Terrorism and Security

  1. Add to Wish List The Handbook on the Political Economy of War

    The Handbook on the Political Economy of War

    Edited by Christopher J. Coyne, Rachel L. Mathers
    By defining political economy and war in the broadest sense, this unique Handbook brings together a wide range of interdisciplinary scholars from economics, political science, sociology, and policy studies to address a multitude of impor...
    Paperback (2012)

    List price$89.95

    Member price$71.96

    Hardback (2011)

    List price$318.00

    Member price$286.20

  2. Add to Wish List Virtual Economies and Financial Crime

    Virtual Economies and Financial Crime

    Clare Chambers-Jones
    Virtual economies and financial crime are ever-growing, increasingly significant facets to banking, finance and anti-money laundering regulations on an international scale. In this pathbreaking and timely book, these two important issues...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

  3. Add to Wish List Security and Development

    Security and Development

    Edited by George Mavrotas
    This important book tackles some of the main security challenges facing the international development community today. Containing contributions by leading experts, including some who have been at the centre of the international policy de...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  4. Add to Wish List Money Laundering in the Real Estate Sector

    Money Laundering in the Real Estate Sector

    Brigitte Unger, Joras Ferwerda
    In many countries, the real estate sector is vulnerable to money laundering due to a high number of factors including; the high value of assets, price fluctuations and speculation within the market, difficulties in assessing the true val...
    Hardback (2011)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

  5. Add to Wish List Technology and Anti-Money Laundering

    Technology and Anti-Money Laundering

    Dionysios S. Demetis
    ‘Dr Demetis makes a great contribution to our understanding of anti-money laundering at both a systems and practical level. [He] writes as someone who not only thinks deeply about these issues but, as the in-depth case examples show, has...
    Hardback (2010)

    List price$125.00

    Member price$112.50

  6. Add to Wish List Terrorism, Security and the Power of Informal Networks

    Terrorism, Security and the Power of Informal Networks

    Edited by David Martin Jones, Ann Lane, Paul Schulte
    This innovative work examines the concept of the informal network and its practical utility within the context of counter terrorism. Drawing together a range of practitioner and academic expertise it explores the character and evolution ...
    Hardback (2010)

    List price$155.00

    Member price$139.50

  7. Add to Wish List Global Business and the Terrorist Threat

    Global Business and the Terrorist Threat

    Edited by Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, James E. Moore II
    Global business is affected by global terrorism and the two are intricately linked on many levels. This book is an eclectic and enlightening compendium of research that explores the interrelationships between the two. A companion to and ...
    Paperback (2010)

    List price$65.00

    Member price$52.00

    Hardback (2009)

    List price$175.00

    Member price$157.50

  8. Add to Wish List Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption

    Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption

    Edited by Leslie Holmes
    ‘This book is multidisciplinary, as it contains contributions from criminology, politics and international relations scholars. It includes a wide variety of fascinating papers with a dominant focus on the conceptual broadening of securit...
    Paperback (2010)

    List price$76.00

    Member price60.80美元

    Hardback (2007)

    List price$156.00

    Member price$140.40

  9. Add to Wish List Unfunding Terror

    Unfunding Terror

    Jimmy Gurulé
    ‘Jimmy Gurulé knows how to bankrupt terrorists like few others do. As Undersecretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, he spearheaded the fight against al-Qaeda’s global bank accounts, helping to earn the highest grade awarded on the 9/11...
    Paperback (2010)

    List price$76.00

    Member price60.80美元

    Hardback (2009)

    List price$232.00

    Member price$208.80



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  10. Add to Wish List Explaining Civil War

    Explaining Civil War

    Syed Mansoob Murshed
    ‘This masterly book succinctly surveys contemporary literature on the sources of conflict in developing countries as well as policies to secure a stable peace, including many insightful contributions by the author. The treatment of this ...
    Hardback (2010)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

  11. Add to Wish List A Handbook of Terrorism and Insurgency in Southeast Asia

    A Handbook of Terrorism and Insurgency in Southeast Asia

    ‘This is an important and worthwhile book that should be read by anyone seeking to understand the history and evolution of political violence in Southeast Asia, including the origins of contemporary militant Islamist terrorism.’ – Paul J...
    Paperback (2009)

    List price$82.00

    Member price$65.60

    Hardback (2007)

    List price$272.00

    Member price$244.80

  12. Add to Wish List Natural Disaster Analysis after Hurricane Katrina

    Natural Disaster Analysis after Hurricane Katrina

    Edited by Harry W, Richardson, Peter Gordon, James E. Moore II
    This influential book explores the key policy implications arising from Hurricane Katrina. Leading scholars from fields as diverse as decision analysis, risk management, economics, engineering, transportation, urban planning and sociolog...
    Paperback (2009)

    List price$82.00

    Member price$65.60

    Hardback (2008)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

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