Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition


Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition

9781781006580 爱德华埃尔加酒吧lishing
Edited by J. Robert Mitchell, Colorado State University, Ronald K. Mitchell, Professor, Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University and Brandon Randolph-Seng, Assistant Professor of Management, College of Business & Entrepreneurship, Texas A&M University – Commerce, US
Publication Date:2015 ISBN:978 1 78100 658 0 Extent:528 pp
Entrepreneurial cognition research is at a crossroads, where static
views give way to dynamic approaches. This Handbook draws on a variety of perspectives from experts in the field of entrepreneurial cognition to highlight the key elements in a socially-situated view, where cognition is action-oriented embodied, socially-situated, and distributed. Readers seeking to better understand and/or participate in some of the most up-to-date approaches to entrepreneurial cognition research will find this Handbook to be an invaluable and time-saving companion in their research.

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Entrepreneurial cognition research is at a crossroads, where static views give way to dynamic approaches. This Handbook draws on a variety of perspectives from experts in the field of entrepreneurial cognition to highlight the key elements in a socially-situated view, where cognition is action-oriented, embodied, socially-situated, and distributed.

It provides readers with some of the most up-to-date approaches to entrepreneurial cognition research and is designed to be an invaluable and timesaving companion for entrepreneurial cognition researchers. With insights from leading entrepreneurial cognition researchers the Handbook offers a comprehensive literature review of the field.

Readers seeking to better understand and participate in some of the most up-to-date approaches to entrepreneurial cognition research will find this Handbook to be especially helpful in their research. Established scholars who are new to the research area will also be interested in this book. University libraries with research-focused business schools will also benefit from this Handbook.
Contributors: R.A. Baron, D.A. Baucus, M.S. Baucus, B. Bird, M. Brännback, M.S. Cardon, A.L. Carsrud, E.T. Chan, J.S. Clarke, A.C. Corbett, J.P. Cornelissen, M. Drnovšek, M-D. Foo, D.P. Forbes, D.A. Grégoire, M. Hayek, J.S. McMullen, J.R. Mitchell, R.K. Mitchell, C.Y. Murnieks, L.E. Palich, B. Randolph-Seng, M.R. Ryan, S.D. Sarasvathy, A. Slavec, W.A. Williams, Jr., M.S. Wood, M.A. Zachary


Historical Context, Present Trends and Future Directions in Entrepreneurial Cognition Research
Brandon Randolph-Seng, J. Robert Mitchell and Ronald K. Mitchell

1. Thinking About Cognition and its Central Role in Entrepreneurship: Confessions of a “Reformed” Behaviorist
Robert A. Baron

2. Linking Achievement Motivation to Intentions, Goals and Entrepreneurial Behaviors
Alan L. Carsrud and Malin Brännback

3. Toward a Taxonomy of Entrepreneurs’ Behavior
Barbara Bird

4. Entrepreneurial Self-Regulation: Consciousness and Cognition
Brandon Randolph-Seng, Wallace A. Williams, Jr. and Mario Hayek

5. Feeling and Thinking: The Role of Affect in Entrepreneurial Cognition
Maw-Der Foo,查尔斯y Murnieksand Elsa T. Chan

6. Exploring the Affective and Cognitive Dynamics of Entrepreneurship Across Time and Planes of Influence
Denis A. Grégoire

7. Cultural Context, Passion, and Self-Efficacy: Do Entrepreneurs Operate on Different “Planets”?
Mateja Drnovšek, Alenka Slavec and Melissa S. Cardon

8. Lessons from the Neural Foundation of Entrepreneurial Cognition: The Case of Emotion and Motivation
David A. Baucus, Melissa S. Baucus and Ronald K. Mitchell

9. Entrepreneurial Cognition and Social Cognitive Neuroscience
Jeffery S. Mcmullen, Matthew S. Wood and Leslie E. Palich

10. The Infrastructure of Entrepreneurial Learning
Daniel P. Forbes

11. How Language Shapes Thought: New Vistas for Entrepreneurship Research
Jean S. Clarke and Joep P. Cornelissen

12. Thinking Big from the Start: An Essay on Entrepreneurial Growth Cognitions
Andrew C. Corbett

13. Simulating Socially Situated Cognition in Exchange Creation
Ronald K. Mitchell, J. Robert Mitchell, Miles A. Zachary and Michael R. Ryan

14. The Whole Deal: Models, Metaphors and Mechanisms in Entrepreneurial Cognition
Saras D. Sarasvathy


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