Business and Management

  1. Add to Wish List Gender and the Dysfunctional Workplace

    Gender and the Dysfunctional Workplace

    Edited by Suzy Fox, Terri R. Lituchy
    Dysfunction in the workplace, like a bully culture, affects women and men differently. This book represents a broad spectrum of disciplines including law, management, communications, human resource management and industrial/organizationa...
    精装(居ne 2012)

    List price$132.00

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  2. Add to Wish List Technological Entrepreneurship in China

    Technological Entrepreneurship in China

    Edited by Claudio Petti
    Bringing technologies to the market, thereby creating profits, high-qualified jobs and industrial upgrading is one of the means by which China can fuel its brand new growth model based on innovation and sustainability. Much is known abou...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price$132.00

    Member price$118.80

  3. Add to Wish List International Research Handbook on Successful Women Entrepreneurs

    International Research Handbook on Successful Women Entrepreneurs

    Edited by Sandra L. Fielden, Marilyn J. Davidson
    This informative Handbook examines successful women small business owners in both developed and emergent countries around the globe and, in particular, focuses on women entrepreneur success stories.
    Paperback (2012)

    List price$61.95

    Member price$49.56

    Hardback (November 2010)

    List price$213.00

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  4. Add to Wish List Water Accounting

    Water Accounting

    Edited by Jayne M. Godfrey, Keryn Chalmers
    21世纪最紧迫的全球性问题之一century is the scarcity of water of a quantity appropriate to ensure economic, environmental and social sustainability. In addressing the issue through policy and management, of critical...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price$168.00

    Member price$151.20

  5. Add to Wish List Transnational Environmental Governance

    Transnational Environmental Governance

    Lars H. Gulbrandsen
    In recent years a wide range of non-state certification programs have emerged to address environmental and social problems associated with the extraction of natural resources. This book provides a general analytical framework for assessi...
    Paperback (May 2012)

    List price$53.95

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    Hardback (September 2010)

    List price$133.00

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  6. Add to Wish List Corporate Governance after the Financial Crisis

    Corporate Governance after the Financial Crisis

    由p . m . Vasudev编辑苏珊•沃森
    The financial crisis of 2008–09 raises questions about the assumptions that underpin corporate governance. Shareholder value and private ordering may not in fact be the best means of promoting efficiency and corporate responsibility and ...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price$163.00

    Member price$146.70

  7. Add to Wish List Innovation and Institutional Embeddedness of Multinational Companies

    Innovation and Institutional Embeddedness of Multinational Companies

    Edited by Martin Heidenreich
    Multinational companies are crucial actors in a global knowledge-based economy, combining the advantages of global and locally coordinated production and innovation strategies with specific regional and national factors. This book questi...
    Hardback (May 2012)

    List price$184.00

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  8. Add to Wish List Minorities in Entrepreneurship

    Minorities in Entrepreneurship

    Glenice j·伍德,玛丽莲·j·戴维森,桑德拉·l . Fielden
    Although there is an expanding body of literature on the characteristics, aspirations, motivations, challenges and barriers of mainstream entrepreneurs, relatively little is known about whether these findings can be applied to the entrep...
    Hardback (April 2012)

    List price$133.00

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  9. Add to Wish List International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work

    International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work

    Edited by Alain Klarsfeld
    Managing and developing diversity is on the political and business agenda in many countries; therefore diversity management has become an area of knowledge and practice in its own right. Yet all too often it is referred to as a unifying ...
    Paperback (March 2012)

    List price$75.95

    Member price$60.76

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    Hardback (2010)

    List price$240.00

    Member price$216.00

  10. Add to Wish List The Automotive Industry in an Era of Eco-Austerity

    The Automotive Industry in an Era of Eco-Austerity

    Peter E. Wells
    This unique book seeks to combine economic analysis with the environmental research to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the forces that shape change in the automotive industry. It eschews the usual focus on technologies, and gi...
    Paperback (March 2012)

    List price$53.95

    Member price$43.16

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    Hardback (2010)

    List price$133.00

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  11. Add to Wish List Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Research

    Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Research

    Edited by Karen D. Hughes, Jennifer E. Jennings
    Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Research responds to recent calls from academic researchers and policy analysts alike to pay greater attention to the diversity and heterogeneity among women entrepreneurs. Drawing together studies by 26 r...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price$147.00

    Member price$132.30

  12. Add to Wish List The New Knowledge Workers

    The New Knowledge Workers

    Dariusz Jemielniak
    This critical ethnographic study of knowledge workers and knowledge-intensive organization workplaces focuses on the issues of timing and schedules, the perception of formality and trust and distrust in software development as well as mo...
    Hardback (March 2012)

    List price$124.00

    Member price$111.60

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