Family and Gender
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Social Policy in Changing European Societies
由Mara A. Yerkes编辑,Kenneth Nelson,Rense Nieuwenhuis
“该卷是萨曼特20周年纪念的值得庆典。章节研究了两十年的社会政策核心要素研究 - 从医疗保健到住房,从贫困到私有化,从社会投资到...... -
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Edited by Sonia Bertolini, Barbara Poggio
‘This wonderful Research Handbook introduces scholarly debates on work–life balance, provides new theoretical approaches and insights, proposes innovative qualitative and quantitative research methods, and uses longitudinal and cross-nat...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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由Jane Falkingham,Maria Evandrou,Athina Vlachantoni编辑
这种创新的手册提供了一个更深层次的现代人理解ding of the causes and consequences of demographic change across the lifecourse. Chapters highlight major theoretical and methodological advances and present research that sheds light on ...eBook:Find out more48.00美元
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由jolanta艾基塔伊特编辑,Sven e.o.Hort,Stein Kuhnle
‘In this important book, the authors offer a rich and multifaceted comparative analysis of family policies and pension protection systems in the Baltic and Nordic countries. By exploring two rarely contrasted socioeconomic settings, the ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Research Methods on Gender and Management
“本手册填补了在管理研究中从事性别和交叉调查的人员和方法中填补了许多所需的差距。内容涵盖了感兴趣的人的传统和新的方法......eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Jennifer D. Sciubba编辑
“不使用人口统计以期望全面可预测的经济放缓,不断增长的人民主义和冲突是一个主要的分析犯罪和政府失败。如果你想知道在地平线上的到来并重塑未来......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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由Norbert F. Schneider,Michaela Kreyenfeld编辑
‘The Research Handbook brings together contributions from leading international experts within the field of the sociology of the family, drawing on disciplinary backgrounds in theoretical and empirical sociology, demography, economics, p... -
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Retiring Women
Philip Taylor, Catherine Earl, Elizabeth Brooke, Christopher McLoughlin
“本书是第一个专注于老年妇女的工作和退休之一。在一个仍然由男性视角统治的领域所需的研究,而老年劳动力则包括增加女性股份。'-...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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James K. Beggan
Within these pages James K. Beggan puts forward a novel approach to understanding sexual harassment by high value superstars in the workplace. The approach integrates ideas derived from evolutionary theory, utility theory, sexual scripti...eBook:Find out more$31.96
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Poverty, Crisis and Resilience
由Marie Boost,Jennifer Dagg,Jane Gray,Markus Promberger编辑
“2008年危机的后果留下了欧洲面临严重问题的许多社区,具有家庭的能力,以忍受推动限额的艰辛。在这个卓越的卷中,编辑聚集在一起和dist ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Ending Childhood Obesity
Edited by Amandine Garde, Joshua Curtis, Olivier De Schutter
‘Ending Childhood Obesity is an authoritative source that advances the case for a greater role of law in tackling the root causes of obesity as a public health emergency within the current global food environment. It is a must read for a...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Family Policy
Edited by Guðný B. Eydal, Tine Rostgaard
“这本手册”具有领导学者的贡献,解决了其广度和部门的家庭政策研究领域:其历史,概念,模型,结果和未来挑战。这是对更新感兴趣的宝贝......eBook:Find out more$ 54.36