Politics of Intellectual Property


Politics of Intellectual Property

Contestation Over the Ownership, Use, and Control of Knowledge and Information

9781848443037 Edward Elgar Publishing
由Sebastia编辑n Haunss, University of Bremen, Germany and Kenneth C. Shadlen, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Publication Date:2009 ISBN:978 1 84844 303 7 Extent:264 pp
This book offers empirical analyses of conflicts over the ownership, control, and use of knowledge and information in developed and developing countries.

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This book offers empirical analyses of conflicts over the ownership, control, and use of knowledge and information in developed and developing countries.

Sebastian Haunss and Kenneth C. Shadlen, along with a collection of eminent contributors, focus on how business organizations, farmers, social movements, legal communities, state officials, transnational enterprises, and international organizations shape IP policies in areas such as health, information-communication technologies, indigenous knowledge, genetic resources, and many others. The innovative and original chapters examine conflicts over the rules governing various dimensions of IP, including patents, copyrights, traditional knowledge, and biosafety regulations.

Written from a political perspective, this book is a must-read for political scientists, sociologists and anthropologists who study IP and conflicts over property. It is also an essential read for stakeholders in institutions, NGOs and industry interested in knowledge governance and IP politics.
Critical Acclaim
‘A much-referenced work. . . remains one of the few books with a broad social sciences perspective on current conflicts over intellectual property policy, with a focus on the national level set within the context of shifting global patterns.’
– Intellectual Property Watch

‘We know much more about the global politics of intellectual property than we do about national political contests over the ownership of knowledge. Haunss and Shadlen have identified this gap in the literature and have done a fine job of bringing together a set of essays that helps to fill this gap in our understanding of the multi-layered nature of intellectual property politics.’
– Peter Drahos, The Australian National University, Canberra

‘This thought-provoking volume provides invaluable new insights and is a major contribution to the debate on the politics of intellectual property rights.’
– Duncan Matthews, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Contributors: L. Bretthauer, S. Francis, S. Haunss, R.J. Herring, M. Kandlikar, L. Kohlmorgen, G. Krikorian, H.V.J. Moir, I. Schneider, K.C. Shadlen, S. Thambisetty

1. Introduction: Rethinking the Politics of Intellectual Property
Sebastian Haunss and Kenneth C. Shadlen

2. The Post-TRIPS Politics of Patents in Latin America
Kenneth C. Shadlen

3. The Politics of Patents: Conditions of Implementation of Public Health Policy in Thailand
Gaëlle Krikorian

4. Illicit Seeds: Intellectual Property and the Underground Proliferation of Agricultural Biotechnologies
Ronald J. Herring and Milind Kandlikar

5. Who Speaks for the Tribe? The Arogyapacha Case in Kerala
Sabil Francis

6. Lobbying or Politics? Political Claims Making in IP Conflicts
Sebastian Haunss and Lars Kohlmorgen

7. Can Patent Legislation Make a Difference? Bringing Parliaments and Civil Society into Patent Governance
Ingrid Schneider

8. Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Movie Industry: Contemporary Political Conflicts in Germany
Lars Bretthauer

9. Who Benefits? An Empirical Analysis of Australian and US Patent Ownership
Hazel V.J. Moir

10. Timing, Continuity, and Change in the Patent System
Sivaramjani Thambisetty

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