9781858982953 Edward Elgar Publishing
资本、国家和劳动力探索这些反式formations in eight countries or regions – the OECD, Eastern Europe, Brazil, South Korea, China, India, Malaysia and Japan – to examine the causes of this change and the likely prospects for the future. Throughout this volume, the emphasis is on production systems and their relationship to macroeconomic dynamics such as wage formation and the use of productivity gains. The authors examine the demise of Taylorized systems and Fordist macroeconomic regimes. In addition to the eight case studies, this volume features an introductory chapter by the editors and a concluding chapter by Alain Lipietz.
Critical Acclaim
资本、国家和劳动力探索这些反式formations in eight countries or regions – the OECD, Eastern Europe, Brazil, South Korea, China, India, Malaysia and Japan – to examine the causes of this change and the likely prospects for the future. Throughout this volume, the emphasis is on production systems and their relationship to macroeconomic dynamics such as wage formation and the use of productivity gains. The authors examine the demise of Taylorized systems and Fordist macroeconomic regimes. In addition to the eight case studies, this volume features an introductory chapter by the editors and a concluding chapter by Alain Lipietz.
这一主要批量以卓越的经济学家为特色的原创作品,基于UNU / WERED项目,开发开发过程的替代宏观经济视图。将受到劳动经济学,宏观经济和国际政治经济领域的学生和学者欢迎。
资本、国家和劳动力探索这些反式formations in eight countries or regions – the OECD, Eastern Europe, Brazil, South Korea, China, India, Malaysia and Japan – to examine the causes of this change and the likely prospects for the future. Throughout this volume, the emphasis is on production systems and their relationship to macroeconomic dynamics such as wage formation and the use of productivity gains. The authors examine the demise of Taylorized systems and Fordist macroeconomic regimes. In addition to the eight case studies, this volume features an introductory chapter by the editors and a concluding chapter by Alain Lipietz.
这一主要批量以卓越的经济学家为特色的原创作品,基于UNU / WERED项目,开发开发过程的替代宏观经济视图。将受到劳动经济学,宏观经济和国际政治经济领域的学生和学者欢迎。
Critical Acclaim
– Paul Bowles, Review of Radical Political Economics
- Keith Grint,审查社会学
“卷有很大的信息,可以告知替代资本主义的讨论,它对教会占据了西方政治议程的保守党 - 特别是美国和英国的严峻挑战。建议仔细阅读。
- Barry Wilkinson,亚太地区商务审查
– Paul Bowles, Review of Radical Political Economics
- Keith Grint,审查社会学
“卷有很大的信息,可以告知替代资本主义的讨论,它对教会占据了西方政治议程的保守党 - 特别是美国和英国的严峻挑战。建议仔细阅读。
- Barry Wilkinson,亚太地区商务审查
贡献者:E.J.Amadeo,R. Boyer,J.M. Camargo,K.S.JOMO,J.Köllö,W.Lazonick,A.Pietz,J.M.Rao,C. Riskin,J.B. Schor,J.-I。你
内容:前言1.介绍:黄金时代之后。经合组织国家的资本劳工关系:从福特金年龄到鲜明对比国家轨迹3.合作就业关系和日本经济增长4韩国的资本劳动关系5。‘New Unionism’ Among Capital, Labour and the State in Brazil 6. Capital, the State and Labour in Malaysia 7. Capital, Labour and the Indian State 8. After a Dark Golden Age – Eastern Europe 9. Reform and System Change in China 10. Capital-labour Relations at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century Index