Experimenting with Unconditional Basic Income


Experimenting with Unconditional Basic Income

Lessons from the Finnish BI Experiment 2017-2018

9781839104848 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
Edited by Olli Kangas, Director, Equal Society Strategic Research Programme, Academy of Finland and Professor of Practice, Department of Social Research, University of Turku, Signe Jauhiainen, Senior Researcher, Miska Simanainen, Researcher, Research Unit, Social Insurance Institution of Finland and Minna Ylikännö, Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Adjunct Professor, Department of Social Research, University of Turku, Finland
Publication Date:2021 ISBN:978 1 83910 484 8 程度:224 pp
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This insightful book provides a comprehensive analysis of the nationwide randomised Finnish basic income experiment 2017 to 2018, from planning and implementation through to the end results. It presents the background of the social policy system in which the experiment was implemented and details the narratives of the planning process alongside its constraints, as well as a final evaluation of the results.


Offering important lessons on the planning and implementation of such experiments in a developed welfare state, this unique book will be a vital resource for scholars and students of social policy, welfare economics, basic security and basic income.
‘The editors of this brilliant volume argue that basic income is the “money of trust”. Basic income advocates and critics alike will read this book to unpack and correct the media portrait of an ambitious experiment designed to determine the extent to which we can or should trust one another and our social institutions. Researchers will be, by turns, fascinated and terrified by the “politics” of conducting controversial social experiments on vulnerable human beings under the gaze of the international media.’
– Evelyn L. Forget, University of Manitoba, Canada

‘在发达国家,从来没有像在2017 - 2018年在芬兰进行的真正基本收入实验一样。这本书是对其结果及其局限性,对其所面临的政治限制及其所产生的政治影响的非常有用,毫无意义的多学科分析。在全球建立,倡导或研究基本收入实验的许多人中,没有人能够忽略它。’
– Philippe Van Parijs, University of Louvain, Belgium and Basic Income Earth Network

- 比利时鲁汶大学Wim van Oorschot

Contributors: Helena Blomberg, Signe Jauhiainen, Olli Kangas, Christian Kroll, Maarit Lassander, Katja Mäkkylä, Mikko Niemelä, Miska Simanainen, Laura Tarkiainen, Anna-Kaisa Tuovinen, Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson, Minna Ylikännö

experiment 1
Olli Kangas, Signe Jauhiainen, Miska Simanainen and Minna Ylikännö
2 The Finnish social security system: Background to the
Olli Kangas and Miska Simanainen
3 Making of the Finnish basic income experiment 18
Olli Kangas
experiment 37
Anna-Kaisa Tuovinen
5 Evaluation of the experiment 44
Signe Jauhiainen, Olli Kangas, Miska Simanainen and Minna Ylikännö
6 Basic income and employment 55
MinnaYlikännö和Olli Kangas
7 Subjective health, well-being and cognitive capabilities 71
Miska Simanainen and Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson
8 Financial well-being in basic income experiment 89
Maarit Lassander和Signe Jauhiainen
9 The bureaucracy of claiming benefits 106
Miska Simanainen
10 Trust, capabilities, confidence and basic income 117
Olli Kangas, Minna Ylikännö and Mikko Niemelä
Miska Simanainen and Olli Kangas
12 Life on basic income – Interview accounts by basic income
Helena Blomberg,Christian Kroll和Laura Tarkiainen
Katja Mäkkylä
Olli Kangas

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