Public Sector Economics
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Benefit–Cost Analyses for Security Policies
Edited by Carol Mansfield, V. K. Smith
安全政策的利益 - 成本分析描述了如何在利益成本分析框架内进行安全策略评估,并为其中的国土安全法规分析提供独特的贡献电子书:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook on the Economics of Reciprocity and Social Enterprise
由Luigino Bruni,Stefano Zamagni编辑
最近的经济动荡时代为基于互惠和社会企业的概念的新和原创经济见解而产生了越来越大的热情。这种刺激和思想挑衅Handboo ......电子书:Find out more$57.60
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Edited by Ana Condeço-Melhorado, Aura Reggiani, Javier Gutiérrez
‘Interaction and accessibility are widely discussed themes in urban and regional analysis. Many aspects of this area are touched on in this wide-ranging collection of research essays. For example, migration, commuting, and accessibility ...电子书:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Richard M. Bird, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
税收和发展突出了更好地理解税收和支出所涉及的方式的重要性。专注于发展中国家,这本书争辩于对该主题的更广泛的方法,具有次要焦点......电子书:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Peter Karl Kresl, Jaime Sobrino
‘It is obvious that cities have long been the focus of analysis by the scholars and practitioners whose writings published in the Kresl–Sobrino Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Urban Economies. The depth and excellence of...电子书:Find out more$57.56
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Anthony J. Culyer
This third edition of Anthony Culyer’s authoritative The Dictionary of Health Economics brings the material right up to date as well as adding plentiful amounts of new information, with a number of revised definitions. There are now near...电子书:Find out more$65.00
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Strategic Public Private Partnerships
这本及时的书籍地满足了当代和未来的合作动态,在全球担忧的时间内结合公共,私人和非政府资源 - 从经济不安全到慢性环境威胁的环境威胁。电子书:Find out more$35.20
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伦敦证交所排版anion to Health Policy
Edited by Alistair McGuire, Joan Costa-Font
卫生政策的LSE伴侣涵盖了许多不同观点的广泛概念和实际问题,介绍了读者,并总结了庞大的文学,分析了健康PO的复杂性......电子书:Find out more$48.80
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Urban Competitiveness and Innovation
Edited by Pengfei Ni, Zheng Qiongjie
Against the backdrop of today’s climate of economic globalization and the rapid development of information, this timely book explores the complex concept of competitiveness between cities. The expert contributors illustrate that innovati...电子书:Find out more$40.00
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The Role of the Postal and Delivery Sector in a Digital Age
Edited by Michael A. Crew, Timothy J. J. Brennan
‘A seminal body of impressive scholarship, The Role of the Postal and Delivery Sector in a Digital Age is as informed and informative as it is thoughtful, and thought-provoking, making it very highly recommended reading for governmental ...电子书:Find out more$40.00
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International Handbook on the Economics of Mega Sporting Events
由Wolfgang Maennig,Andrew Zimbalist编辑
‘. . . the Handbook covers the various economic aspects of large sporting events and has rightly earned its “handbook” title. Given its multi-author, chapter format, it is easy to dip in and out of without reading everything in one go. I...电子书:Find out more$59.96
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Smart Transport Networks
Edited by Thomas Vanoutrive, Ann Verhetsel
“智能运输网络的目标是展示三个因素在运输与社会之间关系中的影响。他们通过提供来自欧洲各自的经验示例来这样做。。。。对于对...感兴趣的人电子书:Find out more$40.00