Human Rights
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Mark Tushnet.
‘In terms of succinctness, readability and sophistication, probably the best advanced introduction to comparative constitutional law you can find in under 150 pages.’ – Mattias Kumm, New York University, School of Law, USeBook:Find out more$23.56
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由Juanita Elias编辑,Adrienne Roberts
‘The book is an invaluable – in fact, unique – resource for those interested in gender and international political economy, and the range of work it showcases is useful for both teaching and research purposes.’ – Kate Bedford, Gender & D...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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‘Julian Maxwell Hayter and George R. Goethals have edited an outstanding collection of essays dealing with the repeated efforts to forge a more inclusive republic in the decades after the American Civil War. In elegantly-crafted pieces r...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook on Global Constitutionalism
Anthony F. Lang,Antje Wiener编辑
‘The Handbook on Global Constitutionalism is a penetrating, rich and thought-provoking volume. Drawing leading scholars of international law, international relations and political theory into constructive dialogue, it is an important con...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Edited by Lucky Belder, Helle Porsdam
“谈判文化权利是文化权利文献的值得注意的。这本书的价值主要纳入了Shaheed的个人叙述了她的经验,作为特别报告员,解决她的工作我......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Individualism and Inequality
‘Suitors would be wrong to see this book as just another study of modern-day inequality. It offers far more insight than other books on this topic. Broadly, it is about two related trends: the decline of belief in human qualities and hum...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Pierre Schmitt.
在国际律师议程上的“问责制高。在这方面,国际组织,漫长的进步体现,已成为嫌疑人和强烈审查的对象。在他的书中,Pierre Schmitt提供...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Welfare in China
编辑Beatriz Carrillo, Johanna罩,保罗卡detz
‘The Handbook of Welfare in China is a good example of a handbook. The text finds the balance between the contributors’ detailed knowledge and the editors’ efforts to produce coherent contribution. It is a publication entering what will ...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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International Humanitarian Law
John Cerone编辑
This volume brings together traditional and contemporary articles by leading scholars in international humanitarian law. It incorporates key papers published between 1625 and 2012 that investigate the major themes of the field including ... -
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Edited by Leila Simona Talani, Simon McMahon
‘Recent years has seen a flowering of International Relations and IPE approaches to international migration. The subject, indeed, poses a challenge to existing paradigms, as a key dimension of globalisation and the complex de- and re-bo...eBook:Find out more$57.60
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Edited by William A. Schabas, Shannonbrooke Murphy
“本书在国际法院和法庭的领域为新人提供了良好的意义,即它涵盖了一个来自新鲜角度的各种(传统)主题,这是一个今天令人思想的学生需要考虑的新鲜角度。”eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Labor Standards in International Supply Chains
Daniel Berliner,Anne Regan Greenleaf,Milli Lake,Margaret Levi,Jennifer Noveck
“这本书构成了对发展中异性和越来越重要的学术领域的宝贵贡献,并将对任何有兴趣学习更多关于造成工作条件的因素的人来说,这将是有用的......eBook:Find out more$35.20