链接和斯科特在新技术的社会价值上组装了他们的开创性工作。The first paper provides a general, hands-on overview of the theory and practice of program evaluation, while remaining chapters go on to focus on a number of public sector programs ranging from the U.S. Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research program to Canada’s programs to support the development of medical imaging technology. The authors demonstrate that this area of research is relevant not only to established scholars and practitioners, but also to students.
链接和斯科特在新技术的社会价值上组装了他们的开创性工作。The first paper provides a general, hands-on overview of the theory and practice of program evaluation, while remaining chapters go on to focus on a number of public sector programs ranging from the U.S. Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research program to Canada’s programs to support the development of medical imaging technology. The authors demonstrate that this area of research is relevant not only to established scholars and practitioners, but also to students.
贡献者包括:S.D. Allen, D.B. Audretsch, B.M. Downs, L.M. Hillier, D.P. Leech, S.K. Layson, A.N. Link, A.C. O 'Connor, J.T. Scott
内容:1。第一部分引言反事实评价方法二。公共部门研发的理论与实践Baldrige国家质量计划的经济评价质量的社会价值:鲍德里奇卓越绩效计划的经济评价公共投资对医疗影像技术的影响:评估中的跨部门合作第二部分:溢出评估方法6。公共/私营伙伴关系:在充满活力的市场中促进竞争融资和利用公共/私营伙伴关系:降低障碍拍卖新英格兰小型企业创新研究项目评估:快车道项目与非快车道项目东南各州小企业创新研究快速通道项目评估第三部分其他评估方法 Cost-Benefit Analysis for Global Public-Private Partnerships: An Evaluation of the Desirability of Intergovernmental Organizations Entering into Public-Private Partnerships 11. Evaluating Public Sector R&D Programs: The Advanced Technology Program’s Investment in Wavelength References for Optical Fiber Communications 12. Intelligent Machine Technology and Productivity Growth 13. Public Gains from Entrepreneurial Research: Inferences about the Economic Value of Public Support of the Small Business Innovation Research Program 14. Public/Private Technology Partnerships: Evaluating SBIR-Supported Research Index