Handbook on Climate Change and Agriculture


Handbook on Climate Change and Agriculture

9781849801164 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Ariel Dinar, Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy, School of Public Policy, University of California, Riverside and Robert Mendelsohn, Edwin Weyerhaeuser Davis Professor of Forestry Policy, School of Forestry and Environmental Sciences and Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and School of Management, Yale University, New Haven, US
Publication Date:2012 ISBN:978 1 84980 116 4 Extent:544 pp
This book explores the interaction between climate change and the agriculture sector. Agriculture is essential to the livelihood of people and nations, especially in the developing world; therefore, any impact on it will have significant economic, social, and political ramifications. Scholars from around the world and from various fields have been brought together to explore this important topic.

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This book explores the interaction between climate change and the agriculture sector. Agriculture is essential to the livelihood of people and nations, especially in the developing world; therefore, any impact on it will have significant economic, social, and political ramifications. Scholars from around the world and from various fields have been brought together to explore this important topic.

The contributions found here analyze direct agronomic effects, the economic impacts on agriculture, agricultural impacts on the economy, agricultural mitigation, and farmer adaptation. The authors argue that climate change is likely to have an extensive impact on agriculture around the world through changes in temperature, precipitation, concentrations of carbon dioxide, and available water flows. This thorough and timely volume is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in exploring the impacts of climate change in arguably the most important sector of the world economy.

Economists, agronomists, and climate modelers in academia and the public sector, policy analysts and development agency staff, and graduate/postgraduate students will find this remarkable volume a welcome addition to their collection.
Critical Acclaim
‘. . . the Handbook on Climate Change and Agriculture is a salient contibution to agricultural and climate change planning.’
– Journal of Regional Science

‘. . . this book is a very useful resource for the lawyer. . . makes a good start by presenting a wide-ranging portfolio of multidisciplinary research that will assist in progressing the task, challenging though it may be.’
– Chris Rodgers, Environmental Liability
Contributors: R.M. Adams, R.A. Aisabokhae, N. Bauer, M. Bielza, A. Calzadilla, O. Deschenes, J.P. Dietrich, A. Dinar, A. Diz, A. Fleischer, J.A. Frisbie, A. Garrido, J.B. Gaughan, D. Gollin, M. Greenstone, M. Hayes, M. Herrero, G. Hochman, R.E. Howitt, A. Iglesias, P.G. Jones, D. Klein, P. Kurukulasuriya, D.F. Larson, M. Leimbach, H. Lotze-Campen, J.R. Lund, T.L. Mader, E. Massetti, B.A. McCarl, J. Medellín-Azuara, R. Mendelsohn, M.I. Mínguez, D.E. Peck, D. Pereira, A. Popp, D. Rajagopal, K. Rehdanz, J. Reilly, D. Rey, C. Ringler, M. Ruiz-Ramos, R.M. Saleth, J. Schlickenrieder, S.N. Seo, M. Svoboda, P.K. Thornton, R.S.J. Tol, M. Trnka, D. Wilhite, Y.W. Zhang, T. Zhu, D. Zilberman, L.H. Ziska

1. Introduction

2. Climate Change, Carbon Dioxide and Global Crop Production: Food Security and Uncertainty
Lewis H. Ziska

3. Effects of Climate Variability on Domestic Livestock
Terry L. Mader and John B. Gaughan

4. From the Farmer to Global Food Production: Use of Crop Models for Climate Change Impact Assessment
Ana Iglesias, Jeremy Schlickenrieder, David Pereira and Agustín Diz

5. Investigating the Connections between Climate Change, Drought and Agricultural Production
马克Svoboda和Donald a .迈克尔•海斯-威尔特Miroslav Trnka

6. Farm-level Impacts of Climate Change: Alternative Approaches for Modeling Uncertainty
Dannele E. Peck and Richard M. Adams

7. Using Panel Data Models to Estimate the Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture
Olivier Deschenes and Michael Greenstone

8. The Impact of Climate Change on US Agriculture: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Ricardian Analysis
Emanuele Massetti and Robert Mendelsohn

9. Economy-wide Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture – Case Study for Adaptation Strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa
Alvaro Calzadilla, Tingju Zhu, Katrin Rehdanz, Richard S.J. Tol and Claudia Ringler

10. Integrated Assessment Models – the Interplay of Climate Change, Agriculture and Land Use in a Policy Tool
Marian Leimbach, Alexander Popp, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Nico Bauer, Jan Philipp Dietrich and David Klein

11. The Role of Growth and Trade in Agricultural Adaptation to Environmental Change
John Reilly

12. Biofuels and Climate Change
Gal Hochman, Deepak Rajagopal and David Zilberman

13. The Present and Future Role for Agricultural Projects Under the Clean Development Mechanism
Donald F. Larson, Ariel Dinar and J. Aapris Frisbie

14. Agricultural Adaptation: Needs, Findings and Effects
Ruth A. Aisabokhae, Bruce A. McCarl and Yuquan W. Zhang

15. Hydro-economic Modeling to Assess Climate Impact and Adaptation for Agriculture in California
Josué Medellín-Azuara, Richard E. Howitt and Jay R. Lund

16. Reducing the Impact of Global Climate Change on Agriculture – the Use of Endogenous Irrigation and Protected Agriculture Technology
Aliza Fleischer and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya

17. Climate Change and Technological Innovation in Agriculture: Adaptation through Science
Douglas Gollin

18. Adaptation to Climate Change in Mixed Crop–Livestock Farming Systems in Developing Countries
Philip K. Thornton, Mario Herrero and Peter G. Jones

19. Insurance as an Adaptation to Climate Variability in Agriculture
Alberto Garrido, María Bielza, Dolores Rey, M. Inés Mínguez and M. Ruiz-Ramos

20. An Analysis of the Choice of Livestock Species under Global Warming in African and Latin American Farms
S. Niggol Seo

21. Climate Change, Drought and Agriculture: The Role of Effective Institutions and Infrastructure
R. Maria Saleth, Ariel Dinar and J. Aapris Frisbie

22. Conclusion and Future Research
Robert Mendelsohn and Ariel Dinar

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