投稿人:V. Avtonomov、C.P. Baloglou、I. Barens、D. Besomi、J. Cartelier、V. Caspari、C. Dangel-Hagnauer、M. de Cecco、W. Eltis、K. Häuser、O. Issing、J.E. King、R. Klump、D. Laidler、D. Parisi、G. Pavanelli、H. Pruns、A. Raybaut、K.W. Rothschild、B. Schefold、C. Schmidt、E.W. Streissler、G. Vaggi、J. Zweynert
内容:序言绪论第一部分:国际竞争与一体化之间的货币理论与政策从双金属主义到货币主义:数量理论的政治归属转移2。欧洲的经济与货币联盟:政治优先与经济一体化?3.货币理论中的政治因素4。法国的货币改革:20世纪20年代法国经济学家与法郎的稳定5。货币制度的后果:1948年德国货币改革——德国马克和新中央银行制度的诞生及其政治和经济意义第二部分:18世纪法国的经济危机及其伴随的政治经济学革命6。魁奈为应对法国的经济疲软而创作的Tableau Économique 7。权力与财富:魁奈被Tableau出卖Économique?8. Structural Change and Social Transformation in Physiocracy 9. The Kingdom of Ponthiamas - A Physiocratic Model State in Indochina: A Note on the International Exchange of Economic Thought and of Concepts for Economic Reforms in the 18th Century Part III: Co-evolution of Political Ideas and Economic Thought in Different Countries and Periods 10. Cleomenes III's Politico-Economic Reforms in Sparta (235-222 BC) and Cercidas' Economic Thought 11. Economic Theory as Political Philosophy: The Example of the French Enlightenment 12. Economic Theory and Economic Policy in Italy during the Second Half of the Eighteenth and the First Half of the Nineteenth Century 13. Advocacy of Freedom and Justification of Governmental Interference in Western Economic Thought - The Case of Two Liberal Economists: Francesco Ferrara and Henry C. Carey 14. The End of an Era: The Austrian Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie in the Interwar Period Part IV: Political and Economic Continuity and Discontinuity in Russia 15. Patristic Legacies in Russian Economic Thought and their Significance for the Transformation of Russia's Economy and Society 16. Specific Interrelations of Politics and Economics in Russian History Part V: Polar Reactions to the Great Depression 17. The Great Depression in Irving Fisher's Thought 18. Planning for Abundance: Nicholas Kaldor and Joan Robinson on the Socialist Reconstruction of Britain, 1942-45 Part VI: The Jerome Adolphe Blanqui Lecture 19. Harrod's Dynamics in the Making Part VII: The Effects of Political Events on Economic Ideas: A Round Table Discussion Index