Handbook of Intuition Research as Practice


Handbook of Intuition Research as Practice

9781803921525 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Marta Sinclair, Senior Lecturer, Griffith University, Australia
Publication Date:2022 ISBN:978 1 80392 152 5 Extent:352 pp
怎么能直觉研究有限公司m practice? As the use of intuition in business has become more widely accepted, companies struggle to understand how to use this additional resource efficiently, while corporate trainers and university educators lack tools to develop it as a skill. This truly international Handbook provides relevant answers in a concise, digestible format using real-life examples and new research.

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怎么能直觉研究有限公司m practice? As the use of intuition in business has become more widely accepted, companies struggle to understand how to use this additional resource efficiently, while corporate trainers and university educators lack tools to develop it as a skill. This truly international Handbook provides relevant answers with:

• chapters by academics and practitioners, written in a concise, digestible format to make it accessible to non-academic readers

• empirical studies from multiple industry/service sectors that demonstrate an integrated use of intuition and analysis in decision making

• studies from industry and education that demonstrate how to develop intuition, including a ground-breaking research in problem solving

• non-Western perspectives illustrated on case studies from Japan and China

• use of language protocols/methods to bring intuition into our awareness

• new research into group/collective intuition (based on language analysis and quantum physics)

• research related to sensing and sense making.

Due to its focus on bridging theory and practice, the Handbook is of value not only to academics and organizational researchers but also to industry professionals, corporate trainers and university educators who search for answers on how to incorporate intuition into a common skill set. Accessible in style, it will also appeal to educated business readers.
Critical Acclaim
‘As a culmination of more than a decade of research into the role of intuition in organizational settings, Marta Sinclair’s latest Handbook “brings the chickens home” by emphasizing the practical effects of intuition. Moreover, with contributions spanning 18 different countries, the international scope of volume is especially remarkable.’
– Neal Ashkanasy, The University of Queensland, Australia
Contributors: A. Antonietti, B.T. Bakken, A. Bas, D. Biščak, R.T. Bradley, H. Cairns-Lee, B. Colombo, V. Dörfler, M. Egorov, A.N. Gani, S. Germagnoli, J. Gibb, L.M. Gillin, M. Goller, M. Grant, A. Größler, T. Hærem, C. Harteis, S. Henwood, P. Iannello, L. Isenman, K. Isomura, A. Kobayashi, G. Lufityanto, N. Meziani, F. Nilsson, A.-C. Nordvall, A. Pircher Verdorfer, J. Pretz, A. Price, M. Sinclair, G. Soosalu, B. Steffen, S. Streukens, S. Teerikangas, M. Turunen, L. Välikangas, A.C.R. van Riel, M. Wang, X. Wang, K. White, J. Woiceshyn, K. Zulkosky

Introduction – New advances in intuition research
Marta Sinclair

PART 1 – Intuition as Part of an Integrated Approach to Decision Making
1. Intuiting and reasoning: facilitating subconscious and conscious processing for better decisions in organizations
Jaana Woiceshyn

2. Adaptive decision making processes in crisis management
Bjorn T. Bakken and Thorvald Haerem

3. Nursing students' decision making in clinical simulation
Jean E. Pretz, Amanda L. Price, Kristen D. Zulkosky and Krista A. White

4. The use of intuitive expertise in acquisition-making: an explorative study
Michael Grant, Fredrik Nilsson and Anna-Carin Nordvall

5. Uncovering opportunity: expert vs. novice entrepreneurs' use of intuitive and analytical decision-making
Mingyang Wang and Jenny Gibb

6. Investigating entrepreneurial use of intuition and rationality in decision-making: a QCA approach
Ariel Nian Gani, Allard C. R. van Riel, Sandra Streukens and Andreas Grössler

7. Presence of intuition in the process of strategic decision-making
Delfina Biščak

PART 2 – Different Roles of Affect in Intuiting
8. What is feeling, and how does it function in intuition?
Lois Isenman

9. Psychophysical measurement of intuition
Galang Lufityanto

10. Exploring intuition and decision-making across the 'three brains'
Grant Soosalu and Suzanne Henwood

11. Are all intuitions the same? Or does it depend on the factor that triggers them?
Marta Sinclair

12. Moral intuition and moral leader development
Maxim Egorov and Armin Pircher Verdorfer

PART 3 – Cultural and Collective Views on Intuition
13. Japanese style of "Genbaism": combining intuitive, logical, and holistic thinking through experience
Kazuhito Isomura and Akihiko Kobayashi

14. "Wuity" - the proposed third cognitive model for mindful creative problem solving: a case study of two Chinese aerospace projects
Xin Wang

15. Group intuition and intentionality: collective action at-a-distance?
Raymond Trevor Bradley

16. Resourcing intuition in practice
Satu Teerikangas, Marja Turunen and Liisa Välikangas

17. Facilitating intuitive decision making and an entrepreneurial mindset in corporate culture – a case study
L.Murray Gillin

18. The contribution of mental simulation to the development of intuition
Bianca Steffen, Michael Goller and Christian Harteis

19. Enhancing intuition in problem solving through problem finding
Paola Iannello, Barbara Colombo, Serena Germagnoli and Alessandro Antonietti

PART 5 – Researching Intuition from New Perspectives
20. Talking intuitions into existence: the role of ventriloquism figures
Nora Meziani

21. Researching intuition through metaphor
Heather Cairns-Lee

22. Intuition: scientific, non-scientific or unscientific?
Viktor Dörfler and Alina Bas


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