Innovation and Technology

  1. Add to Wish List Energy Innovation for the Twenty-First Century

    Energy Innovation for the Twenty-First Century

    Jim Skea, Renée van Diemen, Matthew Hannon, Evangelos Gazis, Aidan Rhodes
    This book addresses the question: how effective are countries in promoting the innovation needed to facilitate an energy transition? At the heart of the book is a set of empirical case studies covering supply and demand side technologies...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price$190.00

    Member price$171.00

  2. Add to Wish List Globalizing Welfare

    Globalizing Welfare

    Edited by Stein Kuhnle, Per Selle, Sven E.O. Hort
    From the welfare state’s origins in Europe, the idea of human welfare being organized through a civilized, institutionalized and uncorrupt state has caught the imagination of social activists and policy-makers around the world. This is p...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price$177.00

    Member price$159.30

  3. Add to Wish List The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation

    The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation

    Edited by Harald Bathelt, Patrick Cohendet, Sebastian Henn, Laurent Simon
    This unique Companion provides a comprehensive overview and critical evaluation of existing conceptualizations and new developments in innovation research. It draws on multiple perspectives of innovation, knowledge and creativity from ec...
    Paperback (2019)

    List price$82.95

    Member price$66.36

    Hardback (2017)

    List price$401.00

    Member price$360.90

  4. Add to Wish List A Research Agenda for Service Innovation

    A Research Agenda for Service Innovation

    Edited by Faïz Gallouj, Faridah Djellal
    这本书旨在考虑主要的亿旺资讯公司es made in ‘Service Innovation Studies’ (SIS) and above all to provide an agenda setting out the research priorities in the field. This agenda is established by considering the issue of i...
    Paperback (2019)

    List price$52.95

    Member price$42.36

    Hardback (2018)

    List price$132.00

    Member price$118.80

  5. Add to Wish List International Handbook on Responsible Innovation

    International Handbook on Responsible Innovation

    Edited by René von Schomberg, Jonathan Hankins
    The Handbook constitutes a global resource for the fast growing interdisciplinary research and policy communities addressing the challenge of driving innovation towards socially desirable outcomes. This book brings together well-known au...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price$333.00

    Member price$299.70

  6. Add to Wish List Responsible Innovation in Digital Health

    Responsible Innovation in Digital Health

    Edited by Tatiana Iakovleva, Elin M. Oftedal, John Bessant
    Powerful new approaches and advances in medical systems drive increasingly high expectations for healthcare providers internationally. The form of digital healthcare – a suite of new technologies offering significant benefits in cost and...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price$153.00

    Member price$137.70

  7. Add to Wish List Transforming Industrial Policy for the Digital Age

    Transforming Industrial Policy for the Digital Age

    Edited by Patrizio Bianchi, Clemente R. Durán, Sandrine Labory
    This book argues that digital globalization is inducing deep and productive transformations, making industrial policy necessary in order to reorientate development towards inclusive and more sustainable growth. The book also demonstrates...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price$147.00

    Member price$132.30

  8. Add to Wish List From Innovation to Entrepreneurship

    From Innovation to Entrepreneurship

    Yasuyuki Motoyama
    Innovation and entrepreneurship are often considered two sides of the same coin. But are the links between innovation and entrepreneurship as inextricable as we think? From Innovation to Entrepreneurship questions this seemingly interd...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price$122.00

    Member price$109.80

  9. Add to Wish List Handbook on Science and Public Policy

    Handbook on Science and Public Policy

    Edited by Dagmar Simon, Stefan Kuhlmann, Julia Stamm, Weert Canzler
    This Handbook assembles state-of-the-art insights into the co-evolutionary and precarious relations between science and public policy. Beyond this, it also offers a fresh outlook on emerging challenges for science (including technology a...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price$292.00

    Member price$262.80

  10. Add to Wish List Industrial Policy for the Manufacturing Revolution

    Industrial Policy for the Manufacturing Revolution

    Patrizio Bianchi, Sandrine Labory
    这本书提供了一个批判性反思的意思ing and expected impact of the fourth industrial revolution, and its implications for industrial policy. Industrial revolutions are considered not only in terms of technological progress,...
    Paperback (2019)

    List price$32.95

    Member price$26.36

    Hardback (2018)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

  11. Add to Wish List The Political Economy of Non-Territorial Exit

    The Political Economy of Non-Territorial Exit

    Trent J. MacDonald
    Territorial political organisation forms the backbone of western liberal democracies. However, political economists are increasingly aware of how this form of government neglects the preferences of citizens, resulting in dramatic conflic...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price$138.00

    Member price$124.20

  12. Add to Wish List The Two Faces of Institutional Innovation

    The Two Faces of Institutional Innovation

    Leonardo Avritzer
    This book evaluates democratic innovations to allow a full analysis of the different practices that have emerged recently in Latin America. These innovations, often viewed in a positive light by a large section of democratic theorists, e...
    Paperback (2019)

    List price$44.95

    Member price$35.96

    Hardback (2017)

    List price$122.00

    Member price$109.80

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