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Trade Shows in the 21st Century
Edited by Anne-Sophie Béliard, Sidonie Naulin
“超过数千年的展览会已经意味着庆祝活动和与平凡的休息,并且他们长期以来一直是专业人士和人民之间的社会互动的网站。在这个及时而优秀的体积中,重点是交易...... -
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由Mi A. Schoyen,BjørnHvinden,Merethe Dotterud Leiren编辑
这个精美的书籍解决了“使福利国家可持续的福利国家的迫切问题”在气候变化时代。专家作者挑战传统的观点,了解了重点的可持续性问题...... -
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Social Policy in Changing European Societies
由Mara A. Yerkes编辑,Kenneth Nelson,Rense Nieuwenhuis
“该卷是萨曼特20周年纪念的值得庆典。章节研究了两十年的社会政策核心要素研究 - 从医疗保健到住房,从贫困到私有化,从社会投资到...... -
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Participation Income
Heikki Hiilamo
“当福利国家正在弄清楚如何处理大流行危机的社会蹂躏时,参与收入是一个需要适当关注的想法。领先的社会政策学者Heikki Hiilamo写了...... -
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At last - a textbook on the public sector for students of social policy, public policy, political science and sociology. This book explains why we have a public sector and what tasks it is expected to perform. -
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‘A Research Agenda for COVID-19 and Society provides impressive critical analyses and innovative research reflections on the complex social consequences of the SARS-CoV 2 pandemic. The volume has compelling contributions from social scie... -
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编辑罗伯塔Comunian Alessandra Faggian, Jarna Heinonen, Nick Wilson
“创造性经济体的现代指南是考虑和反思我们如何为如何建立健康,公平和可持续的创造,庆典和交流人类表达的展示来说。这本书和它的col ... -
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Political Change through Social Innovation
Frank Moulaert, Bob Jessop, Erik Swyngedouw, Liana R. Simmons, Pieter Van den Broeck
“这种挑衅性的体积坐在社会创新和民主政治理论和实践中。领先的国际学者比较和面对不同的方式培养挖掘社会变革的不同方法...... -
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Smart Policies for Societies in Transition
由Mats Benner,GöranMarklund,Sylvia Schwaag Serger编辑
“这是一个关于创新政策的迷人书,超出了对经济增长或国际竞争的狭隘焦点。它提供了新的洞察力和关于智能政策可以在...中播放的变革作用的思考 -
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How to Engage Policy Makers with Your Research
Edited by Tim Vorley, Syahirah Abdul Rahman, Lauren Tuckerman, Phil Wallace
‘There is a growing interest in improving academic policy engagement in the UK and internationally. However, we still have a lot to learn about how to do this work better. This book provides a novel contribution, with authors drawn from ... -
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Handbook on Urban Social Policies
Edited by Yuri Kazepov, Eduardo Barberis, Roberta Cucca, Elisabetta Mocca
‘This terrific volume gives voice to leading European thinkers in conversation with peers from the U.S., Southern Africa, Brazil, China, and Japan about building on the crucial insight that social welfare policies vary as much within nat...