Ejan Mackaay全面探讨了经济推理的基本要点,COASE定理以及法律机构,例如知识产权,合同外民事责任和合同。这本书的结构反映了民法国家教授法律的方式,并提到了对非技术解释的民法文章的提及以及对图表的依赖有限。这个英语版本以作者的2008年法语和经济学教科书的成功为基础,从民法角度来看。
Critical Acclaim
Ejan Mackaay全面探讨了经济推理的基本要点,COASE定理以及法律机构,例如知识产权,合同外民事责任和合同。这本书的结构反映了民法国家教授法律的方式,并提到了对非技术解释的民法文章的提及以及对图表的依赖有限。这个英语版本以作者的2008年法语和经济学教科书的成功为基础,从民法角度来看。
Ejan Mackaay全面探讨了经济推理的基本要点,COASE定理以及法律机构,例如知识产权,合同外民事责任和合同。这本书的结构反映了民法国家教授法律的方式,并提到了对非技术解释的民法文章的提及以及对图表的依赖有限。这个英语版本以作者的2008年法语和经济学教科书的成功为基础,从民法角度来看。
Critical Acclaim
‘A comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of law and economics, designed to complement the manner in which law is taught in civil law countries, makes Law and Economics for Civil Law Systems a choice pick for serious-minded students, and superbly bridges two separate academic disciplines.’
– The Midwest Book Review
“这强大的书提供了一个洞察ful unifying perspective on the research carried out in law and economics over the last decades. From his unique Canadian standpoint, Ejan Mackaay is able to bridge over the common and the civil law traditions, illustrating the theory with cases and examples taken from both North American and European legal systems. The rigor of the analysis is accompanied by illuminating discussions, covering both historical developments and up-to-date policy debates.’
- 意大利博洛尼亚大学Luigi Alberto Franzoni
‘In this book, Professor Mackaay provides a wonderfully lucid and insightful elucidation of law and economics concepts as applied to civil law systems. Professor Mackaay’s new book will substantially advance the study of economic analysis of law in civil law jurisdictions, as well as substantially enhancing opportunities for comparative law and economics research by scholars in common law jurisdictions.’
- 迈克尔·特雷比尔科克(Michael Trebilcock),加拿大多伦多大学
– The Midwest Book Review
“这强大的书提供了一个洞察ful unifying perspective on the research carried out in law and economics over the last decades. From his unique Canadian standpoint, Ejan Mackaay is able to bridge over the common and the civil law traditions, illustrating the theory with cases and examples taken from both North American and European legal systems. The rigor of the analysis is accompanied by illuminating discussions, covering both historical developments and up-to-date policy debates.’
- 意大利博洛尼亚大学Luigi Alberto Franzoni
‘In this book, Professor Mackaay provides a wonderfully lucid and insightful elucidation of law and economics concepts as applied to civil law systems. Professor Mackaay’s new book will substantially advance the study of economic analysis of law in civil law jurisdictions, as well as substantially enhancing opportunities for comparative law and economics research by scholars in common law jurisdictions.’
- 迈克尔·特雷比尔科克(Michael Trebilcock),加拿大多伦多大学
内容:前言简介第一部分:基础1.个人决策2.风险和保险3.人类互动4.市场订单5.政治秩序6.黑市第二部分:法律机构7. COASE定理8.财产8.财产和真实权利9.知识产权10.超额合同的民事责任11.合同结论指数