Growth, the Environment and the Distribution of Incomes


Growth, the Environment and the Distribution of Incomes

Essays by a Sceptical Optimist

9781858982625 爱德华伊利加出版社
Wilfred Beckerman, former Emeritus Fellow, Balliol College, Oxford, UK
Publication Date: ISBN:978 1 85898 262 5 Extent:528 pp

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This major volume features a key selection of Wilfred Beckerman’s work on the determinants of economic growth in the post-war world, income distribution and environmental policy.

经济增长是该卷第一部分的重点,其中包括关于战后年度增长率的原因的论文,其与福利的关系,以及经济增长的可取性。增长与环境状况之间的关系是卷的第二部分的主题,包括讨论气候变化经济,对后代的义务以及折扣的理由。In this part of the book, Wilfred Beckerman also questions the value of sustainable development. The third part of the book, on inequality and poverty, focuses on the distribution of incomes, the conceptual problems of poverty measurement and the impact of social security payments in Britain. This volume also features an extensive introduction in which the author looks back on his career both as an academic and as a civil servant.

Iconoclastic and thought-provoking, Growth, the Environment and the Distribution of Incomes will be welcomed as a wide-ranging and unconventional discussion of economic approaches to the environment, wealth distribution and growth.
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