
  1. Add to Wish List International Family Law

    International Family Law

    Edited by Ann Laquer Estin
    This collection canvasses the growing literature on international family law, extending from the traditional private law governing cross-border families, to multi-lateral treaties on subjects such as child abduction and intercountry adop...
    Hardback (October 2016)

    List price$1,087.00

    Member price$978.30

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  2. Add to Wish List Advanced Introduction to Public Choice

    Advanced Introduction to Public Choice

    Randall G. Holcombe
    Using public choice economic methods, this Advanced Introduction presents a focused narrative about political decision-making based on the work that has defined the discipline. Each chapter ends with a Notes section to discuss the resear...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$33.95

    Member price$27.16

    Hardback (2016)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

  3. Add to Wish List Advanced Introduction to Nationalism

    Advanced Introduction to Nationalism

    Liah Greenfeld
    This original Introduction presents nationalism as the most important social force shaping the ways modern people live their lives. It explains the formative influence of nationalism in the public spheres of politics and the economy, as ...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$29.95

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    Hardback (2016)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00



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  4. Add to Wish List Economics of Research and Development

    Economics of Research and Development

    Edited by Bronwyn H. Hall
    Economics of Research and Development is a collection of the major readings in the development of this topic, from its origins in the work of Kenneth Arrow, Robert Solow, and Zvi Griliches to present day concerns with the financing of R&...
    Hardback (2016)

    List price$552.00

    Member price$496.80

  5. Add to Wish List 的Fundamentals of Contract Law and Clauses

    的Fundamentals of Contract Law and Clauses

    Nancy S. Kim
    This accessible textbook helps students learn essential transactional skills by explaining the meaning and purpose of common contract clauses and exploring some potential pitfalls associated with their use. Nancy Kim utilizes select cas...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$49.95

    Member price$39.96

    Hardback (2016)

    List price$158.00

    Member price$142.20

  6. Add to Wish List European Energy Law and Policy

    European Energy Law and Policy

    Heiko Krüger
    EU energy law and policy have become more and more complex in recent years. Today these areas feature a multitude of layers concerning not only regulation of the power industry, but also security of energy supply, climate change, consume...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$49.95

    Member price$39.96

    Hardback (2016)

    List price$158.00

    Member price$142.20

  7. Add to Wish List Enforcement of Environmental Law

    Enforcement of Environmental Law

    Edited by Ludwig Krämer
    It is becoming ever more apparent that the enforcement of environmental law is a key problem of environmental law and policy. While the number of legal instruments at international, European and national level continues to increase, the ...
    Hardback (2016)

    List price$535.00

    Member price$481.50

  8. Add to Wish List 再保险gulation and Governance of Financial Institutions

    再保险gulation and Governance of Financial Institutions

    Edited by James R. Barth, Ross Levine
    This two-volume collection contains fifty influential articles published over the past four decades on the regulation and governance of financial institutions. Some contribute by making theoretical advances that enhance the conceptual fr...
    Hardback (August 2016)

    List price$1,021.00

    Member price$918.90

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  9. Add to Wish List Essential Texts in International Law

    Essential Texts in International Law

    Stefan Talmon
    Essential Texts in International Law draws together the most important documents needed for the study of international law in a uniquely handy, user-friendly format. Unlike most other texts of this nature, the documents are organised a...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$35.95

    Member price$28.76

    Hardback (2016)

    List price$210.00

    Member price$189.00

  10. Add to Wish List Global Public Goods

    Global Public Goods

    Edited by Inge Kaul
    Global and transnational challenges figure ever more prominently on national and international policy agendas and are increasingly analysed as global public goods (GPGs). This timely collection, which includes contributions by eminent sc...
    Hardback (2016)

    List price$478.00

    Member price$430.20

  11. Add to Wish List EU Transportation Law Volume I: Brussels Commentary on EU Maritime Transport Law

    EU Transportation Law Volume I: Brussels Commentary on EU Maritime Transport Law

    Edited by Henning Jensen, Michael Jürgen Werner
    This book was originally published by Claeys and Casteels, now formally part of Edward Elgar Publishing. The Brussels Commentary on EU Maritime Law provides a comprehensive article-by-article analysis of the most relevant EU Regulation...
    Hardback (July 2016)

    List price$418.00

    Member price$376.20

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  12. Add to Wish List Advanced Introduction to Corporate Venturing

    Advanced Introduction to Corporate Venturing

    Robert D. Hisrich
    在这种独特又新颖先进的介绍,Robert Hisrich pinpoints the essential principles of forging a new venture in an existing corporate context. In this environment, starting and operating a new business includes considera...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$33.95

    Member price$27.16

    Hardback (2016)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

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