International and Global Strategy


International and Global Strategy

9781848442344 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Torben Pedersen, Department of Strategic Management and Globalization, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Publication Date:2014 ISBN:978 1 84844 234 4 Extent:608 pp
This authoritative collection, edited by a leading academic in the field of international and global strategy, brings together seminal papers published in the past 30 years. Areas covered in this important volume include the emergence of a global village, the advantages of a global strategy and the challenges of implementing it. This book, along with an original introduction by Professor Pedersen, will be of immense value to researchers, students and practitioners interested in international and global strategy.

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This authoritative collection, edited by a leading academic in the field of international and global strategy, brings together seminal papers published in the past 30 years. Areas covered in this important volume include the emergence of a global village, the advantages of a global strategy and the challenges of implementing it. This book, along with an original introduction by Professor Pedersen, will be of immense value to researchers, students and practitioners interested in international and global strategy.
31 articles, dating from 1980 to 2009
Contributors include: P. Buckley, Y. Doz, T. Frost, S. Ghoshal, H. Gunnar, A. Gupta, M. Hansen, T. Kostova, C. Prahalad, A. Rugman


Introduction Torben Pedersen

2. Kenichi Ohmae (1989), ‘Managing in a Borderless World’
3. Pankaj Ghemawat (2003), ‘Semiglobalization and International Business Strategy’
4. Alan M. Rugman and Alain Verbeke (2004), ‘A Perspective on Regional and Global Strategies of Multinational Enterprises’
5. Kwok Leung, Rabi S. Bhagat, Nancy R. Buchan, Miriam Erez and Cristina B. Gibson (2005), ‘Culture and International Business: Recent Advances and their Implications for Future Research’
6. Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Mary M. Maloney and Shalini Manrakhan (2007), ‘Causes of the Difficulties in Internationalization’

7. Sumantra Ghoshal (1987), ‘Global Strategy: An Organizing Framework’
8. Stephen B. Tallman (1992), ‘A Strategic Management Perspective on Host Country Structure of Multinational Enterprises’
9. Christopher H. Lovelock and George S. Yip (1996), ‘Developing Global Strategies for Service Businesses’
10. Tarun Khanna and Krishna Palepu (1997), ‘Why Focused Strategies May Be Wrong for Emerging Markets’
11. Tony S. Frost (2001), ‘The Geographic Sources of Foreign Subsidiaries’
12. C.K. Prahalad and Allen Hammond (2002), ‘Serving the World’s Poor, Profitably’
13. Peter J. Buckley and Pervez N. Ghauri (2004), ‘Globalisation, Economic Geography and the Strategy of Multinational Enterprises’
14. Ravi Aron and Jitendra V. Singh (2005), ‘Getting Offshoring Right’
15. Ram Mudambi (2008), ‘Location, Control and Innovation in Knowledge-Intensive Industries’
16. Christian Geisler Asmussen, Torben Pedersen and Charles Dhanaraj (2009), ‘Host-Country Environment and Subsidiary Competence: Extending the Diamond Network Model’

17. Yves L. Doz (1980), ‘Strategic Management in Multinational Companies’
18. Gunnar Hedlund (1986), ‘The Hypermodern MNC – A Heterarchy?’
19. Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher A. Bartlett (1990), ‘The Multinational Corporation as an Interorganizational Network’
20. W. Chan Kim and Renée A. Mauborgne (1993), ‘Effectively Conceiving and Executing Multinationals’ Worldwide Strategies’
21. Gunnar Hedlund (1994), ‘A Model of Knowledge Management and the N-Form Corporation’
22. Harry G. Barkema, Oded Shenkar, Freek Vermeulen and John H.J. Bell (1997), ‘Working Abroad, Working with Others: How Firms Learn to Operate International Joint Ventures’
23. Julian Birkinshaw and Neil Hood (1998), ‘Multinational Subsidiary Evolution: Capability and Charter Change in Foreign-Owned Subsidiary Companies’
24. Tatiana Kostova and Srilata Zaheer (1999), ‘Organizational Legitimacy Under Conditions of Complexity: The Case of the Multinational Enterprise’
25. Anil K. Gupta and Vijay Govindarajan (2000), ‘Knowledge Flows Within Multinational Corporations’
26. Anil K. Gupta and Vijay Govindarajan (2000), ‘Managing Global Expansion: A Conceptual Framework’
27. Timothy M. Devinney, David F. Midgley and Sunil Venaik (2000), ‘The Optimal Performance of the Global Firm: Formalizing and Extending the Integration-Responsiveness Framework’
28. D. Minbaeva, T. Pedersen, I. Björkman, C.F. Fey and H.J. Park (2003), ‘MNC Knowledge Transfer, Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity, and HRM’
29. Morten T. Hansen and Bjørn Løvås (2004), ‘How do Multinational Companies Leverage Technological Competencies? Moving from Single to Interdependent Explanations’
30. John Cantwell and Ram Mudambi (2005), ‘MNE Competence-Creating Subsidiary Mandates’
31. Orly Levy, Schon Beechler, Sully Taylor and Nakiye A. Boyacigiller (2007), ‘What We Talk About When We Talk About “Global Mindset”: Managerial Cognition in Multinational Corporations’

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