Inside Networks
A Process View on Multi-organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks
9781845427849 Edward Elgar Publishing
This book advances our understanding of interaction processes in multi-organisational partnerships, alliances and networks. By adopting a relational approach on collaboration, control, learning, conflict in and failure of inter-organisational relationships and networks, the book attempts to fill an existing gap in the literature. In so doing, it poses and answers leading questions such as: Which processes matter inside inter-organisational relationships and networks? What are the consequences of relations within them?
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This book advances our understanding of interaction processes in multi-organisational partnerships, alliances and networks. By adopting a relational approach on collaboration, control, learning, conflict in and failure of inter-organisational relationships and networks, the book attempts to fill an existing gap in the literature. In so doing, it poses and answers leading questions such as: Which processes matter inside inter-organisational relationships and networks? What are the consequences of relations within them?
The contributors’ approach is relatively novel in the field of network studies: the process or relational stance taken complements existing knowledge on structural characteristics of inter-organisational relationships and networks. A number of key processes essential to their functioning and performance are addressed, and a future research agenda for structuralist, interactionist and combined approaches is recommended.
Academics and practitioners focussing on organisation studies in general, and inter-organisational network research more specifically, will find this book a compelling read, as will consultants in inter-organisational collaboration and relationships.
The contributors’ approach is relatively novel in the field of network studies: the process or relational stance taken complements existing knowledge on structural characteristics of inter-organisational relationships and networks. A number of key processes essential to their functioning and performance are addressed, and a future research agenda for structuralist, interactionist and combined approaches is recommended.
Academics and practitioners focussing on organisation studies in general, and inter-organisational network research more specifically, will find this book a compelling read, as will consultants in inter-organisational collaboration and relationships.
Critical Acclaim
‘. . . the book offers a most valuable addition for network scholars. . . a fresh and focused collection of theoretical and empirical work is desired and welcomed. . . Organizational and network scholars will thus benefit a great deal from the internal, qualitative, conflict-based and complex analytical structures and empirical insights offered by this book.’
– Amalya L. Oliver, Organising Studies
‘This is a important collection of articles that teach us about the relational processes that underlie inter-organizational relations and network learning. They address the question of how are inter-organizational relations formed, maintained, and dissolved looking at the content of ties, culture, leadership, cognition, emotions, and social and behavioural controls. This is a valuable resource for scholars and managers of inter-organizational collaborations.’
– Joe Galaskiewicz, University of Arizona, US
‘This collection of papers represents a significant step towards a more processual approach to the study of multi-organizational arrangements such as alliances and networks. With exciting new concepts such as collaborative capacity and network learning, it adds much to our knowledge on how these arrangements function.’
– Jörg Sydow, Free University of Berlin, Germany
‘Gössling, Oerlemans, and Jansen provide a nice addition to the burgeoning literature on organizational networks. In particular, their books focus on network processes; most notably, control, learning and failure, is a welcome addition to the more traditional structural literature on multi-organizational relationships. It should be read by all serious students of partnerships and networks.’
– Keith G. Provan, University of Arizona, US
‘No organization is an isolated island. All organizations are connected to others through various collaborations, alliances and networks. While research into these forms of connectivity has been increasing markedly in recent years much of it remains surprisingly static, structural and statistical in orientation. Inside Networks breaks with this tradition to present research that is processual, qualitative and focused on the nature of the interactions that constitute these innovative collaborations, alliances and networks.’
– Stewart Clegg, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
– Amalya L. Oliver, Organising Studies
‘This is a important collection of articles that teach us about the relational processes that underlie inter-organizational relations and network learning. They address the question of how are inter-organizational relations formed, maintained, and dissolved looking at the content of ties, culture, leadership, cognition, emotions, and social and behavioural controls. This is a valuable resource for scholars and managers of inter-organizational collaborations.’
– Joe Galaskiewicz, University of Arizona, US
‘This collection of papers represents a significant step towards a more processual approach to the study of multi-organizational arrangements such as alliances and networks. With exciting new concepts such as collaborative capacity and network learning, it adds much to our knowledge on how these arrangements function.’
– Jörg Sydow, Free University of Berlin, Germany
‘Gössling, Oerlemans, and Jansen provide a nice addition to the burgeoning literature on organizational networks. In particular, their books focus on network processes; most notably, control, learning and failure, is a welcome addition to the more traditional structural literature on multi-organizational relationships. It should be read by all serious students of partnerships and networks.’
– Keith G. Provan, University of Arizona, US
‘No organization is an isolated island. All organizations are connected to others through various collaborations, alliances and networks. While research into these forms of connectivity has been increasing markedly in recent years much of it remains surprisingly static, structural and statistical in orientation. Inside Networks breaks with this tradition to present research that is processual, qualitative and focused on the nature of the interactions that constitute these innovative collaborations, alliances and networks.’
– Stewart Clegg, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Contributors: M. Arthur, M. Barnes, R. DeFillippi, T. Gössling, B. Gray, P. Hibbert, C. Huxham, R. Jansen, L. Knight, J. Knoben, V. Lindsay, E. Matka, L. Oerlemans, D. Purdue, A. Pye, H. Sullivan, M. van Nuenen
1. Inside Networks – A Process View on Inter-organisational Relationships and Networks
Leon Oerlemans, Tobias Gössling and Rob Jansen
2. Inside Relationships: A Review of Institutional Approaches towards Multi-organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks
Tobias Gössling
3. Beyond Boundaries: A Cognitive Perspective on Boundary Setting
Martine van Nuenen
4. Building Collaborative Capacity for Collaborative Control: Health Action Zones in England
Helen Sullivan, Marian Barnes and Elizabeth Matka
5. A Learning Network Approach to Community Empowerment
Derrick Purdue
6.协作、知识与学习:对施暴者ing Perspectives
Paul Hibbert and Chris Huxham
7. Brokerage, Closure and Community Dynamics: Implications for Virtual Knowledge Work Collaborations
Robert DeFillippi, Michael Arthur and Valerie Lindsay
8. The Search for Network Learning: Some Practical and Theoretical Challenges in Process Research
Louise Knight and Annie Pye
9. Tie Failure: A Literature Review
Leon Oerlemans, Tobias Gössling and Rob Jansen
10. Frame-based Intervention for Promoting Understanding in Multiparty Conflicts
Barbara Gray
11. From Inter-organisational Conflict to Collaboration: The Case of the Music Recording Industry
Rob Jansen and Joris Knoben
12. Conclusions: Questions for Future Research
Leon Oerlemans, Tobias Gössling and Rob Jansen
1. Inside Networks – A Process View on Inter-organisational Relationships and Networks
Leon Oerlemans, Tobias Gössling and Rob Jansen
2. Inside Relationships: A Review of Institutional Approaches towards Multi-organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks
Tobias Gössling
3. Beyond Boundaries: A Cognitive Perspective on Boundary Setting
Martine van Nuenen
4. Building Collaborative Capacity for Collaborative Control: Health Action Zones in England
Helen Sullivan, Marian Barnes and Elizabeth Matka
5. A Learning Network Approach to Community Empowerment
Derrick Purdue
6.协作、知识与学习:对施暴者ing Perspectives
Paul Hibbert and Chris Huxham
7. Brokerage, Closure and Community Dynamics: Implications for Virtual Knowledge Work Collaborations
Robert DeFillippi, Michael Arthur and Valerie Lindsay
8. The Search for Network Learning: Some Practical and Theoretical Challenges in Process Research
Louise Knight and Annie Pye
9. Tie Failure: A Literature Review
Leon Oerlemans, Tobias Gössling and Rob Jansen
10. Frame-based Intervention for Promoting Understanding in Multiparty Conflicts
Barbara Gray
11. From Inter-organisational Conflict to Collaboration: The Case of the Music Recording Industry
Rob Jansen and Joris Knoben
12. Conclusions: Questions for Future Research
Leon Oerlemans, Tobias Gössling and Rob Jansen