European Science and Technology Policy
Towards Integration or Fragmentation?
9781849800259 Edward Elgar Publishing
这种创新的书的重点是最重要的concept underpinning current European Union research policy. It describes the history and concept of the European Research Area (ERA), analyses some of the underlying assumptions, assesses some of its achievements, and takes a brief look at its future.
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这种创新的书的重点是最重要的concept underpinning current European Union research policy. It describes the history and concept of the European Research Area (ERA), analyses some of the underlying assumptions, assesses some of its achievements, and takes a brief look at its future.
European Science and Technology Policy deals with the notion of the ERA, a coordinated and effective European Research Area, the successful achievement of which is the main objective of EU research policy under the Lisbon Treaty. The book demonstrates that almost ten years after the formal launch of the ERA concept, little top-down progress seems to have been made in terms of achieving better governance of the European research landscape. However, tangible bottom-up progress has been made towards harmonizing research beyond the existing uncoordinated national, intergovernmental and supranational policy schemes.
Given the current ongoing ERA debate, this timely publication will be an invaluable tool for technology and innovation policymakers and practitioners in Europe. It will also appeal to scholars and students in the fields of science, technology and innovation.
European Science and Technology Policy deals with the notion of the ERA, a coordinated and effective European Research Area, the successful achievement of which is the main objective of EU research policy under the Lisbon Treaty. The book demonstrates that almost ten years after the formal launch of the ERA concept, little top-down progress seems to have been made in terms of achieving better governance of the European research landscape. However, tangible bottom-up progress has been made towards harmonizing research beyond the existing uncoordinated national, intergovernmental and supranational policy schemes.
Given the current ongoing ERA debate, this timely publication will be an invaluable tool for technology and innovation policymakers and practitioners in Europe. It will also appeal to scholars and students in the fields of science, technology and innovation.
Critical Acclaim
‘This volume gives an excellent overview of science and technology policy in Europe in the post-war period. Experts with a background in research and policy explain the historical and theoretical roots of the European Research Area. Contributions illuminate the tension between science policy and innovation policy and the difficulties to balance national, European and global priorities. Critical assessments of how the ERA has affected the overall performance of Europe lead to interesting proposals for how to cope with old and new challenges.’
– Bengt-Åke Lundvall, University of Aalborg, Denmark
– Bengt-Åke Lundvall, University of Aalborg, Denmark
Contributors: K. Aerts, R. Boyer, S. Breschi, C. Calero-Medina, P. Caracostas, D. Czarnitzki, H. Delanghe, H. Dernis, G. Dosi, J. Dratwa, V. Duchêne, D. Guellec, L. Guzzetti, W. Hansen, P. Llerena, E. Lykogianni, F. Malerba, U. Muldur. K. Orsini, P. Papon, B. Sloan, L. Soete, C. Svanfeldt, M. Sylos Labini, P. Tindemans, T.N. van Leeuwen, A.F.J. van Raan, A. Verbeek, N.S. Vonortas
1. Post-war Research, Education and Innovation Policy-making in Europe
Peter Tindemans
2. Intergovernmental Cooperation in the Making of European Research
Pierre Papon
3. A European Research Area Built by the Member States?
Christian Svanfeldt
4. The ‘European Research Area’ Idea in the History of Community Policy-making
Luca Guzzetti
5. Analysing Community Policies
Jim Dratwa
6. From the Lisbon Agenda to the Lisbon Treaty: National Research Systems in the Context of European Integration and Globalization
Robert Boyer
7. The Returns to Public Research Funding
Kris Aerts and Dirk Czarnitzki
8. Scale and Scope in Research
Nicholas S. Vonortas
9. ERA and the Role of Networks
Stefano Breschi and Franco Malerba
10. Transnational Collaboration in Public Research Funding and Publicly Supported Research in Europe
Henri Delanghe, Brian Sloan and Ugur Muldur
11. The EU R&D Under-investment: Patterns in R&D Expenditure and Financing
Vincent Duchêne, Elissavet Lykogianni and Arnold Verbeek
12. Does the ‘European Paradox’ Still Hold? Did it Ever?
Giovanni Dosi, Patrick Llerena and Mauro Sylos Labini
13. The European Research Area and Human Resources in Science and Technology
Wendy Hansen
14. Performance of European Science: Research Networks and Profiles of EU Countries in a Global Perspective
Anthony F.J. van Raan, Thed N. van Leeuwen and Clara Calero-Medina
15. The Levelling Off of the Integration of European Technology
Dominique Guellec and Hélène Dernis
16. The European Research Area as Industrial Policy Tool
Luc Soete
17. The Future of the European Research Area
Paraskevas Caracostas, Ugur Muldur and Kristian Orsini
Conclusion and Perspectives
1. Post-war Research, Education and Innovation Policy-making in Europe
Peter Tindemans
2. Intergovernmental Cooperation in the Making of European Research
Pierre Papon
3. A European Research Area Built by the Member States?
Christian Svanfeldt
4. The ‘European Research Area’ Idea in the History of Community Policy-making
Luca Guzzetti
5. Analysing Community Policies
Jim Dratwa
6. From the Lisbon Agenda to the Lisbon Treaty: National Research Systems in the Context of European Integration and Globalization
Robert Boyer
7. The Returns to Public Research Funding
Kris Aerts and Dirk Czarnitzki
8. Scale and Scope in Research
Nicholas S. Vonortas
9. ERA and the Role of Networks
Stefano Breschi and Franco Malerba
10. Transnational Collaboration in Public Research Funding and Publicly Supported Research in Europe
Henri Delanghe, Brian Sloan and Ugur Muldur
11. The EU R&D Under-investment: Patterns in R&D Expenditure and Financing
Vincent Duchêne, Elissavet Lykogianni and Arnold Verbeek
12. Does the ‘European Paradox’ Still Hold? Did it Ever?
Giovanni Dosi, Patrick Llerena and Mauro Sylos Labini
13. The European Research Area and Human Resources in Science and Technology
Wendy Hansen
14. Performance of European Science: Research Networks and Profiles of EU Countries in a Global Perspective
Anthony F.J. van Raan, Thed N. van Leeuwen and Clara Calero-Medina
15. The Levelling Off of the Integration of European Technology
Dominique Guellec and Hélène Dernis
16. The European Research Area as Industrial Policy Tool
Luc Soete
17. The Future of the European Research Area
Paraskevas Caracostas, Ugur Muldur and Kristian Orsini
Conclusion and Perspectives