
Strategic Management

  1. Add to Wish List Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management

    Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management

    Edited by Jacob D. Rendtorff, Maria Bonnafous-Boucher
    This Encyclopedia provides a comprehensive overview of the most important concepts of stakeholder theory and management in business and public administration. It identifies that stakeholders are essential for value-creation in democratic...
    Hardback (February 2023)

    List price$385.00

    Member price346.50美元

    Not yet published
  2. Add to Wish List Elgar Encyclopedia of Services

    Elgar Encyclopedia of Services

    Edited by Faïz Gallouj, Camal Gallouj, Marie-Christine Monnoyer, Luis Rubalcaba
    The Encyclopedia of Services is a ground-breaking resource that offers a unique overview of what constitutes the main source of wealth and employment in our contemporary economies, namely services.

    List price$285.00

    Member price$256.50

    Not yet published
  3. Add to Wish List Understanding the Dynamics of Language and Multilingualism in Professional Contexts

    Understanding the Dynamics of Language and Multilingualism in Professional Contexts

    Edited by Philippe Lecomte, Mary Vigier, Claudine Gaibrois, Betty Beeler
    This book provides readers with the latest research on the dynamics of language and language diversity in professional contexts. Bringing together novel findings from a range of disciplines, it challenges practitioners and management sch...

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

    Not yet published
  4. Add to Wish List The Footballization of China

    The Footballization of China

    Sten Söderman
    In this unique book, Sten Söderman explores the prospect of China reaching its goal of hosting the 2050 World Cup. Söderman takes into consideration China’s size, resources, traditions and political system to ask what needs to be done an...

    List price$100.00

    Member price$90.00

    Not yet published
  5. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on Strategic Communication

    Research Handbook on Strategic Communication

    Edited by Jesper Falkheimer, Mats Heide
    Strategic communication as a research field and a professional practice is becoming increasingly relevant for organizations. Bringing together contributions from almost 60 leading international scholars, this dynamic Research Handbook on...

    List price$300.00

    Member price$270.00

    Not yet published
  6. Add to Wish List A Research Agenda for Strategic Human Resource Management

    A Research Agenda for Strategic Human Resource Management

    Edited by Peter D. Sherer
    This enlightening Research Agenda considers the latest developments within the world of work, arguing that the time is right to address the variety of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and arrangements.
    Hardback (November 2022)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

    Not yet published
  7. Add to Wish List Handbook of Research Methods for Supply Chain Management

    Handbook of Research Methods for Supply Chain Management

    Edited by Stephen Childe, Anabela Soares
    Written by a panel of leading international researchers, this Handbook identifies the key topics for research in supply chain management using an innovative step-by-step approach and provides an extensive range of methodologies for resea...
    Hardback (October 2022)

    List price$310.00

    Member price$279.00

    Not yet published
  8. Add to Wish List A Field Guide to Managing Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Organisations

    A Field Guide to Managing Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Organisations

    Edited by Subas Dhakal, Roslyn Cameron, John Burgess
    Organisations across the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors require active Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) policies and programs, and are increasingly subject to meeting legislative standards around the DEI principles of...
    Hardback (October 2022)

    List price$175.00

    Member price$157.50

    Not yet published
  9. Add to Wish List Resilience and the Management of Nonprofit Organizations

    Resilience and the Management of Nonprofit Organizations

    Dennis R. Young, Elizabeth A.M. Searing
    This timely book examines the serious threats that pandemics, economic recessions, terrorist attacks and other potentially catastrophic events pose to nonprofit organizations. Reliant on donors, regulators, government funders and dedicat...
    Hardback (August 2022)

    List price$110.00

    Member price$99.00

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