



9780857935908 Edward Elgar Publishing
科罗拉多州立大学经济学名誉教授Terutomo Ozawa,美国哥伦比亚商学院日本经济与商业中心研究助理
发布日期:2011 ISBN:978 0 85793 590 8 Extent:256 pp
Terutomo Ozawa introduces a newly reformulated theory of ‘flying-geese’ economic development, exploring Asia’s dynamic growth and financial development. This unique book shows how the flying-geese theory can be expanded and applied to both the real- and the financial-sector structural transformation of regionally clustered economies.

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Critical Acclaim
Terutomo Ozawa introduces a newly reformulated theory of ‘flying-geese’ economic development, exploring Asia’s dynamic growth and financial development. This unique book shows how the flying-geese theory can be expanded and applied to both the real- and the financial-sector structural transformation of regionally clustered economies.

The author explores an array of concepts – from the ladder of economic development and hegemon-led growth clustering, through ‘stages jumbling’, to comparative advantage recycling and the Ricardo-Hicksian limits of industrialism – which together help bring an understanding of the dynamics of tandem growth and regional agglomeration in Asia. The book also investigates the causal mechanisms of structural upgrading and emphasizes the critical role of multinational corporations. Throughout this wide-reaching analysis, Terutomo Ozawa advocates a ‘flying-geese’ way of thinking—that is, to think of Asia’s phenomenal growth in hierarchical, dialectical, and evolutionary terms.

In a new era of rapid globalization and rising economic nationalism, this timely and insightful book will appeal strongly to scholars and students of international business, economics, political science, and international relations. Those specializing on Asia will find it of particular value.
Critical Acclaim
‘在许多方面,奥扎瓦都是政治经济的先驱。。。Ozawa通过将经济发展的每个阶段分解为小,更精确的问题,展示了他对这个话题的广泛理解。。。奥扎瓦(Ozawa)的庞大经济,历史和哲学知识在本书中闪耀。。。为经济发展的主题带来了急需的多方面观点。 It is written as clearly as economic theory can be, and although it is clearly intended for an academic (political-economy) readership, it is a useful book for the general public as well.’
- 阿德丽娜·布拉克(Adelina Bulak),中欧国际和安全研究杂志

‘…奥扎瓦(Ozawa)的新书《亚洲崛起》(Rish of Asia)是新鲜空气。。。从生产或实际经济转变为金融或货币经济。。。Ozawa [也]提出了与生产经济阶段有关的付款平衡理论的创新阶段。。。此外,这本书不仅分析了重大趋势和重大政策问题,而且在本科生和普通读者中可以访问的是非常清晰和优雅的散文中。’
– Robert H. Wade, London School of Economics, Winner of the 2008 Leontief Prize in Economics, reviewed in Asia Policy

‘Ozawa再次打破了重新制定飞行理论的新基础。。。对于任何采用FG参考框架以理解和研究 - 在不断壮大的一体化时代,这本发人深省的书是一本必须与上一本书一起阅读的。’
- 来自kiyoshi kojima的前言
内容:前言序言第一部分:议程1.飞行理论是passé还是仍然相关?Part II: Real-Sector Growth: Industrial Upgrading 2. Akamatsu’s Flying-Geese Theory – in the Rough 3. A Dynamic Stages Model of Structural Upgrading, Industrial Transplantation, and Knowledge Diffusion 4. Comparative Advantage Recycling in Labor-Driven Growth: An Unprecedented Opportunity for the Poor to Rise? 5. Structural Upgrading, Infrastructure Development, and Insatiable Quest for Natural Resources 6. The Asian Model for Latin America? A Tale of Two Regions Part III: Money/Finance Dimension 7. Borrowed Growth: Balance of Payments, Capital Flows, and Development Finance 8. Creating the World in America’s Own Image? Bibliography Index