Regional Studies
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Settlements at the Edge
Edited by Andrew Taylor, Dean B. Carson, Prescott C. Ensign, Lee Huskey, Rasmus O. Rasmussen, Gertrude Saxinger
Settlements at the Edge examines the evolution, characteristics, functions and shifting economic basis of settlements in sparsely populated areas of developed nations. With a focus on demographic change, the book features theoretical and...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Service Business
Edited by John R. Bryson, Peter W. Daniels
服务业务占超过75 /岑t of the wealth and employment created in most developed market economies. The management and economics of service business is based around selling expertise, knowledge and experiences. T...eBook:Find out more$60.76
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Political Entrepreneurship
Edited by Charlie Karlsson, Charlotte Silander, Daniel Silander
政治企业家探讨po的角色litical entrepreneurs in regional growth and entrepreneurial diversity. The authors define a political entrepreneur as a politician, bureaucrat or officer within the publicly funded secto...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU
Edited by Simona Piattoni, Laura Polverari
This Handbook covers all major aspects of EU Cohesion policy, one of the most significant areas of intervention of the European Union. Over five parts, It discusses this policy’s history and governing principles; the theoretical approach...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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The Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union
Philip McCann
The regional and urban development policy of the European Union, or more precisely, EU Cohesion Policy, is undergoing change. This development is driven by the enormous transformations in European regions and by shifts in thinking and an...eBook:Find out more$42.36
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Small States in the Modern World
Edited by Harald Baldersheim, Michael Keating
Small States in the Modern World comprehensively assesses the different modes of adaptation by small states in response to the security and economic vulnerabilities posed by global change. It uses a diverse collection of case studies to ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Changing Urban and Regional Relations in a Globalizing World
Edited by Kathy Pain, Gilles Van Hamme
In this important book, Kathy Pain and Gilles Van Hamme bring together a prestigious group of contributors to provide a systematic assessment of the dynamic, multi-scale network restructuring and spaces of flows associated with globaliza...eBook:Find out more$42.36
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International Handbook of Globalization and World Cities
Edited by Ben Derudder, Michael Hoyler, Peter J. Taylor, Frank Witlox
This Handbook offers an unrivalled overview of current research into how globalization is affecting the external relations and internal structures of major cities in the world.eBook:Find out more$60.76
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Geographies of the Super-Rich
Edited by Iain Hay
This timely and path-breaking book brings together a group of distinguished and emerging international scholars to critically consider the geographical implications of the world’s super-rich, a privileged yet remarkably overlooked group.eBook:Find out more$37.56
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手册的研究方法和应用rban Economies
Edited by Peter Karl Kresl, Jaime Sobrino
In this timely Handbook, seventeen renowned contributors from Asia, the Americas and Europe provide chapters that deal with some of the most intriguing and important aspects of research methodologies on cities and urban economies.eBook:Find out more$60.76
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Local Societies and Rural Development
Edited by Shinichi Shigetomi, Ikuko Okamoto
The importance of community-based and participatory approaches to rural development in developing countries has long been emphasized. Rural people, who are economically and politically weak as individuals, can only participate in develop...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The International Handbook on Social Innovation
Edited by Frank Moulaert, Diana MacCallum, Abid Mehmood, Abdelillah Hamdouch
The contributors provide an overview of theoretical perspectives, methodologies and instructive experiences from all continents, as well as implications for collective action and policy. They argue strongly for social innovation as a key...eBook:Find out more$60.76