
  1. Add to Wish List Pension Systems

    Pension Systems

    Edited by Elsa Fornero, Paolo Sestito
    ‘I recommend this book to all who are interested in European pension systems and ageing-of-the-population problems. The presentation is in a rather accessible non-technical style, so policy and opinion makers should also take notice.’ – ...
    Hardback (2005)

    List price$146.00

    Member price$131.40

  2. Add to Wish List The Economics of Social Policy

    The Economics of Social Policy

    Peter G. Rosner
    ‘This is going to be a most useful book. . . It is sensible, informed, well-argued, and clear, and there is a good balance between theory and the results of empirical research. . . For both teachers and students this will prove to be a v...
    Paperback (2005)

    List price$68.00

    Member price$54.40

    Hardback (2003)

    List price$176.00

    Member price$158.40

  3. Add to Wish List Poverty and Subsidiarity in Europe

    Poverty and Subsidiarity in Europe

    Didier Fourage
    This book focuses on the effects of welfare state arrangements on the dynamics of poverty in Europe. The author contends that the EU is primarily based on economic integration and as a result social policy issues have remained secondary ...
    Hardback (2004)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  4. Add to Wish List The Political Economy of the Voluntary Sector

    The Political Economy of the Voluntary Sector

    Brian E. Dollery, Joe L. Wallis
    ‘This book provides a superb review of the literature on nonprofit organizations and extends the boundaries of our knowledge in a substantial and novel way. In particular, Dollery and Wallis provide a seminal analysis of public policy al...
    Hardback (2004)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  5. Add to Wish List The End of Marriage?

    The End of Marriage?

    Jane Lewis
    在这本书精心认为,简刘易斯的策略les one of the most fraught and contested issues of our time: the contemporary meanings of marriage. The separation of marriage and sex, she argues, has now been followed by the separatio...
    Paperback (2002)

    List price$46.00

    Member price$36.80

  6. Add to Wish List The Global Market for Higher Education

    The Global Market for Higher Education

    Tim Mazzarol, Geoffrey N. Soutar
    ‘Mazzarol and Soutar’s valuable book prompts us to think carefully about what makes for an internationally competitive university sector.’ – Christopher Pokarier, Policy ‘I have enjoyed reading your new book. This is an excellent applic...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  7. Add to Wish List Globalisation and Social Development

    Globalisation and Social Development

    Edited by Ludo Cuyvers
    ‘There is much to commend in this collection of papers to those interested in both globalization per se as well as those interested in economic and social development in South-east Asia.’ – David N. Ashton, Asia Pacific Business Review ...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$170.00

    Member price$153.00

  8. Add to Wish List The Foundations of the Welfare State

    The Foundations of the Welfare State

    Edited by Robert E. Goodin, Deborah Mitchell
    ‘. . . with The Foundations of the Welfare State, the editors have compounded a grand, magisterial collection that will become the standard reference for researchers and teachers.’ – Pieter Vanhuysse, Political Studies ‘At last a refer...
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$989.00

    Member price$890.10

  9. Add to Wish List Globalization and the Welfare State

    Globalization and the Welfare State

    Ramesh Mishra
    ‘This is a short book, with only 152 pages of text, but by comparison with longer and windier texts it is a pleasure to read. Mishra has something to say, and he says it clearly, forcefully and directly . . . one might wish that other wr...
    Paperback (2000)

    List price$46.00

    Member price$36.80

    Hardback (2000)

    List price$134.00

    Member price$120.60

  10. Add to Wish List Education Policy

    Education Policy

    Edited by James Marshall, Michael Peters
    ‘. . . a major piece of work and deserves a wide audience.’ – Justin Dillon, Environmental Education Research ‘As the book presents a rich collection of research in the area, at one place for the convenience of researchers, the scholar...
    Hardback (1999)

    List price$509.00

    Member price$458.10

  11. Add to Wish List Urban Affairs and Urban Policy

    Urban Affairs and Urban Policy

    Anthony Downs
    ‘In short, a valuable book for those interested in the evolution of thinking about urban problems in the United States, and for those seeking a clearly written, logically thought out, compact statement of alternate practically feasible u...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$130.50



    Jane Lewis
    ‘Professor Lewis has made a characteristically crisp contribution both to the history of voluntarism and to the current debate on its future. I particularly like the way in which she identifies both the continuities and the changes in t...
    Hardback (1995)

    List price$132.00

    Member price$118.80

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