Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship
A Co-evolutionary View on Resource Management
9781845427337 Edward Elgar Publishing
This exhaustive, interdisciplinary Handbook explores the phenomena of immigration and ethnic minority entrepreneurship in light of marked changes since the mid-twentieth century and the advent of easier, more affordable travel and more open and integrated national economies.
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This exhaustive, interdisciplinary Handbook explores the phenomena of immigration and ethnic minority entrepreneurship in light of marked changes since the mid-twentieth century and the advent of easier, more affordable travel and more open and integrated national economies.
国际贡献者,关键的专家ir respective fields, illustrate that myriad ethnic minorities exist across the globe, and that their entrepreneurship can and does significantly influence national economies. The contributors go on to promote our understanding of which factors make for successful entrepreneurship, and, perhaps more importantly, how negative political consequences that members of successful entrepreneurial ethnic minorities might face can be minimized.
This extensive collection of current research on entrepreneurship in minority communities is a welcome addition to the growing literature and will be warmly welcomed by those with an interest in entrepreneurship, sociology and business in general.
国际贡献者,关键的专家ir respective fields, illustrate that myriad ethnic minorities exist across the globe, and that their entrepreneurship can and does significantly influence national economies. The contributors go on to promote our understanding of which factors make for successful entrepreneurship, and, perhaps more importantly, how negative political consequences that members of successful entrepreneurial ethnic minorities might face can be minimized.
This extensive collection of current research on entrepreneurship in minority communities is a welcome addition to the growing literature and will be warmly welcomed by those with an interest in entrepreneurship, sociology and business in general.
Critical Acclaim
‘Professor Dana and his colleagues have carefully and successfully put together a collection of chapters on ethnic minority entrepreneurship from all parts of the world. The book comprises eight parts and 49 chapters. Undoubtedly, given the massive size and content of a 835-page book, it is fair to ask, is it value for money? The answer is unequivocally yes! A further comment on the content of the book should probably reassure potential readers and buyers of the book. . . This collection is undoubtedly rich, creative and varied in many respects. Therefore, it will be of great benefit to researchers and scholars alike. . . I will strongly recommend this book to researchers, students, teachers and policy-makers.’
– Aminu Mamman, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
‘The volume presents an impressive panorama of studies on ethnic entrepreneurships ranging from Dalits in India to Roma entrepreneurs in Hungary.’
– B.P. Corrie, Choice
从关注的中间人少数民族在1950年s, the study of minority ethnic entrepreneurship has evolved into a vast undertaking. A major ingredient in this expansion is the massive population movements of the past thirty years that have created ethnic minority communities in almost all advanced economies. From New York to San Francisco, from Birmingham to Hamburg, from the Chinese in Canada, to the Turks in Finland, to the Ghanians in South Africa to the Lebanese in New Zealand, more than twenty chapters in this volume treat small-scale ethnic entrepreneurship and the cultural and institutional resources which support it. At the other end of the spectrum, the ethnic Chinese have created ever larger multi-divisional enterprises in the host societies of Southeast Asia. At the mid-point of the spectrum, analyzed in an elegant paper by Ivan Light, is the recently identified transmigrant entrepreneur – accultured in two societies but assimilated in neither – whose special endowments have provided the lynchpin for for much of the international trade expansion in the global economy over the past decade. And Dana and Morris provide us with much more Afro-American entrepreneurship, caste and class, the theory of clubs, women ethnic entrepreneurs, minority ethnicity and IPOs. In the quality of its contributions and in the reach of its coverage, this Handbook attains a very high standard.’
– Peter Kilby, Wesleyan University, US
‘The new Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship, edited by Léo-Paul Dana, constitutes a major contribution to the literature on ethnic enterprise. Unlike previous work, which tended to focus on one country or one region of the world, this book is global in scope. You will find
chapters on America, Europe, and Asia, as well as integrative essays that review important principles and concepts from the literature on ethnic entrepreneurship. I particularly appreciate the historical and evolutionary framework within which the contributions are situated. This book belongs on the shelf of everyone who has an interest in immigration and entrepreneurship or ethnic entrepreneurship more generally.’
– Howard Aldrich, University of North Carolina, US
– Aminu Mamman, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
‘The volume presents an impressive panorama of studies on ethnic entrepreneurships ranging from Dalits in India to Roma entrepreneurs in Hungary.’
– B.P. Corrie, Choice
从关注的中间人少数民族在1950年s, the study of minority ethnic entrepreneurship has evolved into a vast undertaking. A major ingredient in this expansion is the massive population movements of the past thirty years that have created ethnic minority communities in almost all advanced economies. From New York to San Francisco, from Birmingham to Hamburg, from the Chinese in Canada, to the Turks in Finland, to the Ghanians in South Africa to the Lebanese in New Zealand, more than twenty chapters in this volume treat small-scale ethnic entrepreneurship and the cultural and institutional resources which support it. At the other end of the spectrum, the ethnic Chinese have created ever larger multi-divisional enterprises in the host societies of Southeast Asia. At the mid-point of the spectrum, analyzed in an elegant paper by Ivan Light, is the recently identified transmigrant entrepreneur – accultured in two societies but assimilated in neither – whose special endowments have provided the lynchpin for for much of the international trade expansion in the global economy over the past decade. And Dana and Morris provide us with much more Afro-American entrepreneurship, caste and class, the theory of clubs, women ethnic entrepreneurs, minority ethnicity and IPOs. In the quality of its contributions and in the reach of its coverage, this Handbook attains a very high standard.’
– Peter Kilby, Wesleyan University, US
‘The new Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship, edited by Léo-Paul Dana, constitutes a major contribution to the literature on ethnic enterprise. Unlike previous work, which tended to focus on one country or one region of the world, this book is global in scope. You will find
chapters on America, Europe, and Asia, as well as integrative essays that review important principles and concepts from the literature on ethnic entrepreneurship. I particularly appreciate the historical and evolutionary framework within which the contributions are situated. This book belongs on the shelf of everyone who has an interest in immigration and entrepreneurship or ethnic entrepreneurship more generally.’
– Howard Aldrich, University of North Carolina, US
Contributors: M.E.M. Akoorie, T. Allen, I. Alon, F. Babusik, G.A. Barrett, T. Baycan-Levent, C.B. Brettell, Radha Chaganti, Raj Chaganti, M.J. Co, D. Crick, L.-P. Dana, D. Deakins, F.A.G. den Button, L.M. Dyer, P. Edwards, N. Fertala, C.S. Galbraith, E. Gamboa, M.B. Green, R.D. Hisrich, J. Holguin, F. Hoy, T. Jones, S. Khavul, M. Kontos, J. Krase, F. Kurtoglu, S.i. Lee, D. Leong, M. Lerner, M.W.H. Leung, P.S. Li, I. Light, E. Masurel, D. McEvoy, R.B. McNaughton, P.G. Min, B. Mitchell, M. Mobasher, M. Morris, R.H.J. Mosch, J.M. Muñoz, P. Nijkamp, N. North, P. Nyíri, V.B. Ojong, C.R. Oliveira, R. Palmer, E. Pio, R. Pütz, J. Rajasekaran, M. Ram, E. Razin, C.L. Rodriguez, C.A. Ross, M. Sahin, V. Schreiber, R. Sharp, D. Smallbone, C.H. Stiles, M. Tanaka, M. Treichel, A. Trlin, T. Volery, Ö. Wahlbeck, N. Watts, I. Welpe, P. Werbner, C. White, D.B. Willis, H.W.-c. Yeung, N.M. Young, Z. Yunxia, M. Zhou
Roy Sharp
1. Global Entrepreneurship and Transnationalism
Ivan Light
2. Ethnic Economies, Social Capital and the Economic Theory of Clubs
Craig S. Galbraith, Carlos L. Rodriguez and Curt H. Stiles
3. Ethnic Entrepreneurship: A Theoretical Framework
Thierry Volery
4. The Economics of Co-ethnic Employment: Incentives, Welfare Effects and Policy Options
弗兰克A.G.窝按钮,Enno Masurel和罗伯特H.J. Mosch
5. Understanding the Diversity of Immigrant Entrepreneurial Strategies
Catarina Reis Oliveira
6. Immigrant Women in Small Business: Biographies of Becoming Entrepreneurs
Caroline B. Brettell
7. Migrant Entrepreneurship from the Perspective of Cultural Diversity
Mediha Sahin, Peter Nijkamp and Tüzin Baycan-Levent
8. Ethnic Business Owners and their Advisors: The Effects of Common Ethnicity
Lynda M. Dyer and Christopher A. Ross
9. Ukrainian Farmers in Canada
Tom Allen
10. Business Engagement of Chinese Immigrants in Canada
Peter S. Li
11. Toward a Rethinking of Race, Culture and the African American Entrepreneur
Nicholas Maurice Young
12. Hispanic Entrepreneurship in the United States
Frank Hoy
13. Challenges and Opportunities for Hispanic Entrepreneurs in the United States
Juan Holguin, Ernesto Gamboa and Frank Hoy
14. Korean Immigrants in the United States
Pyong Gap Min
15. The Iranian Ethnic Economy in the United States
Mohsen Mobasher
16. Entrepreneurship Among Filipino Immigrants
J. Mark Muñoz and Ilan Alon
17. Minority Entrepreneurship in New York
Jerome Krase
18. Non-Economic Effects of Ethnic Entrepreneurship
Min Zhou
19. The Rise and Fall of Specialized Small Business Investment: Taking the Taxi to Oblivion
Milford B. Green and Rod B. McNaughton
20. Does Ethnicity Matter? A Study of the Strategic Intent of Internet Ventures Founded by Ethnic and ‘Non-Ethnic’ Entrepreneurs
Rajeswararao (Raj) Chaganti, Radha Chaganti and Monica Treichel
21. Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs in European Cities: A Comparative Study of Amsterdam
Tüzin Baycan-Levent and Peter Nijkamp
22. Temporal and Geographical Variations in Ethnic Minority Business: Thirty Years of Research in the United Kingdom
Giles A. Barrett and David McEvoy
23. Italians in Britain: ‘Britalian Culture Entrepreneurs’ Revisted
Robin Palmer
24. South Asian Entrepreneurship in Britain: A Critique of the Ethnic Enclave Economy Debate
Pnina Werbner
25. Access to Finance by Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs in the UK
David Smallbone, Monder Ram and David Deakins
26. Ethnic Minority Business and the Employment of Illegal Immigrants in Birmingham
Trevor Jones, Monder Ram and Paul Edwards
27. Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Austria
Filiz Kurtoglu
28. Turkish Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Finland
Östen Wahlbeck
29. Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Germany
Maria Kontos
30. Migrant Entrepreneurship in Germany
Maggi W.H. Leung
31. Ethnicity, Gender and Entrepreneurship: Turkish Entrepreneurs in Germany
Robert Pütz, Verena Schreiber and Isabell Welpe
32. Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Hamburg
Nikolinka Fertala
33. Chinese Entrepreneurs in Hungary
Pál Nyíri
34. Roma Entrepreneurs in Hungary
Ferenc Babusik
35. Ethnic Entrepreneurship and the Internationalization of Chinese Capitalism in Asia
Henry Wai-chung Yeung
36. Dalit Entrepreneurs on the Edges of Caste and Class: Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship in India
David Blake Willis and J. Rajasekaran
37. Immigrant Entrepreneurs and the Israeli Welfare State: Institutional Support and Institutional Constraints
Eran Razin
38. Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union as Ethnic Entrepreneurs in Israel
Miri Lerner, Susanna Khavul and Robert D. Hisrich
39. Small Business Among Japan’s Buraku People
Mitsuru Tanaka
40. Korean Minority Entrepreneurs in Japan
David Blake Willis and Soo im Lee
41. Clan Associations of Singapore and their Roles in the Small Business Sector
David Leong
42. Ethnic Entrepreneurship in South Africa: An Embedded Approach to the Study Among Various Ethnic Groups
Bruce Mitchell and Mary Jesselyn Co
43. Entrepreneurship Among Ghanaians in South Africa
Vivian Besem Ojong
44. Exploring the Relationship Between Culture, Communication and Entrepreneurship in New Zealand
Zhu Yunxia
45. Immigrant Cultural Capital in Business: The New Zealand Experience
Noel Watts, Andrew Trlin, Cynthia White and Nicola North
46. Enterprising Indian Women in New Zealand
Edwina Pio
47. Lebanese Entrepreneurs in New Zealand
Michèle E.M. Akoorie
48. A Comparative, Exploratory Investigation into the Perceptions of Internationalizing Firms in Singapore and the UK
Dave Crick and Léo-Paul Dana
49. Towards a Synthesis: A Model of Immigrant and Ethnic Entrepreneurship
Léo-Paul Dana and Michael Morris
Roy Sharp
1. Global Entrepreneurship and Transnationalism
Ivan Light
2. Ethnic Economies, Social Capital and the Economic Theory of Clubs
Craig S. Galbraith, Carlos L. Rodriguez and Curt H. Stiles
3. Ethnic Entrepreneurship: A Theoretical Framework
Thierry Volery
4. The Economics of Co-ethnic Employment: Incentives, Welfare Effects and Policy Options
弗兰克A.G.窝按钮,Enno Masurel和罗伯特H.J. Mosch
5. Understanding the Diversity of Immigrant Entrepreneurial Strategies
Catarina Reis Oliveira
6. Immigrant Women in Small Business: Biographies of Becoming Entrepreneurs
Caroline B. Brettell
7. Migrant Entrepreneurship from the Perspective of Cultural Diversity
Mediha Sahin, Peter Nijkamp and Tüzin Baycan-Levent
8. Ethnic Business Owners and their Advisors: The Effects of Common Ethnicity
Lynda M. Dyer and Christopher A. Ross
9. Ukrainian Farmers in Canada
Tom Allen
10. Business Engagement of Chinese Immigrants in Canada
Peter S. Li
11. Toward a Rethinking of Race, Culture and the African American Entrepreneur
Nicholas Maurice Young
12. Hispanic Entrepreneurship in the United States
Frank Hoy
13. Challenges and Opportunities for Hispanic Entrepreneurs in the United States
Juan Holguin, Ernesto Gamboa and Frank Hoy
14. Korean Immigrants in the United States
Pyong Gap Min
15. The Iranian Ethnic Economy in the United States
Mohsen Mobasher
16. Entrepreneurship Among Filipino Immigrants
J. Mark Muñoz and Ilan Alon
17. Minority Entrepreneurship in New York
Jerome Krase
18. Non-Economic Effects of Ethnic Entrepreneurship
Min Zhou
19. The Rise and Fall of Specialized Small Business Investment: Taking the Taxi to Oblivion
Milford B. Green and Rod B. McNaughton
20. Does Ethnicity Matter? A Study of the Strategic Intent of Internet Ventures Founded by Ethnic and ‘Non-Ethnic’ Entrepreneurs
Rajeswararao (Raj) Chaganti, Radha Chaganti and Monica Treichel
21. Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs in European Cities: A Comparative Study of Amsterdam
Tüzin Baycan-Levent and Peter Nijkamp
22. Temporal and Geographical Variations in Ethnic Minority Business: Thirty Years of Research in the United Kingdom
Giles A. Barrett and David McEvoy
23. Italians in Britain: ‘Britalian Culture Entrepreneurs’ Revisted
Robin Palmer
24. South Asian Entrepreneurship in Britain: A Critique of the Ethnic Enclave Economy Debate
Pnina Werbner
25. Access to Finance by Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurs in the UK
David Smallbone, Monder Ram and David Deakins
26. Ethnic Minority Business and the Employment of Illegal Immigrants in Birmingham
Trevor Jones, Monder Ram and Paul Edwards
27. Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Austria
Filiz Kurtoglu
28. Turkish Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Finland
Östen Wahlbeck
29. Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Germany
Maria Kontos
30. Migrant Entrepreneurship in Germany
Maggi W.H. Leung
31. Ethnicity, Gender and Entrepreneurship: Turkish Entrepreneurs in Germany
Robert Pütz, Verena Schreiber and Isabell Welpe
32. Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Hamburg
Nikolinka Fertala
33. Chinese Entrepreneurs in Hungary
Pál Nyíri
34. Roma Entrepreneurs in Hungary
Ferenc Babusik
35. Ethnic Entrepreneurship and the Internationalization of Chinese Capitalism in Asia
Henry Wai-chung Yeung
36. Dalit Entrepreneurs on the Edges of Caste and Class: Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship in India
David Blake Willis and J. Rajasekaran
37. Immigrant Entrepreneurs and the Israeli Welfare State: Institutional Support and Institutional Constraints
Eran Razin
38. Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union as Ethnic Entrepreneurs in Israel
Miri Lerner, Susanna Khavul and Robert D. Hisrich
39. Small Business Among Japan’s Buraku People
Mitsuru Tanaka
40. Korean Minority Entrepreneurs in Japan
David Blake Willis and Soo im Lee
41. Clan Associations of Singapore and their Roles in the Small Business Sector
David Leong
42. Ethnic Entrepreneurship in South Africa: An Embedded Approach to the Study Among Various Ethnic Groups
Bruce Mitchell and Mary Jesselyn Co
43. Entrepreneurship Among Ghanaians in South Africa
Vivian Besem Ojong
44. Exploring the Relationship Between Culture, Communication and Entrepreneurship in New Zealand
Zhu Yunxia
45. Immigrant Cultural Capital in Business: The New Zealand Experience
Noel Watts, Andrew Trlin, Cynthia White and Nicola North
46. Enterprising Indian Women in New Zealand
Edwina Pio
47. Lebanese Entrepreneurs in New Zealand
Michèle E.M. Akoorie
48. A Comparative, Exploratory Investigation into the Perceptions of Internationalizing Firms in Singapore and the UK
Dave Crick and Léo-Paul Dana
49. Towards a Synthesis: A Model of Immigrant and Ethnic Entrepreneurship
Léo-Paul Dana and Michael Morris