Strategies for Sustainable Technologies and Innovations


Strategies for Sustainable Technologies and Innovations

9781781006825 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by John R. McIntyre, Professor & Executive Director, CIBER, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology, US, Silvester Ivanaj, Professor, ICN Business School, CEREFIGE and Vera Ivanaj, Associate Professor, ENSIC, Université de Lorraine, CEREFIGE, Nancy, France
Publication Date:2013 ISBN:978 1 78100 682 5 Extent:336 pp
Expert contributions examine the contextual factors that affect implementation of more sustainable technology and innovation practices, offering a number of empirical methodologies to describe and explain these multidimensional influences. What emerges is a compelling argument in favor of balanced strategies that merge profitability concerns with ecological consciousness, allowing for controlled sustainable development and stable, long-term economic success. Discussion of companies in both developed and emerging countries makes this book useful on a truly global scale.

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Corporations across the world are becoming increasingly aware of the threat of environmental degradation and the growing importance of sustainable business practices. This raises a vital question: How can for-profit firms (and other profit-conscious enterprises such as government organizations) implement more environmentally friendly policies without sacrificing profitability? This innovative volume tackles that complex question, offering detailed recommendations for making strategic technological choices that are economically advantageous, ecologically sustainable and socially responsible.

Expert contributions examine the contextual factors that affect implementation of more sustainable technology and innovation practices, offering a number of empirical methodologies to describe and explain these multidimensional influences. What emerges is a compelling argument in favor of balanced strategies that merge profitability concerns with ecological consciousness, allowing for controlled sustainable development and stable, long-term economic success. Discussion of companies in both developed and emerging countries makes this book useful on a truly global scale.

Students and professors of business, management studies and economics will find much to admire in this path-breaking volume. Managers, policymakers and other practitioners will also benefit greatly from this book’s timely and insightful recommendations.
Critical Acclaim
‘There is no debate about the fact that a “business as usual” approach is an environmentally unsustainable one. Given the magnitude of the environmental challenges the world faces today, extensive changes in corporate strategies and significant innovation advances are absolutely necessary if we are to avoid substantial decreases in our quality of living. This set of internationally recognized authors provides some fresh and informative perspectives on this topic along with a path for a more sustainable future.’
– Mark Ferguson, University of South Carolina, US
Contributors: G. Abu-Lebdeh, R. Bardy, S. Beheiry, S. Berger-Douce, S.M. Bhāle, S. Bhāle, S. Bioly, C. Gendron, R. Guimaraes, T. Houé, S. Ivanaj, V. Ivanaj, S. Kakoty, R.N. Kar, M. Klumpp, G. Le Boulch, T. Machiba, M. Massaro, J.R. McIntyre, R. Oudghiri, T. Sagafi-nejad, C. Schmitt, P. Shrivastava, S. Zelewski


1. Sustainable Innovation Responses to Global Climate Change
Paul Shrivastava

2. Understanding Eco-innovation for Enabling a Green Industry Transformation
Tomoo Machiba

3. Sustainable Development through Innovation? A Social Challenge
Corinne Gendron

4. Appraisal of Corporate Governance Norms: Evidence from Indian Corporate Enterprises
Rabi Narayan Kar

5. Codes of Conduct and Other Multilateral Control Systems for Multinationals: Has the Time Come – Again?
Tagi Sagafi-nejad

6. Appropriate Technology Movement
Sanjeeb Kakoty

7. Eco-social Business in Developing Countries: The Case for Sustainable Use of Resources in Unstable Environments
Roland Bardy and Maurizio Massaro

8. Entrepreneurship Development at a Small Scale: A Key to Sustainable Economic Development
Sanjay Bhāle and Sudeep Bhāle

9. Entrepreneur Profile and Sustainable Innovation Strategy
Sandrine Berger-Douce and Christophe Schmitt

10. Benchmarking Sustainable Construction Technology in the Building and Transportation Sectors
Salwa Beheiry and Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh

11. The Eco-logistics Improvement in France: Towards a Global Consideration of Inland Waterway Transport Within the Supply Chain Strategy
Thierry Houé and Renato Guimaraes

12. Integrating Sustainability and Technology Innovation in Logistics Management
Matthias Klumpp, Sascha Bioly and Stephan Zelewski

13. Sustainable Development, a New Source of Inspiration for Marketing Innovation? Focus on Five Major Trends and One Innovative Project in Customer Relationship Marketing
Gaël Le Boulch and Rémy Oudghiri

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