Wangenheim
    Despite the increasing trend towards deregulation, the public regulation of private activities remains a common phenomenon in industrialized countries. However, it is frequently claimed that slow and costly regulatory licensing procedure...
    Hardback (2004)

    List price$146.00

    Member price$131.40

  5. Add to Wish List Game Theory and International Environmental Cooperation

    Game Theory and International Environmental Cooperation

    Michael Finus
    这本书探讨各种策略来提供e countries with an incentive to accede, agree and comply to an international environmental agreement (IEA). Finus shows that by integrating real world restrictions into a model, game th...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$185.00

    Member price$166.50

  6. Add to Wish List The Measurement of Voting Power

    The Measurement of Voting Power

    Dan S. Felsenthal, Moshé Machover
    This book is the first of its kind: a monograph devoted to a systematic critical examination and exposition of the theory of a priori voting power. This important branch of social-choice theory overlaps with game theory and is concerned...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

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