


9781840643398 爱德华伊利加出版社
Publication Date:2001 ISBN:978 1 84064 339 8 程度:424 pp.
这个优秀的书籍侧重于经济学如何能够为创造“正确”环境保护奖励的法律制度的设计,实施和评估有助于创造的法律制度。16个原创和专门委托的捐款 - 由他们的领域中的一些领先姓名撰写 - 跨越了许多当代兴趣和雇用案例研究材料的重要领域,结合了理论,实证和实验研究。


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这个优秀的书籍侧重于经济学如何能够为创造“正确”环境保护奖励的法律制度的设计,实施和评估有助于创造的法律制度。16个原创和专门委托的捐款 - 由他们的领域中的一些领先姓名撰写 - 跨越了许多当代兴趣和雇用案例研究材料的重要领域,结合了理论,实证和实验研究。

The book addresses many topical issues including: the fundamental notions of property rights and social norms; the design and implementation of civil liability regimes; the use of criminal law as an instrument of environmental policy; the role that citizen suits, self-monitoring and self-enforcement could and should play in the implementation of law; the international harmonisation of environmental law; and the treatment of environmental damages in courts. Cutting-edge economic technique is motivated by, and articulates with, real and pressing policy debates. The contributors refer to a range of legal cases and policy decisions, and draw out a host of policy implications and prescriptions for settings as diverse as Superfund reform in the US and the harmonisation of landfill regulations in the European Union.

By combining incisive overviews of the latest thinking and results, complemented by original analysis, The Law and Economics of the Environment will appeal to researchers and students of the environment, law and economics, policy practitioners and those with an interest in knowing what constitutes ‘good’ environmental law.
– David Hadley, The Economic Journal

‘The exploration of the basic economics of externalities and the basic common law doctrines and institutions for dealing with externalities constitute a "first generation" of economic analysis of environmental law. The present book of essays illustrates the "second generation" of economic analysis of environmental law. The fundamental economic issues, and the common law, are no longer the focus. The lessons of the "first generation" have been absorbed and transcended. The focus has shifted to the level of application, which is the level at which the economist and the lawyer-economist can best hope to influence policy. We are making progress and the essays in this volume will do much to assure that progress continues.’
- 来自Foreword By Richard A. Posner,美国七巡回赛和芝加哥大学法院的上诉法院

- 汤姆Tietenberg,科尔比大学,缅因州,美国
贡献者:A. Alberini,D. Austin,J. Boyd,M. Boyer,R.T.卡森,D.J.查普曼,M.A.Cohen,P.K.Freeman,M. Hanemann,W. Harrington,A. Heyes,T.M.Hurley,D. Ingberman,R. Innes,H.C。Kunreuther,T.R.刘易斯,r.c。米切尔,C.v.菲利普斯,D. Porrini,R.A.Posner,T.A. Rhoads, D.E.M. Sappington, C. Settle, J.F. Shogren, H. Sigman, R.T. Smith, H. van Egteren, R.J. Zeckhauser
内容: Preface 1. Law and Economics of the Environment: An Overview 2. Coasean Bargaining in Collaborative Environmental Policy 3. The Vertical Extension of Environmental Liability through Chains of Ownership, Contract and Supply 4. Horizontal Vicarious Liability 5. Liability Policy and Toxic Pollution Releases 6. The Economics of Clean-up and Implications for Legal Design 7. Environmental Liability in Practice: Liability for Clean-up of Contaminated Sites under Superfund 8. Self-enforcement of Environmental Law 9. The Theory of Penalties: ‘Leverage’ and ‘Dealing’ 10. Criminal Law as an Instrument of Environmental Policy: Theory and Empirics 11. Citizen Suits 12. Law versus Regulation: A Political Economy Model of Instrument Choice in Environmental Policy 13. International Harmonization of Environmental Law: Theory with Application to the European Union 14. Insurability, Environmental Risks and the Law 15. Environmental Damages in Court: The American Trader Case 16. Protest, Property Rights and Hazardous Waste: A Reassessment Index
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