Regulation and Governance
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Multi-level Governance: Essential Readings
The term ‘multi-level governance’ (MLG) has emerged from its origins in EU studies in the early 1990s to become a commonly used description of politics and policy-making in a range of settings. This collection brings together seminal pap... -
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Business Regulation
Edited by Edward J. Balleisen
这组全面传达领导那larly ideas on modern regulatory governance since 1871. The first two volumes lay out the rationales for and critiques of technocratic governance in industrialized societies. They trace t... -
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Political Governance in China
Edited by Anthony Saich
Including key research articles from specialists in the field, this volume provides an introduction and critical insights into the most important debates surrounding the governance of contemporary China. The material will enable readers ... -
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Migration and Global Governance
Edited by Alan Gamlen, Katharine Marsh
In this noteworthy collection, the editors present the key articles published over the past twenty years which illustrate three related ‘modes’ of governing migration: a national mode, an international mode and a transnational mode. In r... -
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Private Institutions and Global Governance
This book analyses the recent emergence of transnational forms of environmental regulation within the larger conceptual context of global governance research and institutional theory. Increasingly, private policies at the transnational l... -
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Democratic Governance and European Integration
Edited by Ronald Holzhacker, Erik Albaek
As the power and scope of the European Union moves further, beyond traditional forms of international cooperation between sovereign states, it is important to analyse how these developments are impacting upon national institutions and pr...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Dynamics and Obstacles of European Governance
Edited by Dirk De Bièvre, Christine Neuhold
This book examines some of the major origins of change in institutions and policies in European governance. The authors combine a sophisticated institutional analysis with in-depth insights into European policies across a wide variety ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Governance and the Public Sector
Edited by Ron Hodges
This authoritative collection reprints in book form some of the most important research papers on the principles and practice of governance in the public sector. -
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Governance: An International Perspective
Edited by Diane K. Denis, John J. McConnell
This insightful collection presents key papers by leading financial economists on the subject of corporate governance across the world. -
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Public Policy and Local Governance
Peter Bogason
Traditional policy analysis takes as its starting point national legislation and then traces the public policy process through the hierarchical chain of agencies which implement directives. In this book, Peter Bogason takes a postmodern ... -
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Good Governance in Central and Eastern Europe
Edited by Herman W. Hoen
The implementation of a democratic order embedded in a market economy environment has proved immensely difficult. Furthermore, this process is subject to tremendous variety within Central and Eastern Europe. Ten years after the collapse ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Regulation Theory and the Crisis of Capitalism
Edited by Bob Jessop
This five-volume collection (with individual volumes available separately) provides a comprehensive overview of the regulation approach to capitalism and its crisis-tendencies. Edited by a major British contributor to the approach, the c...