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Edited by Martin Heidenreich
‘这本及时的书分析了与欧洲一体化过程相关的重大发展,这可能有助于更好地理解国家不平等,欧洲化过程与日益增长的贬低者之间的相互作用...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Rune Halvorsen, Bjørn Hvinden
‘这本书提供了有关政府如何打击欧洲贫困和社会排斥的广泛和比较的说法。对体积显示强大的理论锚定的贡献,以将复合物的分析扎根...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Integrating Social and Employment Policies in Europe
Edited by Martin Heidenreich, Deborah Rice
‘Though the importance for social outcomes of improved local coordination of social and employment policies is widely acknowledged, it has to date been the object of only limited research in comparative welfare state studies. Based on de...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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‘Williams and Schneider, two of the most respected colleagues in this field have pulled off a fascinating book. This is a resource, which will genuinely benefit a range of actors interested in the informal economy from governments, taxat...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Reflexive Labour Law in the World Society
Ralf Rogowski
‘Rogowski’s challenging book offers readers a rigorous but accessible introduction to the theory of reflexive law, important and original insights into current issues in industrial relations and labour law and a fascinating preview of ho...eBook:Find out more$ 39.96
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Edited by Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead
这是第一本关于危机的影响以及紧缩政策对欧洲社会模式各个元素的影响的全面评估的书。本书评估了每个欧盟成员st的情况...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Colin Crouch
‘Crouch’s new book offers an empirically based up-to-date theory relating governance, egalitarianism, and labor market security in contemporary post-industrial societies. It provides a highly sophisticated, original assessment of modes o...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Labour Markets, Institutions and Inequality
Edited by Janine Berg
‘最近几十年的一个定义特征是,在许多人中,收入不平等的增加,但不是全部,国家,也许在美国和英国最为壮观。统治的解释仍然是一个正统的故事,就是这一切...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Dagmar Schiek
‘在危机时期,在欧洲政治中是至关重要的关键时刻,达格马·希克(Dagmar Schiek)为我们提供了欧洲联盟潜力的鼓舞人心的愿景。在她的出色研究中,她暴露了经济融合的障碍。eBook:Find out more$ 48.80
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由Jason Heyes编辑,Ludek Rychly
The 2008 financial crisis marked the beginning of a prolonged and ongoing period of extreme economic turbulence that has created multiple challenges for both governments and national systems of labour administration. Difficult economic c...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Politics of Structural Reforms
Edited by Hideko Magara, Stefano Sacchi
对于进行经济或政治改革的国家来说,意大利和日本的案件既高度启发又清醒。结构性改革的政治揭示了意大利和日本通过一系列社会和我所获得的。eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Older Workers in an Ageing Society
Edited by Philip Taylor
在世界上大多数主要工业化国家中,延长工作寿命在政策制定者的议程上很高。本书解释了他们如何渴望解决与人口老龄化有关的问题,即P ...的资金。eBook:Find out more$40.00