Multinational Corporations


Multinational Corporations

9781852781927 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Mark Casson, Professor of Economics and Director, Centre for Institutions and Economic History, University of Reading, UK
Publication Date:1990 ISBN:978 1 85278 192 7 Extent:640 pp
这本书提供了一个宝贵的先进的survey of the most important work on multinational corporations. It includes the first English translation of a key work by Stephen Hymer which transforms our understanding of the evolution of the modern theory of multinational corporations. The integration of multinationals into theories of trade and factor movements is an underlying theme. There is an extensive review of the comparative performance of American, Japanese and European multinationals, within an historical perspective.

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这本书提供了一个宝贵的先进的survey of the most important work on multinational corporations. It includes the first English translation of a key work by Stephen Hymer which transforms our understanding of the evolution of the modern theory of multinational corporations. The integration of multinationals into theories of trade and factor movements is an underlying theme. There is an extensive review of the comparative performance of American, Japanese and European multinationals, within an historical perspective.
Critical Acclaim
‘In one book a reader can find almost everything relevant. . . . a highly recommended reading for all those dealing with MNEs.’
– Marjan Svetlicic, CICD, Development and South Side Cooperation

‘. . . a useful reference for anyone interested in understanding the multinational corporation.’
– Stephen Thomson, The World Economy
Contributors: P.J. Buckley, J.H. Dunning, E.M. Graham, G.K. Helleiner, E.S. Mansfield, R.D. Pearce, A. Romeo


Part I:

Early Analysis

1. S.H. Hymer (1968), 'The Large Multinational "Corporation": An Analysis of Some Motives for the International Integration of Business'
2. J.C. McManus (1972), 'The Theory of the International Firm'

Part II:

Marginalist Analysis of Location and Trade

3. R.N. Batra and R. Ramachandran (1980), 'Multinational Firms and the Theory of International Trade and Investment'
4. D. DeMeza and F. van der Ploeg (1987), 'Production Flexibility as a Motive for Multinationality'

Part III:

Market Structure and Oligopolistic Reaction

5. E.M. Graham (1978), 'Transnational Investment by Multinational Firms: A Rivalistic Phenomenon'
6. E. Helpmann (1984), 'A Simple Theory of International Trade with Multinational Corporations'
7. I. Hortsmann and J.R. Markusen (1987), 'Strategic Investments and the Development of Multinationals'

Part IV:

Technology Transfer: Contractural Alternatives

8. W.H. Davidson and D.G. McFetridge (1984), 'International Technology Transactions and the Theory of the Firm'
9. B. Kogut (1988), 'A Study in the Life Cycle of Joint Ventures'
10. R. Mirus and B. Yeung (1986), 'Economic Incentives for Counterade'

Part V:

Technology Transfer: Resource Costs and Spillover Benefits in the Host Country

11. D.J. Teece (1977), 'Technology Transfer by Multinational Firms: The Resource Cost of Transferring Technological Know-how'
12. J.H. Dunning (1988), 'US and Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates in the UK: Comparisons and Contrasts'
13. M. Blomstrom and H. Persson (1983), 'Foreign Investment and Spillover Efficiency in an Underdeveloped Economy: Evidence from the Mexican Manufacturing Industry'
14. L.T. Wells, Jr. (1983), 'Small-Scale Manufacturing as a Competitive Advantage'

Part VI:

Organization and Location of R & D

15. E.S. Mansfield, D.Teece and A. Romeo (1979), 'Overseas Research and Development by US-based Firms'
16. L. Hakanson (1981), 'Organization and Evolution of Foreign R & D in Swedish Multinationals'
17. R.D. Pearce (1988), 'The Determinants of Overseas R & D by US MNEs; An Analysis of Industry Level Data'

Part VII:

Intra-Firm Trade

18. S. Lall (1978), 'The Pattern of Intra-Firm Exports by US Multinationals'
19. P.J. Buckley and R.D. Pearce (1979), 'Overseas Production and Exporting by the World's Largest Enterprises; A Study in Sourcing Policy'
20. G.K Helleiner and R. Lavergne (1979), 'Intra-Firm Trade and Industrial Exports to the US'
21. D.J. Lecraw (1985), 'Some Evidence on Transfer Pricing by Multinational Corporations'

Part VII:

Offshore Processing and Internationally Rationalized Production

22. R.W. Moxon (1975), 'The Motivation for Investment in Offshore Plants: The Case of the US Electronics Industry'
23. M.C. Casson (1985), 'Multinationals and Intermediate Product Trade'
24. J.A. Cantwell (1987), 'The Reorgansation of European Industries after Integration: Selected Evidence on the Role of Multinational Enterprise Activities'

Part IX:

Marketing, Implicit Contracts, and the Service Sector

25. J. Johanson and L.-G. Mattson (1988), 'Internationalisation in Industrial Systems - A Network Approach'
26. S.J. Nicholas (1983), 'Agency Contracts, Institutional Modes and the Transition to Foreign Direct Investment by British Manufacturing Multinationals before 1939'
27. A.M. Rugman (1987), 'The Firm-Specific Advantages of Canadian Multinationals'
28. J.J. Boddewyn, M.B. Halbrich and A.C. Perry (1986), 'Service Multinationals: Conceptualization, Measurement and Theory'

Part X:

Comparative Organization and Performance

29. M. Wilkins (1988), 'European and North American Multinationals, 1870-1914: Comparisons and Contrasts'
30. A.R. Negandhi (1983), 'External and Internal Functioning of American, German and Japanese Multinational Corporations: Decision-making and Policy Issues'
31.l·j·克雷格(1987), 'The Determinants of Multinational Enterprise: A Comparative Study of the US, Japan, UK, Sweden and West Germany'
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